POV Olivia
When I woke up, Caroline was by my side. It seemed like she was waiting for me to wake up, if I didn't wake up immediately, maybe she would wake me up later.
"Good morning, Caroline. Have you prepared everything?"
"Of course, Your Highness, I tried my best to fulfill your expectations. I managed to get the best storage pouch we have here, food supply for a month, drinking water, special forged weapons, and maps. For the map itself, I think it's enough to clear description. "
"As expected of Caroline. Oh yes Caroline, I want to give him a Magic Letter."
"Is Your Highness serious, according to me, it is better for Your Highness not to have any more relationship with this child. Besides that it will only damage the reputation of Your Highness, we do not yet know who he really is."
"Of course, I think about it Caroline, I just want to return the favor. I don't want to be indebted to him. Besides, Magic Letter, can only be used once, right?"
"Very well, Your Highness, I will find a magic letter for you. Meanwhile Your Highness can get ready."
"I leave it all to you."
"Oh yes, Your Highness, one of the guards went to report to me today. He said that they found the herd of wolves dead. They were killed using sharp weapons. That was the guard's report."
Vin, could it be you do it?
"Your Highness, did the child do that?
"Most likely so."
"If true, then the child really has great potential."
After that Caroline went outside my room. I took off my sleepwear and went to the bathing place. Of course, the place was in my room. I didn't want to walk naked outside the room.
This bath is only owned by certain nobles. Unfortunately, the water is not warm. If the water is warm, it will definitely be more pleasant. I clean my body of sweat and unwanted dirt using soap. This soap was introduced by the previous Hero.
He said soap can kill germs. At first, no one understands, but when Hero explained that germs are the cause of disease, everyone can accept it. Hero used to make soap for himself, but when he learned the benefits of the soap, my grandfather asked Hero to teach him how to make it. It was Hero himself who supervised the process. But the Hero was gone now, after sealing the Demon King. I didn't know the details, but when the Hero was gone, soap making project was continued by the Alchemist Division.
Apart from soap, there are other things introduced by the Hero such as various food variations, and farming techniques. Indeed at first, not all believed it, but when the King himself ordered to try Hero's advice, they all felt the results.
Besides that, Hero introduced us to the sun, moon, and stars
So far we do not care about it.
Hero also introduced the concept of time.
"This world has 24 hours a day the same as my previous world. What if we use the concept of 7 days/week and 30 days/month?"
We don't really understand what it means and try to implement it. But it has a big impact on the world. The whole world feels the benefits of what the Hero is doing.
We started celebrating the Kingdom's birthday and our own birthdays. Making agreements is also easier because we don't have to say troublesome things like 5 more days or such stuff.
Various activities are also easily scheduled. All because of the Hero.
The Evandel Kingdom also flourished in the agriculture and culinary sectors. Our fields have very good quality and have a fast cycle of maturing the fruit. Besides, the food here is more varied than in other places, making many visitors come here.
Besides that sector, the thing that developed was the field of weaponry. Hero introduced swords from his world.
This weapon is different from the sword we have been using.
Even though it is small in size, it has great abilities.
I don't know about swords, but I think if I use this sword, it seems like I defend myself when threatened.
I mean, with a child's body, I can still tolerate the weight of a katana compared to a normal sword.
Of course in the future, I want to learn to use a sword, just in case.
Nowadays, almost all of our troops use katanas.
Because making a katana really requires a long process, so we cannot provide the amount in accordance with our total troops.
My mind is everywhere.
I have to get ready soon.
I wore inconspicuous clothes, for disguises. Added to my hooded cloak I was ready to leave now. Caroline was waiting for me outside the mansion.
She brought her beloved sword. Caroline is not an ordinary Guardian, she was chosen by my father because of her ability. According to Father, Caroline is an A-rank adventurer. Of course, it's not just in name only. Many times she saved me when I was in danger. So that her failure yesterday, made her depressed.
When the sun still not risen, we left. This time we chose to walk on foot.
I remember the way back there easily.
