Dungeon (2)

The next morning, I prepared myself to meet with Alan's party. Because they said they would take care of everything, so I will just prepare some stuff like my weapon and food.

I see uncle Bernard still sleeping on the other bed. My belongings are still on the table. Uncle Bernard didn't touch it huh?

I check my belonging and find that I have 3 ordinary swords, 1 katana, and some knives. I don't lack food either, because I still have stock from Olivia. And if that's not enough, I can buy some food on the way to the dungeon. I have quite a lot of money now.

But I still worry about how they will get me to the dungeon. A kid like me shouldn't be in a place like that. This is may seem reckless, but I have my own reason.

1. I just curious, what is dungeon looks like.

2.Because I want to get stronger as soon as possible. Based on my experience, my level will raise after killing monsters. In the dungeon, there are a lot of monsters and they're only locked in one place (inside the dungeon). So I don't need to waste my time to find them, unlike when I hunt monster outside.

3. There will be 3 peoples to help me increase my level. So It will safer than go alone.

Of course, if they don't change their minds and attack me in the dungeon later. There is a possibility they will betray me in the end even just a small portion. People will betray you as long as they get better profit. If their target is me, then it's easy to figure out their motive.

1. They want my item. As Rick said, my katana and storage pouch is a rare item. Humans are always greedy after all.

2. Or they want to use me as a bait to make an escape when they find strong monsters. My condition is like a handicapped kid, so they may take advantage of me.

While pondering such a thing, uncle Bernard wakes up.

"Uhhh, Vin you wake up early than me?"

"Yeah, that's my habit."

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, but before go, I will take a bath and have breakfast. Where I can get breakfast?"

"Don't worry, our Inn has included 3 meals. But since you are new here, so you just need to pay for your breakfast."

"No, I will book another room, when there a vacant room. I don't want to bother you too long."

"I see. Let's wash before we have breakfast."


After tidying up my bed, we go to the backyard, where the well located. Before I washed, I draw water from well and pour it to a bucket. There are some buckets here. To fill the bucket, I draw 4 times. Ugh, I wish I can draw water from tap like my previous life.

After the bucket full, I washed my self from my head. Obviously, my bandage is wet too. By the way, I never change my bandage yet, even though it's very uncomfortable when it wet yesterday after I take a bath.

I want to have a separate room with Bernard because I can't change my bandage when there is someone who can see my eyes. I don't want anyone to know anything about me. If I continue to never change my bandage, I afraid there will be an infection in my eyes. Luckily Olivia gives me some spare bandage for changing.

For a moment I think how can I become so calm after knowing that I come to different worlds from Earth. If I still my old myself, I probably dead from the beginning. I feel grateful that I have known some techniques to protect myself. Thanks to that facility. I never gonna give my gratitude to that murderer.

Looking to my body, I still feel I don't believe I still alive. So how is my condition right now?

Will "I" disappear in the future?

Or will I survive inside this body forever?

Whatever happen later, become stronger is the best choice. If I disappear later, at least this boy can protect himself. If I don't disappear, I can survive longer. Win-win solution.

Besides that, I still can't write properly. Even though I have a memory from this boy, that's doesn't mean I can do everything. I still need to practice a lot. My vocabulary is so-so. I only can give a casual response and short answer like Okay, yeah. For making a proper conversation I still have a long way to go.

And eventually, I see my Rune for the first time. It's not like an overlooked it before, but I don't have time to think small stuff like this. My rune is on my right upper arm, stuck like a tattoo.

Uncle Bernard sees my rune too.

"You are still young and live alone, but your Rune already evolved. That's amazing."

"What do you mean?"

"To evolving Rune isn't an easy task you know. Usually, Rune will be evolved faster when you reach the age of 14, because during that age, you already adult. The earlier Rune evolved, the more time to develop it."

"I see."

"And you know, because of that, child of the noble and wealthy merchant will attend school when they 14 years old. In school, they will learn how to develop their rune and some other knowledge that commoners can't afford."

"Ohhh.You know a lot thing uncle."

School huh?

I feel nostalgic when hearing that word. Though I was only able to go to school just for 1 year, I made a lot of memories there. Make a friend, deepening our bound and enjoy my youth. If there's a chance, I want to go to school in this world as well.

"Haha, I was once adventurer, so something like this always comes to my ear. If you want to know a lot about the newest information, you can go to a bar. A lot kind of people come here, so you can pick some news."

Hooh, new important information.

"I see. Uncle Bernard, may I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"What is your opinion about Alan's party?"

"They're C adventurers but their strength is around B rank adventurer. They stay here for 2 months and keep challenging the dungeon until now. They are very kind, so you don't need to worry. Besides you already show your skill yesterday. So they won't do anything to trouble you."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, you trust me right?"

"Okay.Thank you for your advice uncle."

"No problem."

After finish to wash our body, we come back to the inn. Inside the inn, the Innkeeper already arranged breakfast on the table. There are some people here. I guess they're guests too. The breakfast is soup with some pieces of meats.

I pay for my breakfast and go to Bernard's room to pick my belonging. Bernard already waiting outside the inn. After that, we go to Robert's shop to meet up with Alan's party.