POV Sophia (4)

How Vin managed to make Princess Olivia as his friend?!!

Caroline enters the basement and runs toward me.

"Are you okay Lady Sophia?"

"Yes, thanks to Vin, I don't have a fatal injury."

"Got it."

Caroline takes something from her storage pouch.

A bottle of Elixir.

Elixir is a pinnacle of recovery potion. Elixir can heal any wound instantly.

Caroline takes the arrows on Vin's body and pours half of Elixir to heal the wound. The wounds slowly closing and disappear without a trace.

"Uhh, his external wound is healed, but I can't heal his internal injury...I don't bring a high-level Support Role either to cast [Heal]...What should I do..?"

Vin suddenly stopped breathing. I could see from his stomach that stopped moving.

Eh, Vin seriously die?

This is a lie, isn't it?!!

"No..!!! Vin wakes up, please!! Wake up!!"

I shook his body but he doesn't show any reaction. Even he has a 'Demon Lord' trait that doesn't mean he was the real one. He was my savior and I still haven't returned his favor so Vin please don't die!!!!

"Ahh, I don't have any choices now..."

Caroline drink remains of the Elixir and draws her face closer to Vin.

And she kisses him!!!!!

No, that's not like what I think.

She tried to force Vin to drink the Elixir to heal his internal injury. Vin was passed out and can't drink potion by himself then Caroline helps him. But anyone who sees this scene will think that Caroline kisses Vin passionately.

After a moment, she separated her lips from Vin. I can see blood on the corner of her lips.

"Caroline, there is blood on your lips.."

"Ahh, thank you.."

Maybe that blood was from Vin. But he seriously injured, will Vin able to survive?

She wipes the blood using her hand and lifts Vin's body from the ground with princess carry.

"Let's move to better place Lady Sophia."


She leads me into David's mansion and enters a guest room. She gently lays Vin on the bed.

"Will Vin be okay?"

"I don't know, but I have been forcing the Elixir to enter his body. I think there's a high chance that he will survive. He just stops breathing for a moment, but I immediately make him drink Elixir, so he will be okay."

"Is that so..?"

"He isn't a typical person who will die easily you know."

"Yeah, I know it."

He won't die easily like this and I won't let it happen.

"What's happen with David Wardenia?"

"I already ordered my knight to arrest him because I already found you as a witness."

"I see, how about Sam, my butler?"

"We found him in the torture room inside the mansion."

"Wha....is he still alive?!!!"

"Yes, he just lost consciousness because of harsh treatments. I use Elixir to heal him, so he will be okay."

"Thank you, Caroline."

"Lady Sophia, may I ask you a few questions?"


She probably asking the circumstance when we were taken as hostages. I will tell her everything with details. Of course, I will hide Vin's secret from her.

"So how do you meet Vin?"


Why did she ask me about Vin?

"I meet him during my trip to Andalas. Our wagon was attacked by a group of bandit and Vin helps me."

"I see. But why he also following you to go here?"

"I hired him as a personal guard. He is very strong even he still a kid. I want to fool David Wardenia and make him drop his guard against us by using Vin."

"I see...But are you know about...Vin's secret?"

Ehhhh, Caroline knows his secret too?!!!

"I don't get what are you saying, Caroline."

I pretend to not understand what was she talking about.

"Ermm, since Vin doesn't use bandages anymore to cover his left eye, I think you already see his...'Demon Lord' trait isn't it?"

So Vin using bandages before to hide his eyes. But when he meets us for the first time, he doesn't use bandage though. Maybe I can share information with Caroline, since she already knows about Vin's secret, I think I can talk with her and I won't break my oath.

"When I meet him for the first time, he doesn't using bandages. His eyes look like a normal person."


It seems Caroline shocked by this news.

"But how he changes his eyes?! Could it be he already awakening the demon power inside his body?! I must tell this to Her Highness Olivia...mumble..mumble"

"Ehem, so Caroline is the aids from Vin's friend correct?"

"Yes, I was ordered by Her Highness Olivia to help him, of course, I prioritize your safety first Lady Sophia. That's why I bring Elixir to make sure you won't have a fatal injury, but I use the Elixir to heal Vin...I deeply apologize Lady Sophia."

She bows her head to me, but I feel creeped out because of that. She is Princess Olivia's Guardian, so I think her position is higher than commoners like me.

"Don't need to apologize, you better use the Elixir to Vin, who need it the most."

I gaze on Vin's sleeping face. His face is always serious even when he sleeping huh...

I notice that Vin breathing again. Thank God he can survive from death.

"But how you know our position? Vin can't write the magic letter to tell you our location isn't it?"

"That's because I see a lot of full armor knights go to Mansion's backyard. Normally full armor knight is used for war and the backyard isn't suitable for training either. So I follow them and found you, Lady Sophia."

"Why they come to the backyard, Caroline?"

"I don't know, but I heard them saying about a strong enemy tried to escape and they need to prevent him."

