Chapter 6: The Pig and Light’s Plan

The next morning I woke to the sunlight shining in my face, it was a beautiful sight. ever

since I found out what was to come out of my life due to my sword I have found life a bit more

brighter once I wake up like myself feeling normal, with my feelings still being my own. Even

though I knew i had to fight the rest of the worrier's I would find a way to keep my soul in

tacked somehow. I sat up and realized that Light had left the room, he was nowhere to be found.

I slowly removed the sheets from my body, the sun radiated off of my white skin. I pulled the

string out of my hair and felt my hair touch my torso I could feel it softly touch the middle of my

back. I turned to the side of the bed and swang my lags over to touch the floor. I moved my left

hand over my face and through my hair. pushed my body up with my right arm till i was

standing. I walked slowly to the mirror which was hanging on the wall next to the door against

the right wall to the left there was a table that stood to my waist there was a brush on it. when I

looked in to the mirror and saw my reflection I no longer recognized myself. My eyes had

become darker my hair was longer and thicker than before. I grabbed the brush and started to

brush through my hair. I continued to look at myself. my chest was bigger and I had a six pack, it

was completely different from the time i looked at myself in the river. The poor fragile boy I

once was is now a man, a man that was fighting for a new world a better one without people that

are trying to kill innocent people, like my family. At that moment I felt a pain rush through me

whole body when i remembered how I killed Saki's father. yes he was one of the men that was

there when my family was killed but he also saved my life, and got me to this point in my life. I then wondered how Saki was doing and if she had left yet. Light was pretty carefree and

probably went down for a bath in the spring, but Saki I've never seen her get to that point where

she didn't want to be around us. I put my hair back into a bun and tied the string around it, then

opened the door.

When I got into the hallway I looked to the right at the door Saki would be behind, i thought

about knocking but decided against it and found myself walking down stairs, when I got to the

last step things seemed different there was a crowded of people swarmed around this really big

man he looked like a sumo wrestler. I saw that all the people around him was staff members they

were holding plates of food, giving this man all the food he could eat. I stood at the bottom of the

steps for a moment just watching. when everyone stepped aside I saw the mark on his forehead

"Pig" in the chinese characters glowing in a dim yellow light.

I ran up stairs to grab my sword but on the last step I ran into someone and almost fell down the

steps, I felt a hand pull hard on my hand and swung me around I landed on my knees next to my

door. when I looked up it was Saki wrapped in a towel her hair was pulled back and wrapped

with a towel, her face was red. I could feel my nose starting to bleed. I rubbed my nose quickly

and stood up.

"Saki…" I said as I looked away from her

" Manchu..? are you alright?" she questioned

"Yes, thanks to you." I replied

"Good, I'm glad I should be getting back to my room then." she said with no hesitation and

left me there silent with only the memory of how she looked with the towel on.

No matter how bad I wanted to go to Saki there was a better opportunity waiting for me below

the pig the quicker the battle was over, and the less time I hold my sword the better. I was still

worried how distant Saki was getting but I can't keep thinking about her when there was so

much more at stake.

I made my way to my room when I walked in Light was standing by the window holding my

sword out to me he was looking at me with sad eyes but we both knew what I must do. I Had to

it was my fate to destroy the swords and there wielders. I took the sword from Lights hand I

could feel him shiver. It made a chill go down my spine, I found myself thinking about what I

was really doing.

Was it really right to kill someone i mean i did with my master but that was the only way to be

able to get the sword there was no other way, that couldn't have been helped. Who was I

becoming? What was starting to take over my soul? I could no longer wait I could feel the pull of

the sword drawing me to the battle ground that awaited me.

I walked out the open door leaving, as I unsheathe my sword I could feel the power lust of

taking a life. The darkness overwhelming my heart the feelings I had for Saki starting to fade the

only thing my soul wanted to hold on to was the pleasure of watching one of the seven falls.

