Christmas...The very word brings joy to our hearts. If there is a single word that describes what Christmas is all about, it is a Hebrew word, "Emmanuel" found in the gospel of Matthew: when jesus was born in the manger, we find not only the Savoir of the world, but also the Creator of the universe, God with us—Immanuel. (Matthew 1:21-23) Matthew begins and ends by emphasizing that God with us in the flesh (Immanuel) and ends with God with us through the Spirit. (Mathew 28:20). Incredible and unbelievable as it may appear to a modern man, the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ was a visitor from outer space. He was God Incarnate. That virgin-born baby was God in human form. He humbled Himself, He took the form of a servant, He was made in your likeness and mine, and He identified Himself with the problems of the human race. Charles H.

Spurgeon said "Wisdom is the right use of knowledge" In this article I want to examine the wisdom of Wise men mentioned in gospel of Matthew sometimes called magi. These magi are called "wise men" because they were people of learning. The Wise Men teach us that Jesus is for all people. What wisdom can we learn from the story of these wise men?

1. First, wise men follow God's direction and they made it a priority to pursue the Lord.

According to gospel narrative "Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, 'Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.'........" (Matthew 2:1-12) The Jewish religious leaders understood that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem of Judah. So they told him "In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet..." The prophet Micah had given the exact location of the Messiah's birth seven centuries earlier. (Micah 5:2) This fact was well known to all Jews (John 7:41-42). The tiny town of Bethlehem is about five miles south of Jerusalem. Having been told that the child was to be born in Bethlehem, the wise men went their way. Once again the star appeared to them as they travelled toward Bethlehem.

Then, the star stopped over the place where the child was. Matthew says that "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy." When they came to house where Jesus, Mary and Joseph were, Matthew says they "fell down and worshiped Him."

When the wise men saw the star, they rejoiced. It led them to the precise spot where Jesus was then living. What was this star they saw? Many suggest that it was a natural phenomenon that can be traced back to some known astronomical event. Others suggest that the "star" was a supernatural astral phenomenon that God used to herald Jesus' birth. There isn't much certainty about what the star was. However there is a possibility that it was the (glory) the very presence of God. This is suggested in the text by the description of the star, which appears and reappears and moves and directs the Magi to the precise house that Jesus and his family occupied.

The wise men remind us that all humans are wired with a built in yearning for something purer than we could ever experience on earth. There is a God- size hole in our hearts that we need filled, and the truth is nothing but God alone can fill that void.

We don't know the exact time frame of the journey made by "wise men from the East" in search of King Jesus (Matthew 2:1-12). It may have been several months or even a few years after Jesus' birth when they arrived at Herod's palace and asked, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?"But while some of the details of their journey may be unclear, there's much we can learn from the wonderful example set by the magi:

These men were constantly looking up. You cannot possibly hope to hear God's plan for your life if you are not seeking after Him. The conduct of the wise men described in gospel is a splendid example of spiritual diligence. These wise men followed a divinely given star at the beginning of the story (2:2, 10), and a divinely given dream at the end (2:12). Let's expect God to guide us in unexpected ways this Christmas season. The Wise Men teach us what it means to be wise.

2. Second, wise men travelled to meet Jesus and they diligently sought after JESUS.

Assuming that the Magi travelled from the Persian capital of Susa to Jerusalem, they covered more than 800 miles. The Wise Men undertook an arduous journey to get to the Christ Child. There is always some kind of sacrifice — time, comfort, goods, reputation — in drawing closer to God. Nothing could divert them from their mission.

When God gives us a vision to pursue, we often have to deal with a several difficulties. Such as "Distance" "Discomfort" "Danger" "King Herod" who tries to distract us along the way! The wise men faced several difficulties because they were travelling from a far off land. However they proved to be "wise men," able to discern that King Herod had no intention of furthering their mission.

They were from a distant country, but God had given them a sign in the heavens—a special star—telling them of the birth of a new King for God's people. When they arrived in Jerusalem they asked where this newborn King could be found, and the religious scholars told them Bethlehem, as the Old Testament had prophesied. They went there and found the young child, and gave Him their gifts. They also, the Bible says, "bowed down and worshiped him" (Matthew 2:11). "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8)

3. Third they were wise because they sought after Jesus to worship Him.

Right from the beginning, the magi made the purpose of their journey clear: "We have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.