"Maybe that's because of Vin."

"I see. Thanks to him that I can found your location. So can you tell the detail, Lady Sophia?"


I tell Caroline the event from the start without hiding anything.

"I see, so he pushed you down huh..."

"Ahaha, he did that to lure the guards, so I won't mind it too much."

I tell her with a bitter smile. Honestly, I can't forget it, because I thought that was the last moment before I die!!!!!

"I feel pity for you. Her Highness Olivia also forced to do something shameless by Vin before..."

Ehhh, seriously???

Does Vin order Princess Olivia?!!!

"One week ago, Her Highness Olivia was kidnapped by a group of bandits in the small hut. Vin was kidnapped by the same bandit too. He helps Her Highness Olivia to escape, but he orders her to play with bandits."

Ekkkkhhhhh, Princess Olivia is from Royal Family, and yet Vin asks her to play with vulgar bandit?!!!

If His Majesty knows this, Vin will be executed!!!

"When Her Highness Olivia on the outside, Vin shouts loudly and make one bandit check him inside the hut. But Vin kills him immediately. Another bandit comes to check him, but Vin kills him too. The rest of the bandit become cautious of Vin and Her Highness Olivia use that chance to escape."

I already know that Vin is very clever, but somehow he doesn't act like a child around his age. He is strong, mature, and smart too.

"In the end, Vin kills all bandits and escort Her Highness Olivia to Liston. The next day Her Highness Olivia asks me to accompany her to meet him. We repaying his favor by giving him a weapon, food, clothes and magic letter to contact us when he needs our help."

That makes sense, why Vin has katana and storage pouch. He gets that from Princess Olivia. I know why he refuses to tell us about his friend.

There's no way we could believe that his friend was Princess!!!

Oh my God, a sudden revelation like this makes my head hurts.

"I was very angry when I meet him. He shamelessly asks Her Highness Olivia to play with the bandit is enough to make me cut his head, but Her Highness Olivia stops me. Vin even doesn't use honorific to speak with Her Highness Olivia. Can you imagine how big was his sin?!"

"Ahahaha, I don't know how to answer..."

I need to teach Vin about etiquette when he recovered!!

He Needs Harsh Training!!!

"Lady Sophia, what do you think about Vin?"

What I think about Vin....?

"He is my savior. He is very strong, smart and talented too. He is very reliable too."

"That's not what I mean Lady Sophia, I ask you how will you treat him after you know his secret?"


Vin is my savior and I will help him with all my power.

"I will help him and support his decision. He may have a 'Demon Lord' trait, but that doesn't mean he was the real one. He protects Princess Olivia and me even though we are humans isn't it?"

"Could it be you fallen in love with Vin?"


"No...that's not what I mean...I just want to repay his favor because he even sacrifices himself to protect me."

Ehhh, why my face feels so hot?!!

I can't meet Caroline's eyes and looks away...

Could it be I really fall in love with Vin?!!!

At first, I just think of him as valuable resources to strengthen my parent's business. That's why I come from Capital to Andalas to make contact with him.

It's not like I denying romance, I also a girl who want to properly fall in love too. I have a dream that I could meet with a prince that will save me whenever I have trouble.

Vin is very strong and smart even he still a child. His face is quite handsome too, and he is very reliable. He even protects me using his body from the magic. He risks his life for me.

After doing that, I think most girls will fall in love with him. In this world, strength was number one, and Vin proves himself to be very reliable to protect me.

There is also a cruel and ruthless part of him. He can kill adults without hesitation and I think that's not normal. He could kill me too before if I make the wrong choice, but I know that because he needs to protect his secret.

But in the end, he'll save me.

I want to admit that I fall in love with him, but I am not prepared yet. Vin has a big secret that he has a 'Demon Lord' trait and I afraid that his secret someday will be exposed.

I am afraid that I will be affected because of that. I don't want to be persecuted but I want to help Vin too. I still 9 years old, so romance is too early for me.

I have confirmed my feeling that I fall in Vin with Vin, but I can't admit it now. I want to prepare everything for my future with Vin. Until that day comes, I won't admit my feeling.

"I just respect him, Caroline, he is my benefactor after all."

"I see...But I will give you small advice. Don't get involved too much with him or you will be in trouble."

"Thank you for your advice, Caroline."

"Okay, I will excuse myself. I still need to investigate this mansion to find the dirty scheme of David Wardenia. I will contact you after I finished the investigation. See you later."

"See you later."

She left us alone now. I am stroking Vin's hair. His hair is very smooth and comfortable.

I don't know anything about him.

What about his background?

Where he come from?

How many hardships did he experience because of his eyes?

He is alone in this world because of his 'Demon Lord' trait and forced to hide it.

But from now I will learn everything about you, Vin.

I won't let you suffer anymore.

I will think about how to deal with your eyes.

I will do anything to stay with you without any danger that could aim your life.

I will protect you from now Vin...