There is someone who will buy these magic stones?
"Ah, the adventurer may buy it, right?
"Yeah, they can buy your magic stone. They probably use that to promote their Rank after all."
The adventurer is people who always do a various things like slaying monsters, dive into the dungeon, sometimes escorting noble, help with the construction of something, and a lot of works.
They do that due to a quest given by the Adventurer Guild. The quest comes from someone who needs help and asks Adventurer Guild to help them.
People want to become Adventurer usually because they need money and wealth. A High ranked Adventurer will earn a lot of money, and easily become a right hand of Nobleman. It's because the Adventure's strength is proved by their Rank.
As to be said, an S Rank adventurer can slay a dragon alone. Even so, S Rank adventurer is very rare. I don't know if Evandel has one or not, because I never meet adventurer or visit their Guild in this Kingdom. Back in Listel, my home town, we have 3 S Rank Adventurer. My parents considered as A-Rank Adventurer. I know this information from them.
Even so, not everyone easily get promoted in the first place, instead, they can be stuck forever in the bottom, if they can't meet the requirements to advance to next Rank.Adventure Rank ranged from F,E,D,C,B,A,and S rank.
When you still F and E Rank, you only get the simple quest, like searching for missing animals, collect grass to feeding life stock, or helping someone errands. The difference is when you get E rank, you will get more quest than E rank because you're proved efficient
When you reach D and C rank, finally you got subjugation quest. To advance to D rank, you must prove your fighting skill. If you fail you will be stuck at E rank, and never promoted again, until you can fight. Because D rank quest mainly consists of subjugation monsters like killing goblin who destroying farmer corps or slaying Orc who abduct women during their breeding periods. To promote from C rank to B rank, the adventurer needs to prove themself can conquering a dungeon. The size of the dungeon doesn't matter, as long they bring the proof from the last floor of the dungeon.
When you reach B and A rank, you will be trusted to become the main leader of a team. Usually, B and A rank Adventurer get quests like exploring some old ruin, tester of a newly discovered dungeon, or subjugation of a large group of monsters that has high risk. At this point, some noble may come to get in contact with you. They will recruit potential adventurers to become their aid. Having a high ranked adventurer will boost their reputation and fame.
When you reach S rank, you will get ridiculous quests, like slaying a godly beast like a dragon, and calamity monsters. In short, you are the trump card of Adventurer Guild. So you will get special treatment and has a high standing point even rivaling noble itself.
High risk, high return. That's is an adventurer.
But when you reach B rank, your movement will be restricted. It because you will become Adventurer Guild "main" personel.So if Guild orders you to go, you have to go. Maybe worth it with the treatments
So, they can buy my magic stone huh...
"But, they won't buy it, if you don't have the subjugation proof."
I see because if they just buy the magic stone, they will be suspected because of no proof that they kill the monster. The adventurer who buy magic stone usually wants to promote their rank as soon as possible.
"I have both of them."
Rick's father showed a slight surprise for a moment, but calm down immediately.
"I see, you say you kill those monster right?"
"If that's so, then no problem isn't?"
"But I don't know the price."
Yes, I don't know how to decide the price.
"If that case, I have someone who might help you."
"Yes, follow me."
After having breakfast, Rick's Father escorts me to some kind of old building made by wooden. From the signboard, it seems this store is selling potions. Why he bring me here?
After entering the shop, we greeted by an old man, older than Rick's Father maybe.
"He is Bernard, a former B Adventurer."
Oh, I see, if I want to know about an adventurer, so ask them right away.
"My name is Vin. Nice to meet you."
"Who is this child, Robert?
"He is a child who helped my son yesterday to bring grass. He said he attacked when traveling in the forest. He wants to sell the magic stone from the monster he killed."
So Rick's Father's name is Robert.
Bernard showed the same surprised as Robert's before.
"You are saying you kill monsters huh? So how many you killed?"
"Around 30."
"I, I see, so would you show me?"
I take all the magic stones I have and the goblin's ear that I collected.
Before, I take the goblin ear to convince the buyer, that I was the one who killed them.
From this boy's memories, his parents mentioning about take a part of the monster as proof of subjugation. So I decided to take it.
"Fumu, this is original. Say, kid, may I know your level?"
"Lvl 15."
