Chapter 2: The Night Of The Ball

It's come to the night me and my siblings have all been waiting for, the royal ball. Emily has finished our gowns and they look magnificent, the most beautiful dress I could ever imagine. Mine was a big, blue ball gown perfect for dancing and it was beautiful! I couldn't have asked for a better dress! Mothers dinner last night was delicious, she made a soup, I'm not sure what kind, it looked red with some seasoning on top, but it doesn't mater because it's the night of the ball. My family was the only people out of our village to get chosen to go from the Queen herself, it was so exciting. Mother just called us all to the dining room so we may all leave together. Ill bring this so that I will be able to write about what's happening so I don't forget one single detail!

We arrived at the ball about two hours ago, so far we have met the Queen, and might I say she is so kind and generous to all of our people, there has been quite a bit of dancing, a very handsome man around my age (17) asked me to dance with him, he never told me his name, but I do hope to see him again soon, he was so much fun to be with! There have been some people I've heard complaining about some sort of noise coming from outside, they said it sounded like very loud men. I'm not sure, but I think everyone is being a little dramatic, it's just some people outside who drank a sip too much of wine. Right now I'm sitting on the stairs writing all this, I want to make the best memories I can here! Okay, maybe I was being a little harsh on the people complaining, however I can hear the people too, it sounds like it's coming from the back entrance but nobody seems to be coming in. Strange isn't it? I will write again once the ball is over...

Narrator: There was suddenly a loud explosion in the center of the ball room, you could see almost everyone had been killed or injured, including Katerina and her siblings. Her parents looked slightly dead, the others were just slightly dying. Everyone was now dead for good.

However there must have been something in that "soup" Katerina's mother prepared for them because all three of the teens have revived somehow very quickly.

Find out what happened on the next chapter...