A Day With Her

"Okay. I'll stay here. Don't worry about the orders. I can manage everything now. Just take your time at the back. EAT! EAT WELL!",Ren said while pushing Blythe's back while walking towards Alex.

Ren winked at Alex.

"Stupid!", Alex murmured while her face turned red.

"Okay. Okay. We will eat now. I'm starving too.", Blythe said and went straight at the back.

Ren stopped Alex by holding her in the arms.

"Hey! It is your chance now. Don't waste it. Treat your princess well.", Ren teasing.

"Shut up! Mind the customers, okay? And don't you dare bother us.", Alex said seriously.

"Ohhhh! Damn! What are you planning to do back there, huh?", Ren continue teasing Alex.

"What? Hey! She might heard you. Stop your crap! We are just going to eat.", Alex whispered.

"Eat what?", Ren said with a malicious tone.

"Crazy!", Alex' face turned red again and turned her back to Ren to follow Blythe.

"Enjoy!", Ren said loudly.

When Alex entered and went to her small dining area. She saw Blythe almost done preparing the table for them. Blythe saw her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Blythe said with curiousity. ", your face were red. You feel okay? sit here."

"Damn. Why she's so perfect and caring.", Alex thoughts.

"Yeah! I'm fine. Ahmm. . . I'm just. . ihhh . hungry! Let's eat. Sorry I didn't prepared the table when I called you to eat.", Alex said.

"Oh. It's fine. You cooked the food. So it is my turn to help now. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you I'll used your stuff. I saw you talking to Ren seriously so I didn't bother you two."

Alex' face turned red again when she remembers every teasing Ren said . " Oh! That's Fine. Ahmmm. . Don't worry! You can use everything here. I mean. . ehmmm. . . Yeah lets eat!" , Alex stuttered nervously.

"Yeah! Let's eat! You're red again you must really starving.", Blythe said sweetly.

Alex turn her head down and focus with her food. She usually doesn't act like this infront of a girl or any one. She easily got ashame and anxious with Blythe but she act so tough infront of others. She plans to serve and take the chance to treat her good while she's with her. But Blythe and her innocence became her weakness. She always caught herself staring at her and can't stop admire her more and more.

They're almost done eating when Alex try to break the ice between them. She decided and convinced herself to stop acting weak and soft infront of Blythe. She needs to do something for Blythe. She wont let this day pass without her making even a small move on her.

"Hey! You want any sweets? Let's have a dessert.", Alex said.

"Oh! No need! It's too much. You treat me lunch already.", Blythe said shyly.

"It's okay. It's my treat! Just wanna give you something for helping me. Let me, please."

Alex said it using her charisma she used to impress girls.

Blythe catches the charm. The way Alex said this, was like, she can't refuse. The husky but soft tone of her voice she can't stand. Her eyes that like magnets that attracts hers. It suddenly makes her weak inside.

She only heard herself replied, "Okay" and she saw Alex smiled at her and went back on the Café to get whatever she's getting.

"Hey! What's that! Gosh! My heart beats so fast. Chill Summy! What the heck was that.", Blythe talking to herself.

She stands and put the plates they used in the sink. She calm herself by washing the plates. She was loss with her thoughts and didn't notice Alex was back. She feels a hand grabing hers. A soft cold hands on hers. She's staring with their hands intertwined while she's guiding her back on her seat. She notice her usuals, place infront of her; A one big slice of chocolate cake and two Frappes; just for the two of them.

"For now, I'll offer you these next time I'll make something different if you let me break your usual.", Alex smiles at her.

Her senses were back when she heard her voice and saw Alex sitting close to her. She looked at her and found Alex staring at her.