It was almost the night of the full moon and we have found a way to stop Emily from opening that tomb. It involves doing the one thing I hate most in the world, Niklaus is going to dagger Tatia, she wouldn't expect him to be the one daggering her, so it'll work perfectly! But the problem is, I have to kill Emily...again!
N: It's almost sundown, Tatia and Emily are right outside the tomb preparing for the spell, Katerina, Elijah, Niklaus, Ian and Evan are all reviewing the plan.
Elijah and Ian will be alerting me and Niklaus on when to go, Evan will be the spy to tell Elijah and Ian when Emily and Tatia are about to do the spell, and that's when Niklaus and I strike, he gets Tatia, and I get Emily, but we have to go at the same time so they can't use their magic to stop us!
N: It's now nightfall, only a few more minutes until the full moon approaches. Evan has just alerted Elijah and Ian about Tatia and Emily.
Me and Niklaus just got the signal to stop them... but all of a sudden, we got some news from Elijah, Tatia just killed Evan so he couldn't stop them, that means that me and Niklaus have to be super fast since the full moon is now overhead they could be doing the spell right now. We both ran as fast as our vampire selves would take us, but before we could get to them, Emily looked at us and was doing something weird to us, it's so painful, then I realized, she was popping our veins over and over again. Which gave Tatia enough time to open the tomb door, her and Emily both ran into the tomb, they grabbed the stone and were about to run out, then...Tatia couldn't get out, she was stuck inside the tomb. That's when I remember something else I researched, if a vampire goes into the tomb, they'll never get out unless a certain witch undoes the spell, fortunate for us that specific witch is long dead. Also...Tatia's magic wouldn't work inside the tomb, so once Emily was outside the tomb border, Tatia threw her the stone, luckily that was my opportunity to kill her, which is exactly what I did. I grabbed Emily, took the stone from her hands and threw it to Niklaus, the I bit into Emily's neck and ripped out her throat, and then I ripped her head off all while Tatia watched and saw her only shot at freedom die for good, never to come back from the dead. Now she can rot and desiccate inside that tomb where no one will ever find her. I hope she has an eternity of misery for betraying us!