" When the Magi arrived in Jerusalem, they asked Herod, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?" After the Wise Men consulted with Herod, they picked up the Star again and "rejoiced with exceedingly great joy" (Mathew 2:10) Mathew 2:11 states that when the Magi saw the Child Jesus with His mother, "they fell to the ground and worshipped Him." What a scene – the most intellectual men of their day, scientists and scholars, bending their knees before a baby boy. The Wise Men looked outward in the same direction and discovered God's sign of a newborn Messiah. They kept looking and inquiring until they found Him. And when they came into His presence, they all fell down at once. The worship of the Magi implies that God's redemption goes beyond the Jews.

When the wise men came on their journey it was for the purpose of worship. The key element in the text is that they came to worship "the King of the Jews." The wise men's news deeply disturbed King Herod because he knew that the Jewish people expected the Messiah to come soon. Ultimately, the story is about Jesus and our adoration of the incarnate king, born to serve, die, and rise again. A.W. Tozer said, "We are called to an everlasting preoccupation with God." God is worthy of our worship. One of the ways that you can be reasonably assured of your salvation is your desire to worship. What many people fail to realize is that Christmas is about worship. The wise men worshiped Him, The Angels worshiped Him, The Shepherds worshiped Him.

When we sing Christmas carols, we sing, "Oh come let us adore Him," Let's worship Him! The wisdom of Christmas is that: The wise still seek Him and the wise still worship Him.

Jesus is: God's own Son, sent from Heaven to save us from our sins. In the midst of the busyness of Christmas, turn your heart and mind to Him and—like the wise men—bow down and worship Him as your Savoir and Lord.

4. Fourth they were wise because what they BROUGHT TO JESUS.

Expect the unexpected when Jesus arrives on the scene. The tradition of giving gifts to people we love or respect goes back many centuries. But our tradition of giving gifts at Christmas certainly has its roots in the visit of the wise men to Jesus. God's greatest gift to us: Jesus Christ. After the Magi humbled themselves in worship, they opened their treasures and presented the Child with precious gifts: They brought with them gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. These gifts have a lot of symbolism associated with them. Gold represents wealth. It is a gift fit for a king. (Jesus was the King of Kings) Frankincense is the sap of a tree that was dried and hardened and used as incense to worship God. Thus we see a gift for his deity. (Jesus was the Son of God) Myrrh is a fragrant perfume that was used to anoint the dead – to embalm and preserve them. thus, it was a gift for a person who was going to die.

Worship always involves SACRIFICE. The greatest gift – the greatest sacrifice – you can give to God is yourself.

5. Fifth they were wise because their journey was faith Journey.

Bible says "It's impossible to please God apart from faith." Yes – faith. "Where is He who has been born the King of the Jews?" What a probing question – there is no doubt in their language that He had been born as a king – the question is "Where is He?" They had seen the star – the evidence was real – now where is He? They had faith that He existed – now all they needed to do was to find Him. Their purpose was established – find Him. And so they were willing to risk everything to find Him. They were willing to leave the safety of their homes – to risk a pearliest journey to seek a King. People of faith have been willing to respond to the challenges of the unknown over and over again down through history. Jeremiah 29:13 God says "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

" The Magi proceeded with their prioritized plans by being bold with God's truths, expressing their intentions, taking actions when they could, and they looked for God's leading.

This is such an fascinating story and a beautiful parable of the journey of faith that we all go through as we move into a deeper experience of God. The story of the visitors from the East is a four-stage journey: from the head to the heart. First, they study the facts. Their journey of faith begins with them asking questions. They are astrologers – they study the stars - and when they see a strange star in the sky, they ask themselves questions about it. Second, they know that the only way to get an answer is to set out on a journey. But that journey involves faith. They have to come to the court of the king and risk their lives to find out about Jesus. But their desire for truth is stronger than their fear. Third, they come into the presence of Jesus and they worship. And part of their worship is to offer him gifts: theirs is a sacrificial worship that is prepared to give as well as to receive.

And then finally, they make their way back home; back to their everyday lives, not leaving Jesus behind, but taking the experience of their encounter with them. And it's true for all of us that once we meet with Jesus, we do take another road, life is never the same again. God sends us out, inspiring us and guiding us the way to go; a new journey with the experience of Christ in our hearts. The way of worship and adoration; the way God chooses for us. Wise men returned home "another way". Genuine encounter with God will transform us and cause us to walk on a different path than we started on. If necessary, we'll even be given supernatural direction or "divinely warned in a dream." The wisest choice you could make — now or ever — is to follow the example of the Wise Men and Seek Him the way they sought Him. Bring to Him what they brought Him and Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness; Happy Christmas.
