Lunch 4

Jon and Rekha reached their seats with everyone still staring at them Rekha hesitated to take out her lunch. She looked around a bit and took out her lunch box gave it to Jon in front of everyone.

This made everyone look at Jon with surprise when did their relationship grow so fast now they even share lunch. All boys looked at Jon with envy and jealousy. Every boy has a dream of sharing lunch with school flower or she brings lunch for them. Now they see Rekha giving her lunch to Jon how could they not envy Jon. All had the same thought they wanted to swap places with Jon. 

Jon took the lunch opened it sat down on Rekha's seat and started eating without any delay. If was any other he would cry from happiness but this insensitive boy started devouring the food the next second he got the lunchbox this was the thought going through Rekha's mind. 

Rekha's face twitched a little when she saw Jon started eating her lunch without even asking her even if she gave him and ate earlier he should at least asked her snorted a little which was heard by Jon. 

Jon looked at Rekha and understood from her expression what was wrong said: "you don't need to stare at me like that you can also eat if you like" 

Rekha's face had a weird expression thought what do you mean you can also eat if you like that's my lunchbox, not yours aren't you supposed to give me back after eating half of it. You're not thinking of eating all of it. Rekha looked at the lunchbox and sat down with Jon with a shy expression started eating the food. 

All the boys in the class were crying no matter if the boys already knew or have seen them sitting together. Every time boys see a beautiful girl sitting together with any boy they will get jealous of them. Rekha and Jon were eating lunch together. 

Rekha was very shy and was eating lunch very slowly although she had eaten lunch with other boys they all sat on the opposite side. This was the first time she sat next to a boy while eating lunch they currently looked like a couple eating lunch together thinking about it caused Rekha's face to turn red even more and she didn't dare to look up. Although she was very shy she felt very happy from inside when eating lunch together with Jon. 

As soon as the lunchbox was empty. Jon stood up and went back to his seat. Which caused Rekha to be very dissatisfied with Jon's behavior thinking how could he just leave after eating lunch shouldn't he talk to me after eating lunch tell me how was the lunch did he like it or not. He should at least give one compliment to the food. 

If Jon knew what was going through Rekha's mind he would be very surprised is it important for me to leave a compliment for the food it's not like they were dating or something for him or her to care so much because normally we don't compliment anyone's lunch we ate in class.

When Jon didn't speak anything even after he sat back on his seat he didn't even look towards her caused her to be very angry and she spoke: "Jon..." but before she could complete her sentence school bell rang.

Jon looked towards Rekha who spoke his name.

Rekha saw Jon looking towards suddenly couldn't get angry with him when she saw his face was troubled what should she say now asked Jon: "How was the food"

Jon said: "It was much better than the canteen's food" he didn't feel the food was very special since he tasted all kind of food much tastier than this so he didn't compliment it too much but it wasn't bad either so he didn't want to say anything bad either so he compared it to canteen food which worked.

Rekha was very happy when she heard Jon's words. She didn't focus too much on words if she had she would have found out Jon didn't say her lunch was good but he said it was better than the canteen's food.

Jon saw she suddenly became happy didn't pay much attention towards her and sat straight looking forward paying no more attention towards her.

Jon looked at the board for few minutes before closing his eyes and started to practice Sky Steps he looked at the board at the end of class and get back to practice in next class remaining time of the school passed like this. School bell rang everyone in the class stood up and started to exit the class.

Rekha looked at Jon who's eyes were still closed she thought did he fall asleep during whole class I saw him sleeping put her hand on his shoulder and shook him a little bit.

Jon opened his eyes but this time he saw Rekha who shook him showed a smile and said: "thank you" although Jon had a smile on his face but in his heart he was really frustrated because he couldn't practice properly but he didn't get angry or show it on his face because he knew that this wasn't the place to practice thought he must find a suitable place to practice.

Jon stood up and started to pack his things and Rekha was standing waiting for him to finish packing and go with him.

Jon also noticed her didn't have any problem if she goes with him or not stood up and moved towards the class door without saying anything to Rekha which made Rekha angry she said: "I was waiting for you and you are leaving without inviting me"

Jon looked at her with straight face and said: "I know you were waiting so you could go with me is there any need for invitation when you already have planned to go with me. So even if I don't invite you. You will go with me" and showed a smile.

Rekha blushed when her thoughts were exposed but in order to hide her: "what do you know I was looking if there anything was left behind by any students and return them tomorrow."

Jon: " since when did you start doing it I have never heard or seen you doing it before"

Rekha became angry thought why can't you just ask me to go with said: "I found a pen dropped in the morning so as class monitor I thought I should check after students have left class if they dropped anything and give it back to them next day"

Hearing Rekha's excuses Jon was stunned how can she make excuses so easily and was too lazy to argue with her so he said: "whatever you can come with me"

Rekha showed a happy smile said: "that's what you said"

Jon was speach less but didn't say anything