Elijah's POV: Me and Hayley finally got all the blood off the walls, and everywhere else, then we cleaned up everything destroyed and replaced it...
Hayley's POV: Elijah and I were laughing and telling jokes all day, it made cleaning actually fun! He would come over to me and with like a glass full of Bourbon or something and dump it down the wall so we were forced to keep cleaning together. Then he'd drink the rest of it. I loved him more than ever today, he was really there for me and it meant the world that I wasn't alone during the curse. Even if I was acting like a psychotic bitch all the time, he did everything he could to help me, and so did everyone else, I was so happy. Even though so much shit has gone on in my life recently because of vampires, they really are the ones that pulled through and love me for who I am, the crazy, lovable vampire girl that loves way to easily...
Elijah's POV: Hayley and I went to sleep after a long day of cleaning and once morning came, we made plans for a big day ahead of us. We are on our way to Hayley's old house where Jenny and Matt live. We are going to clear the air between Jenny and Hayley, and then we're taking Matt out for awhile to teach him the difference between good vampires like us, and bad vampires, like everyone else. I wanted to make it a surprise so I told Hayley not to worry and I didn't tell her where we were going...
Hayley's POV: I got in the car with Elijah, he drives like a grandma it's funny, he told me that he was taking me somewhere. I was curious but I knew I was safe with him so I slept for like 10 minutes then Elijah woke me up saying that we were here. It was my Aunt Jenny's house! Why the hell would he take me here. Then he told me, he wanted to clear the air between me and Aunt Jenny, and he needed to take Matt somewhere. I didn't completely trust him with my little brother, even though he was a Hunter now and was 16, I couldn't bare the thought of him getting hurt by a vampire. Anyway, we walked to the front door, Matt answered it, I said hi in a calmed tone so he wouldn't be freaked out like he was when I had the curse still, he told Jenny we were here to see her. She came to the door, but she didn't take a single step outside the door, she asked what we wanted, I told her that we needed to work things out and be good again like we used to. Jenny told me that she wanted nothing more than everything to be normal with us again, but they can't be since I'm technically dead right now, and I live off human blood. But she must not have been to scared of me and Elijah because she let us in, we sat in the living room trying to work out an agreement, we said that everything can go back to normal and I can move back home IF I promise never to kill anyone around her. I agreed in a heartbeat because this is all I wanted right now, my family back. Even though the vampires were my second family now, they were my first and I don't want to lose them like this. We made up and Elijah took me back to his house so we could get my stuff packed up and moved back to my home...
Elijah's POV: Hayley and I finished packing all of her things and were getting ready to move them into her house again. She asked if she could drive since I apparently drive "like a grandma" or something, so I let her. She wasn't heading in the direction of her house though, so when I asked her where we were going all she said was that it's a surprise...