I decided to tell the truth. I feel, if I lied here, they will suspect me. Because I already exposed myself, that myself is quite capable of fighting.
"I see, your level is quite high for a kid like yourself."
"Thanks, but I don't have a choice to fight after all. I need to find my parents as soon as possible."
"How were you separated by your parents?"
"I don't know either. But one day, they never come back home."
"I see."
I create another false information. I don't hope anyone to know about my real identity. I still not trust Olivia. Who knows she decided to keep her eye on me someday. If I have a lot of false background, it will confuse the other party who fishing my real identity. The real problem is my trademark which is a boy who wears bandages. It stands out too much. In the future, I want this matter can be solved.
"I'm sorry for asking something rude. Back to business, for 1 goblin magic stone, usually has a price 3 copper coin."
Yep the currency here still using the coin. There is 6 currency here.
1.Iron coin.Made by Iron and has the lowest value.
2.Copper coin.Made by Copper and has values of 10 iron coins each.
3.Bronze coin.Made by Bronze and has values 10 copper coins each.
4.Silver coin.Made by Silver and has values 10 bronze coins each.
5.Gold coin.Made by Gold and has values 10 silver coins each.
6.Platinum coin.Made by Platinum and has values 100 gold coins each.
So if I sell them, at max I could get 90 copper coins.
"I see, so if sell them all, it will 90 copper coins right?"
"Not only can fight, but you can also do arithmetic. Brat are you a noble from somewhere?"
"Will a noble look like me?"
"I guess not."
My look is very pitiable to be called a noble.
"But where I can looking for adventurer?"
"You can go to the dungeon to meet them. But they will come to this shop soon. This shop sells potions after all. So why don't you stay here while waiting for them?"
"Good idea."
"It seems, your problem is solved right, so I will leave now. Take care of the shop, Bernard."
"Okay boss. Leave it to me."
"Yeah, I'm the owner of this shop, and Bernard the shop keeper. I recruit him to keep the shop from the thief or vulgar adventurer."
"I see."
"Then see you."
After waving his hand, Robert left the shop. Only two of us remaining.
"So what bring you here kids?"
"Yesterday I was attacked in the forest by the monster. Usually the only attacked in the night, but yesterday they attacked me during the day."
"So you invited by Robert's son, and stay over his house right?"
"So, before you come here, where do you sleep?"
"I usually sleep outside. I take a camp near the river because it will make me survive easier. With water on the river, I can keep my self clean and can drink water here. If I hungry I can catch fish too."
"I see, but why don't you stay in some village or city before?"
He sharps huh
"Back then, when I still with my parents, I can move freely. But right now, I don't have money, so I can't afford to buy food or book a room. Go to city require an Identity card, but I still kid so I don't have one except an older people accompany me there."
"I see, must a harsh life huh?"
"Yeah, something like that. But aren't you kind to me right now?"
"What do you mean?"
He pretends to confuse.
"You don't want me to go to dungeon alone, because you worry about me right?"
"I still don't get it."
"If I go alone, there a possibility that I will be bullied by the adventurers. Who will believe a cripple brat like me to sell those magic stones alone right? So you tell me to stay here, and you will help me to sell my magic stone, am I wrong?"
"You brat, your head is clearly cleaver one huh."
"But, still you already help me. Thank You very much."
"Leaving a kid like you in your condition right now to suffer, I can't bear to stay and watch it."
He smiled bitterly. It seems he has sympathy toward me.
I feel bad too deceived him, but right now I will accept his kindness.
"But are you really kill these monsters?"
"Yeah, I confident with my sword skill."
"I see, so nothing to worry huh. But what is your Role?"
"I see, Support Role with fighting skill is rare. Usually, Support Role invited to the party and they will be protected, make the party not efficient. But If the Support Role can fight, they will have high demand."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, do you interested dive in the dungeon?"
Deep inside my self, I still curious about the dungeon, so I answered it.
"Yeah, I curious too."
"If you want, I can introduce you to a suitable party."
"You never saw me fighting, are you sure trust me so much?"
"You seem honest to me. If you are lying, you probably won't have that calm composure."
But, I already lying from the start about my condition though.
"If you would, I want to dive to dungeon even for once."
"Great, let's wait for them. I will introduce you to them."