
After sorting out the information I had inherited, I hurried to think about what I had to do. My heterochromia was something taboo for the inhabitants of this world, which made it difficult for me. With heterochromia, I would not be able to go to a human's place unless I hid my true self.

I also did not know the state of the Count family and the fate of my parents. Last time I had with them was on dungeon rampage accident.

Did they succeed?

Are they OK?

So whatever the circumstances, I cannot involve them. "I" decide to go separate from them. If we continue together, they will receive many problems. Not to mention, when someone saw me coming out of the Mansion Count, they would blame me and oppose the Count.

Honestly, this kid's decision is right. But this boy does not have the ability to survive without the help of others. He is reckless. I must also determine my plan from now on. There is a bond that restrains me from being free to control this body. There are lingering feelings from this boy left. I still feel an emotional bond when remembering this boy's family and the Count's family. So I will prioritize this boy wish first in order to get my freedom. But before that, I have to STAY ALIVE.

Alright, I'm starting to set my goals now. For the short term, it's about like this.

1. Be stronger to continue to survive.

If I die, then everything will be in vain

2. Look for ways to get into the place of humans.

Socializing with humans makes it easy for me to gather information about this boy's family.

I also don't want to live alone. I don't want to lose my emotions as a human being. In my previous

life, I threw away my emotions for the purpose of revenge. I don't want to live like that anymore.

In order to achieve my goal, I must eliminate various obstacles, especially the Axis Kingdom. They want to make me a sacrifice for the resurrection of the Demon King. Of course, they are my enemies. The fewer people know my identity, the better.

I opened my eyes slowly. I saw the girl's face staring at me. I still currently in her lap. Her blue eyes seemed to able pierced deep inside me. She seemed to seriously ask my identity. But I would not tell my identity.


In my mind, I've been thinking of disguised identity. In my previous life, a professional assassin often had various names. Having multiple identities would make it easier for us to approach targets. Either as a chef, butler, cleaning service and anything else. In addition, having many names, making it difficult for the police to reveal our identities. Even professional killers have aliases according to their character. But before I answer her question, I want to know who this girl identity.

"Hey, isn't it impolite if you ask my identity, without mentioning your identity too?"

"That's right. My name is Olivia Gracia. I'm the only daughter of King Evandel in other word a Princess"

Strange. This girl said important information like this easily.

"Don't you feel that the information you said is very risky?"

"Of course I know, but I feel that if I don't tell the truth, you won't say anything."

To be honest, I had expected this girl to be an important person, but I didn't think she was a princess.

"Well, because you want to take such a risk, I will also say it. I'm not from this Kingdom. From birth, I didn't know who my parents were. I was raised by a hunter. I was given name Vin by him. We live in the middle of the forest only to hunt animals. I was taught by him how to hunt, how to deal with wild animals and process it, from separating the skin and meat and choosing good quality meat. Besides, I was taught several ways of self-defense, because once in a while I was left alone because he went to the city to sell all hunting spoils and buy daily necessity "

I looked at the night sky and smiled.

I told a lie without hesitation. I feel sorry for this boy's parent though.

But "I" has decided to separate with them, so I think I was right doing this.

"Our lives were so peaceful. The hunter loved me like his own son. But happiness ended quickly. At that time the hunter said he wanted to go to town to buy food. However, for up to 3 days, he did not return. I worried about him, so I decided to look for him in the forest. I feared the hunter was attacked by wild animals when going to the city. But I did not find anything. Then for the first time, I went to the city myself. I know the way to the city because I had followed the hunter quietly because I was curious as to what the city that. He never brings me to the city. But I haven't yet entered the city, I've been banished. You know what happened, right? "

The girl was silent.

"I went back to our house in the forest and waited for him. Right after 7 days, the hunter returned, but his attitude changed to me. He told me.

"I have made the wrong decision, I shouldn't have raised you, Vin. When I was in town, I heard rumors that having people who have different eye colors is the incarnation of the Demon King. I still love you very much Vin, but the attack of the Demon King has taken my wife's life. I can't forget that. Leave Vin, before I lose my mind and attack you."

"The hunter chased me away. I didn't know anything was just kicked out because of this eye. I wobbled for days, survive only rely on fruits in the forest. I didn't carry weapons to hunt, just my clothes. helpless and the bandits ambushed me and brought me here "

While saying, I pretend to be shaking.

"To be honest, this is the first time I've killed a human. I'm used to slaughtering animals, but the sensation is different when killing humans. But I have no choice but to kill/be killed. I hope you don't tell anybody about me okay?"

I say all that because I have a good reason.

1. Choosing a hunter's background makes it easy for her to believe that I grew up in the forest without contact from other humans. Hunters usually live in the middle of the forest by building a small house to wait for the wild animal, even though there are some who lives in the city. If I choose a background like growing up in the city/human environment, it will give the impression I was "accepted" by the community, when in fact I was ostracized. Besides the fate of the hunters is uncertain, there are survivors to old age, and some even die while hunting. So in the future, I can throw out the hunter's identity by saying that he was dead. So the "Family" factor here was already secured. According to this girl's perspective, I did not have a family, the only one that could be considered a family had banished me. Revealing this lie to this girl, at least my real family identity did not leak. I don't want to cause trouble for them.

2. I pretend to scared, to draw her sympathies. I don't want to be hostile to the royal family. I only hope that if one day the Evandel kingdom tries to kill me, at least this girl helps me. Having a royal family colleague is not a bad thing.

The girl seemed to want to cry but managed to hold it.

"My life is not as nice as yours, princess."

"I'm sorry, for making you tell about your past."

"It's okay"

I raise my head from her lap.

"Thank you for helping me fight the bandit boss, and healing my wound. I owe you. I will take you back to the city."

"But it's already late."

"I think the sooner you leave here, the better. We don't know if this bandit has another group to come later. If you remember the way, I'll take you."

I have a priority right now. I can waste my time anymore.

I choose to escort her, to put me on the "safe" Zone.

If by a chance, we are saved by her family, not only will reveal my existence, it's also I get nothing gain from this girl. Imagine what is her family reaction when they see me?

They maybe will kick me out and worst case, I was suspected as the culprit behind the kidnapping.

But, if I escorted her, I can choose to play safe, and get the benefit too. I will escort her until a safe place. And get a new piece of clothing. Maybe another useful item too.Because no one will see me except this girl,so I won't be accused for kidnapping her.I have to make sure she doesn't reveal my existence after all.

"All right, I don't want to stay here any longer either."

"I agree."

Before leaving, I checked and took the loot from the bandits.

2 blades, 3 knives, 2 pieces of meat, and 1 jug of water. Besides that, I also took the bandit outfit. Even though it is too big, it's better than my tattered clothes.

"You look like those clothes are wearing you."

She laughed at me.

"Heh, if so, can you give me proper clothes tomorrow?"

"Of course, I owe you one too."

I also found a strange cloth bag. When I opened it, I didn't see anything because it was dark inside.

I put my hand in but felt nothing.

"Hey it's a Storage Pouch"

"Storage Pouch?"

What is that?

"Storage Pouch allows you to carry more items. Even if the size is small, I think it can hold about 50 kilograms."

Maybe she felt I didn't know what that thing was, she answered my question.

Besides that, there are things that I realize too.


Oh, there seems to be such a concept here too.

"Then how do you get things inside?"

"You have to imagine it first while giving a little mana. That is a magic item, so of course, it's necessary!"

"Oh, no wonder that I didn't feel anything."

Besides weapons, I also get a portable warehouse.

I put food and clothes into a Storage Pouch.

For weapons, I prefer to hide it in my clothes.

My preparation was complete, we left the bandit's house.