Girls Talk

Blythe spent most of her time at home. Helping her mom with chores, and sometimes she was accompanying her mom running some errands. She was happy doing her routines again. But somehow; at the end of the day she feels like something's bothering her inside, she missed the things she did for the past weeks or maybe she was missing something more or maybe someone.

One night, she was on the phone with Izh; Video calling.

"Hey Blythe? Are you okay?" Izh asked.

"uhh..yeah. Sorry" Blythe replied.

"Are you daydreaming again? Is there's something bothering you?"

"No. I'm just sleepy." Blythe's lying.

"Don't use that excuse again girl. It's been a week that you're acting like that. Something's bothering you, I know.", Izh replied.

"Okay okay. I'll tell you but don't freak out." Blythe said.

"Ahm? Okay? I'm listening" Izh anawered.

"Ahmmm—- How should I say this. Ahm... I meet someone—-"

"Ohhhhh—-SOMEONE!" Izh cutting Blythe.

"Naaaah nevermind—-"Blythe doubt if she would really tell her this.

"No no no I'm sorry. I'll shut up. Please continue.." Izh begging her.

"Okay. I meet someone and we spent the past few weeks together. I felt something and something happened and we stop seeing each other; maybe i just missed —-" Blythe cut the word "her". She doesn't want to freak out Izh. She doesn't want to tell Izh it was a "she". She wanted to tell her it in person —- or maybe she wouldn't 'cause they stopped talking and Alex never bother her again and she misses her.

"Hey Summy. Are you done? You're daydreaming again. What the—- I think your in loved and what is wrong? What happened?? Why you both stopped seeing each other?", Izh asked so much that Blythe just replied.

"We kissed—-"

"You're first? Let me guess—-that person got dumped because of a kiss!?" Izh freaking out!

"Yeah—-uhm I mean i didn't literally dumped that person we just stopped seeing each other. At first, that person sending me gifts and stuff to apologise but it stopped."

"That's the same Summy. You're not talking or anything. Do you think that was far from being dumped?"

"I don't know—-" Blythe almost whispered.

"What's you're plan then?" Izh asked.

"I don't know—-" Blythe's said.

"Stop that "i don't know". Let me tell you what to do! First thing tomorrow get your dumb ass and get dress and meet that person!"

"I don't knoooww—-", Blythe thinking about what Izh told her.

"Heeey. Stopped that!" Izh replied loudly! "Let us sleep and get your beauty rest. My baby's already a lady and I might cry now.

"Heey!! Stopped teasing me." Blythe's got a little bit shy on what Izh told her.

"Really Summy. I have someone to share your attention with and I'm not ready for that. Ha ha ha" Izh laughed.

"Naaah! Stopped that. You're my bestfriend and I will love you more than anyone except for my mom you know."

"Let see. It is your first and you have no idea to what's is you getting yourself into." Izh smiled.