I was losing myself and my feelings as I walked down the steps. The light in my soul was

going out the more I was holding on to it. When I reached the bottom step I was ready to take the

revenge that I was chosen to take.

The pig was still surrounded by the staff still pigging out on the food they were giving him. I

don't know why they were treating him like a king, I stepped down off the step and saw the

fragel woman who had helped us get our rooms last night. She was scurrying across the floor

with a plate of food I heard the Pig yelling for more food, she slipped and crash the plate broke and the food laid scattered on the floor. She sat up trying to swiftly clean the mess and the glass.

for the first time the crowded broke around the pig. He stood up and started to walk towards her.

This man no not a man a beast of a monster towered the women the inn's ceiling maybe stood

ten feet above normal sized people this beasts head almost touched the ceiling he was grossly

overweight his rolls had rolls his legs would swallow me whole his thigh was taller than me. I

had to evaluate the situation… Before I had a chance to think of what to do he grabbed the

women by the neck and lifted her off the ground. Before I knew it I was running towards him

and slicing his hand with my sword. something i would quickly regret, he did drop the women

but the next thing I felt was he's left fist came and hit me with the force behind it i my whole

body went numb. His fist covered my face all the way down to my thighs. I flew through the

Inn's walls and hit a tree outside that stopped me on a dime.

When I hit the ground i started coughing up blood, my body felt like rubber my sight was

starting to get blurred I looked behind me to find my sword. It wasn't there, where could it be?

When my eyesight came back I looked up to hear a loud noise. It was Saki she was inside the

inn. when i saw her she was jumping through the air at the beast of a Pig I didn't know why she

was doing this till i saw that he had my sword. Saki Kicked him in the face, i saw the giant fall

from the kick and my sword went flying. it landed next to the hole in the wall I came out off Saki

ran to the sword when she bent over and grabbed it i could feel my heart stop when she stood up

her green eyes pierced my soul, She stood in the light looking as a goddess had just come from

heaven to help me. her long brown hair was moving around her like a cures I couldn't break. Her

kimono was purple and short it had flowers embroidered on the fabric on her arms she wore half

sleeves that went to her wrist they were tied on her forearm by ribbonds. Her smile saved me in

that moment, next thing i knew she jumped out the hole in the wall and slowly floated to earth

next to me.

"So why didn't you ask for help? That worrier is too strong for just you?" she questioned as she

handed me my sword and helped me to my feet. "anyway's where is Iight shouldn't he be here as

well?" she said coldly

I was in shock kinda just confused by where she came from and how she got here so quickly to

help me and on top of that one how was she so powerful? I searched her body looking for a

mark but know matter where I looked no glowing zodiac mark.

"May I ask why your looking me up and down Manchu?" she looked at me confused

"I was… just…" I could feel my face turning red

"Never mind about that here he comes." she said as she got ready to fight

We both heard a loud growling noise coming from him as he slammed his monstrous body out

of the hole. Hw made it ten times bigger than it was before. I was struggling to get my air back.

I'm sure Saki noticed as she stood in front of me to make sure the pig wouldn't notice my

struggling. I looked around her lag to see what he looked like in the light of day. since the inn

was pretty dark the only reason i noticed who he was, was because the glowing mark that lite up

his head. He stood about sixteen feet tall not going to lie he reminded me of a sumo wrestler but

he was way more massive than that it looked as though he weighed a million pounds. It was

crazy to think his body could handle that much weight. He wasn't even wearing clothing it was

more like sheets wrapped around his body. The sheets were stained and covered in blood and




SUPPOSED TO BEAT ME." He roared his voice was like a drum

He's voice was so loud it hurt my ears but Saki didn't flinch or even move as the ground

rumbled under us. She stood motionless with her arms crossed looking at him like he had lost his


"One question Pig!" she yelled, "Do you know how to baeth or are you scared of water? your

face i covered in dirt and blood and you smell as though you rolled in a giant pile of cow shit."

she said as she stood there not even glancing back at me to see my reaction

"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT LITTLE GIRL!" he growled as he started to

run forward at her.

