Trial (2)

I will go to the dungeon when everyone already sleeping. It will make me easier so I don't meet someone. From what I know, the dungeon isn't guarded. This Morning I only see adventurers near the dungeon gate, no royal guard or someone asking for our identity before. I doubt the villagers will guard dungeon either. Mostly all villager here doesn't have combat ability. They only run a store like selling food, clothes, fruit and some local product like milk and cheese.

I can't use the normal way to go. Luckily my room has a small wooden window. I can use this, my body fit to pass the small gap there.

I successfully sneak out from the inn. Sneaking is maybe sound exaggerating, but it's fit my situation. Then I walked to the dungeon gate.

The village in the night is very quiet, the only light sources here are some torches outside the house. It's not attached to the house's wall but it's like a street lamp on a modern-day. The torch placed on the top of a long wooden stick in front of the house.

The night wind is very cold. Every time I feel the night's breeze, I shiver.

Only my step can be heard. I feel like a walk into a haunted village in a horror movie. Living in this era is quite troublesome indeed. I look around the village while I still walking because in the morning I can't see around the village freely.

I still watch my surroundings too, even this is a small village. I have the valuable thing in my possession now, So maybe there is someone who aiming for me.

But I managed to get into the dungeon gate safely. And I walked to the dungeon entrance.

Before I entering the dungeon, I drink a mana recovery potion. Because the potion effect doesn't instantly. I can exploit this and drink it before fight. So I can have "extra mana".

If I use some magic and my mana depleted, when mana recovery potion effect works then my mana will full again.

Same as always, the dungeon is quite bright even in the night like this. But the difference is I can see the light's "color" clearly. When no sunlight, The dungeon entrance emitting light-blue rays. I can see it from outside. When I come this morning, I can't see the light coming out from the dungeon.

Then I entered the dungeon. The structure still the same as a normal cave. Then I walked to find the monsters.

I find an acid slime, but I killed it easily.

Are you wondering why I can kill it easily?

First, because I come alone, so his target is me unlike before when he uses a surprise attack on us. Because he only targets me, so I just focus myself to dodge his attack and kill him when there's a chance.

Second, because I already know his attack pattern. Fighting with an enemy like the monster who never improve is easy if you know their pattern.

But there's something weird. Even I kill it with my katana, my katana don't get acid after slashing the slime's body. I thought the slime is made by an acid, so he can spit acid anytime.

But in reality it different.

I still need to learn about the monster. Even I have some knowledge from books (this boy's memories).In the end they still imperfect.

Unlike human, the monster can evolve itself. So there's a chance for a monster who has intelligence. We need an up to date information about this matter if we want to survive.

And finally, I reach the stairways to the 2nd floor.

I only found 4 slimes on the first floor.

What's going on?

This morning, we encounter around 20 slimes on the first floor. This is weird.

Their number is decreased. Ahh, maybe just coincidence isn't?

I feel tempted by the dungeon to dive further.

Originally I just want to test my guess on the first floor, but now I think if they're in a small number I can clear the 2nd floor as well.

Hmmm, let's think a bit.

Why the monster is decreasing?

1. Maybe they need recovery like humans too because the dungeon is invaded by a human from morning until evening, so a lot of monsters were killed. So at the night they recovering and can't make a lot of monsters.

2. Maybe the dungeon adjusts the monster's number with the number of the adventurer. Because I alone, the monster is less than usual. (just my guess. Because the dungeon won't kind enough like that.)

3.Maybe because I still a child and weak (my level is low) so the difficulty of this dungeon is lowering to match my level (desperate opinion to convince myself)

In order to prove the first theory, I need to go to the 3rd floor. It because no adventurer who comes to the 3rd floor today, so no monsters killed there.

But why am I feel the dungeon tempting me to go deeper huh?

I descended the stairs to the 2nd floor. I imitate our act before. Go to the left path and activate the crystal.

The monster still the same, the Hell Hound but their number is 6.

Unlike before, they come from 1 hole only. They still come continuously but the interval time between the next monster is quite long.

I activate the crystal by channeling my mana until it full. The crystal glowing and the monster stopped.

I couldn't help but feel anxious, maybe this is a trap!

I use the right path now, without experience. Luckily the path is still the same and there is another crystal too there.

Same as before, the monster's number is very small. I activated the 2nd crystal and something happened.

From crystal, I see a blue line extending from the crystal to the wall. The line continued to the starting point of the 2nd floor and finally reach the door in the straight path. From the left path, I can see the same line too.

The door opens and the stairs to the 3rd floor revealed.