Chapter 4: The Blood’s On Your Hands

I already know what my siblings were thinking, they'd want to complete the spell so that they could stay alive. However I would rather die than spill one drop of blood from another person, but because of my siblings and I, we vowed to keep each other safe and stay together forever. So I probably won't have a choice whether I get to die or not, I would love to live, but living this's not right, mother had no right to put that spell on us, she should have just let us die there instead of making us chose. Tatia would give anything to stay alive, and Elijah would never give up an opportunity to become stronger and faster than others in our village. Me, I would much rather live a normal, human life than be the one that sucks that life out of them...

N: Who knew that those words would be the last until Katerina shed her first drop of blood...

I can't believe what I've just done...I just completed the transition, I spilled blood, lots of it, it's like I tore through their neck until I couldn't hear their heart beat anymore, and the saddest part is that the person I killed was Emily, mother would be so disappointed in me and my behavior. My siblings managed without killing anyone, they took one sip of blood and that was all, I think I will be the one to have control issues over this blood situation! Mother didn't tell us everything either, in addition to the extra speed and better strength ability, we have enhanced hearing, I can hear a squirrel from miles away running up a tree. But this was all to distract myself. I've been a vampire for about 4 hours and have almost ripped this village apart, twice. Let's just hope tomorrow goes better than today.