In Class

After a few seconds woke up from daze and coughed twice hearing his cough everyone turned and saw him standing greeted him good morning and he nodded in return and told them to sit down everyone quietly sat down. Most girls in class sneaked and looked towards him which made all boys had mixed feelings towards Jon some were envious, some jealous, some hated him for suddenly being in the limelight and few even admired him but he ignored everyone and closed his eyes relaxed his body and stared practicing Sky Steps although he had reached level 4 but he hadn't completely mastered it.

As he closed his eyes most students were still looking at him they all were very surprised as no one dared to sleep in Mr. Douglas as he was very strict and could complain to their parent's in meeting as it was compulsory to meet the class teacher so they all behaved well in his class but they now saw Jon sleeping. His eyes were closed and had an expression as if was sleeping which made him look really cute and caused all girls to be awe if they weren't in class or teacher wasn't present they would have rushed to pinch his face.

One of the students who hated Jon for being suddenly in limelight saw him with closed eyes thought Jon fell asleep waited for 5 minutes to confirm it stood up and said: "Mr. Douglas Jon is sleeping" When Jon heard someone calling he opened his eyes and looked towards a boy with glasses was standing and had a grin on his face it was Luke who always ranked 2 in class many ranks above Jon. When he opened his eyes he lost his cute look like a small baby although he still looked handsome but most females prefer cute baby over handsome boy which made all girls curse in their mind why did Luke for waking up He didn't hate Jon earlier but when he heard the rumor about Jon and Rekha didn't believe at first but when neither Jon nor Rekha was denying and thought the rumor is true that caused fire of hate burn in his heart towards Jon because he was secretly in love with Rekha.

He had earlier confessed his feelings to Rekha when she was alone. She didn't like but she thought him a good student and didn't reject him directly but made an excuse she rejected him saying that she would only accept his confession after he scores more than her. She ranked top in her class and her scores only lacked few numbers in a perfect score thought it would be very hard for him to score above her if he scores above her which means he really wanted to be in a relationship with her and would work really hard for that and didn't casually confess his feelings.

As Jon looked at Luke he saw a grin on his face as if he was mocking him, hate and anger in his eyes though they never talked to each other or had any conflict why is he targeting me.

Mr. Douglas who was writing on blackboard turned and looked in the direction which Jon was sitting and saw Jon who wasn't sleeping but looking towards Luke he also looked towards Luke when Jon said: "Luke who's sleeping don't lie" everyone who saw Jon closing his eyes weren't surprised when they saw Jon denying that he was sleeping as Mr. Douglas was very strict teacher if he saw anyone sleeping in his class he won't give them punishment but directly mark that student absent he had habit of taking attendance 5 minutes before his class ends there is a rumor about Mr. Doughlas that few students slept everyday in his class when they saw him not punishing them but during exam time they found out that they didn't have minimum attendance to sit in exam they told Mr. Douglas that they attended school everyday why did he show them absent he told them that you only came to school but never in my class you either slept in class or spent time in playground so I marked you absent as you were never in my class. They were all taken back when they heard his words and complained about it to principal who refused their request after that no one dared to sleep in his class.