I thought he was still asleep, but I saw the figure of a child from a distance.
Eh, he woke up very early.
After I handed over the item he asked for, he left immediately.
Looks like Caroline's attitude makes him feel bad.
"Caroline, can you be polite if you meet my savior?"
"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I lost control of my emotions."
Looks like Caroline still hates Vin.
I looked around the bandit's house. All the bandit corpses were outside the house now.
"Did that child kill all of them?"
Caroline saw the corpse and asked me.
"Yes, he did it."
"All these wounds, he is aiming for their vital points accurately. Even though he is still a child, but he should not have a strong mentality like this is not. Lady Your Highness certainly felt it, that this could not be done by the boy."
"I was able to ask, about his past. He was raised in the woods by a hunter. This is the first time he killing humans."
"For the first time, but he's as good as this. Like he was trained in killing before."
"We certainly know, the condition of his eyes, made him rejected anywhere. Do you think there are people who intend to raise children who are labeled as Demon King? Except for people who don't know about the rumors / crazy people who might want to raise them."
"You, maybe it's true, Your Highness."
I was curious about how he slept in the house, even though I remember well that even though the corpse was removed, there was still a pool of blood inside the house.
I went into the house.
"Wait, Your Highness. Let me go in first."
When we opened the door, I didn't see any bloodstains there, even the scent didn't smell anymore. How did Vin clean it?
"Your Highness, you seem surprised, is there something?"
"No Caroline, it's just that I remember that before there were 2 bandit corpses here, there should still be bloodstains on the floor right?"
"Maybe he used a cloth to remove the stain. But that doesn't explain how he got rid of the smell. I smelled faintly like the smell of flowers and leaves mixed here. Even if it wasn't strong, it was able to get rid of the smell of his blood."
"Could he know how to use flowers, to neutralize odors?"
"That's possible."
Processing flowers to produce a fragrant aroma is not something that ordinary people can do. Because processed flowers will be used as a mixture of soap and perfume. Soap and perfume are items that are usually owned by nobles. Therefore, the process making it must be very careful.
Not all flowers can be used. Some are poisonous and some cause allergies. Hero conducted various experiments before marketing his first soap.
How Vin can do this even though he was raised by hunters?
Of course, hunters have nothing to do with nobles.
"I also suspect him, because of the contrast with his confession, he has a neat and well-groomed appearance. Like a nobleman. I once held his hair, and his hair is very smooth. Besides that from his hands, I did not see his hands as hands to be used to hold weapons. and don't seem to be doing heavy work. "
Even I don't familiar with swordplay, I know the difference between hand who always practices with sword and not.
The hand who always training will have a lot calluses. The skin of their palm is hard and quite thick.
Vin's hand is delicate, and soft. He can't claim to do any training with that hands.
When I held his hand when we met the goblin, I became more convinced that Vin lied.
"Ah, did he trick us?"
"Maybe. But I feel that he doesn't trust us. I followed his flow so I won't hurt his feelings. He must have a reason to lie. But if he has never held a sword, then where is his ability from?"
"I feel that Your Highness is missing other important things."
"Of course, Vin has knowledge that is very contrary to his confession, has a good physique, I'm sure he wasn't raised by a hunter. Either he was raised by a wealthy merchant/nobleman."
"If that's true, then who are their parents?"
"To be sure Vin did not come from the Evandel kingdom. If he came from here, he would reject the map I gave him. In addition, when he found out my identity, his treatment was the same as before. If he was a nobleman from Evandel, surely he would respect me, no?"
"I don't even know, Your Highness. I only hope that he will not use the goodwill of Your Highness to commit crimes."
"Vin indeed lied to us. But I don't think he has any evil intentions."
"Don't worry, I'll protect Your Highness if anything happens."
"All right, Caroline, I want you to take care of these bandits. And after we back to Capital, I want to learn some sword technique to defend my self."
"Yes, Your Highness, leave it to me."
Vin, I'll reveal your secret someday.
I looked in the direction where Vin went and smiled...