In one swift move Saki and i where in the air she was holding me close to her chest I could hear

her heart pounding in her chest. I had no idea why she would have said that or acted like that she

was a completely different Saki at that moment someone I didn't know the Saki I didn't love why

would she do that to help someone else she shouldn't have son that to protect anyone not even

me I know I would have just kept my mouth shut and let her take her beating. This Saki I didn't

like at all, she should only care about herself like I do.

In the middle of my thought Saki Stopped in mid-air she looked down with a fierce look on her

face and throw me in to the air when she did that I saw the pig had a hold of her lag. He started

to swing her into trees and slammed her on the ground.

I was falling to my death I'm sure I punctured a lung, before i hit the ground I was caught by

Light. Light than turned me to witness the fight. Saki was struggling to get out of his grip she

was still being swung around. She was trying to get in to her left sleeve when she finally pulled

the ribbon and her half sleeve come off she was holding something that sparkled in the light. The

pig yelled out in pain. Saki was know free, her dress was torn, bloody, and full of dirt her hair

had branches and leaves in it. you could tale that her right arm was broken she was favoring it

even though she used all her strength in that arm to pull out the knife and stab him. we heard a

loud russell coming from where the pig was at he was running at Saki again. She Jumped up and

landed on the pigs back, she kept stabbing him in the back of the neck. He grabbed her like she

was a mear fly and through her past me and light she hit a tree behind us. I looked towards her I

followed the dirt markes to find her sitting on the ground completely out her right arm was

pouring out blood here the bone appeared to be broken at her shoulder her face was still so


I got up even though it was painful and grabbed my sword i laid beside me when I light caught

me. I stood up to face the Pig even though i couldn't breath but I must live to finish my task at

hand. The Pig finally started to charge at me I held up my sword and I realized what his weapon

was it was a ring in his left Hand that had a sharp point on it he swung his left hand at me. I

pointed my sword at his throat as he slid towards me i was waiting for the pain of he's weapon to

hit me as my sword sliced his throat. I never felt the pain from it I looked to my right wondering

why. It was Saki… she was holding his hand back while she was getting stabbed on the right

side of her torso. If he didn't die soon Saki would have helped me for no reason and her death

would have been in vain. I swung my sword to finish the job, the pig bleed out and become

completely lifeless and Saki could finally drop his hand on the ground.

Saki turned to look at me I saw her smile so bright and caring, and as fast as she was there to

protect me she was gone. I didn't know what to think, Saki was gone again. I was alive though

that was the main point though I could live on Knowing I can finish this Job. Light stood there

staring at me I wish I knew what was going through his mind. He looked a little disgusted with

me like he didn't like what was going on. I had to do it I had to Kill the pig or he would have

killed me. I looked down at my sword and realized it was taking the power from the Pig's

weapon and when it got all of it the weapon and the pigs body turned to ash at my feet. The

people of the town came out of their homes and places of business to thank me for my victory. I

looked back to talk to Light but He was walking away shaking his head.

When I got Back to the room after seeing Junjie take all the credit for destroying the Pig, I

couldn't help but think that the sword had already taken the man that was inside the body. My

visions were becoming more clear but still scattered so i couldn't see how this story was

supposed to end as of yet. So many endings so many choices and I knew the ending to every

ending and every choice. The only ending I could see was Saki's, the ending to my story and

Junjie's endings where still unclear. due to our endings are based on the choices of other people

Saki's future and end was based off of Junjie's actions and choices he choses to make. Now

more than ever I need to change her fate, maybe something not so bad maybe not the river of

blood like I see. My nightmares are of her death that I have to watch every night every time

Junjie changes his mind or does something else it changes, but it's still her death is there anyway

to stop it at all? can I save her life without giving up what my weapon is…