Chapter 10: The road to fate

Saki slowly walked up to the door of the cabin. The boy she was holding changed to

cuddling her and holding her close in his arms. She positioned him to be vertical and moved to

knock on the door. Before she could knock on the door she heard the boy say.

"I love you mother…" As he fell back to sleep in her arms

The man opened the door slowly and when he saw Saki he pulled her close to him as he

started to cry. She was confused as he pushed her away a bit to look at her. he quickly grabbed

his son from her arms. He steadied his son in one arm and grabbed Saki's hand and pulled her in.

He let her hand go and took his son through the hallway. Maybe to his bed she thought, she was

now alone in a big room Saki looked around to see a large table in the middle of the room. She

walked into the room and looked to the left and saw a hallway that lead to the kitchen they didn't

own very much but it was a nice cabin. The man came back to the room almost as silent as a

ghost when he started talking it made Saki jump.

"Please sit." He said with joy in his voice

"Alright." Saki said confused as she sat at the table

"I never thought I'd see you again." He said as he reached for Saki's hand to hold on to

it. "I was so afraid you died in the war my love." before Saki could speak he kissed her.

Saki was shocked she pushed the man away from her as quickly as possible the man

looked hurt almost like he was dying inside from her rejection.

"What is wrong with you? The hug was fine I know you were happy I bought your son

back safely but this is way too much. I'm in love with another man." she said blushing at the

thought of even admitting it to him

"What do you mean you love someone else, you have been married to me for three

years." he said as tears rolled down his cheeks

Saki stood up in the chair behind her fell to the floor, the noise of the chair hitting the

ground broke the silence.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Saki yelled maybe a little too loud but not loud

enough to wake the boy in the other room

"Faith, you have been with me we had our son at an early age but you loved me. You

must have lost your memory during the war." He sighed

"No, that's the problem, my name is Daichi Sakura, Saki for short I am and never have

been your wife." She said annoyed

"Daichi?" He replied he's eyes widened at the name " You are the daughter of the Great

Daichi?" his face turned from joy to rage in a matter of seconds

When Light and I reached the cabin it looked as though it was only made of logs. The

handy work on this cabin was amazing. We saw a large window where you could see the light of

the candles flicker in the night. We walked up to the window and to my surprise Saki and this

man where embraced in a kiss the hurt and pain I felt was unbearable. I couldn't believe what I

was looking at she betrayed me how could she? Light was looking at me with curiosity in his eye

"I don't think it's what you think Junjie." Light said knowing more than he was willing to

let slip

"She was kissing him what other proof do I need than that?" I said angrily not knowing

my sword was reacting to my anger

"Junjie… your sword it's reacting to your anger. You can't let it devour your soul. If you

do you may do something you will regret in the long run." Light said as he looked to the door What Light didn't know was it was too late, Junjie slammed the door open. This time

both of Junjie's eye's where burning red the steam that came off of his eyes was most likely the

tears he refused to cry. He grabbed Saki and pulled his sword out of the sith he slammed Saki to

the ground and held his sword to her throat the mist that sorrowned Junjie and Saki became a

vivid crimson color. The look in Saki's eyes wasn't fear it was more of an undying love. She

didn't even trimble not once. Junjie started to let the venom flow from his mouth without another


"You fucking whore you bitch, that's all you ever were, just some whore that was playing

me. I should Have known that's all you where. I should kill you for what you did to me." He

yelled at her

Saki slowly tried to get closer to him and touch his face

"Who said you could get close to me your not allowed to touch or get close to me

anymore you're a whore. I should kill you like I did your father! No good bitch." He said

You could see Saki's heart breaking, not because he wanted to kill her but his word

where his weapon and he knew that. So he wouldn't stop he knew the only way he could hurt

Saki was to distance himself from her. The one thing Junjie didn't know is she loved him so

much that what he thought about her meant the world. She didn't care what anyone else thought

the only person that mattered was him. He was destroying her bond with every poisonous word

he spoke. I hated seeing Saki so broken but It might be for the best if they are distant than the

future I saw may never come true. To my surprise the man started to yell at Junjie.

"It was my fault I thought she was my wife she looks just like her! If anyone should die

for my mistake it should be me!" He yelled

Junjie's grip loosened around Saki as she pulled him off her, not without a cut. she stood

over Junjie as he looked up at her a cremson cut was dripping from her neck, her hands covered

her mouth as everything he said to her ran from her eyes like a waterfall she stood gazing at him

with no hate in her eyes but a broken soul. If I could choose to see anyone like that it wouldn't be

Saki she would have been the last person. Around Junjie the mist dissipated as it turned a cold

blue color. Saki Turned to me and ran I could feel the breeze as she passed me I thought about

stopping her it took almost everything in me to hold back from grabbing her and holding her

close but Junjie had to learn from his mistakes. He may have lost the women who would love

him the most his twin flame his other half. I turned my head to the right I couldn't bare to see her

like that. Junjie stood up slowly and sheathed his sword and looked at me like he knew he

messed up. There would be no remorse from me from what he had just done. I shook my head

trying to forget but I couldn't. If she could that be a miracle in it's own.

"What do you mean she looked like your wife?" Junjie said as he slowly looked over to

the man again.

" You told her you Killed her father whom was the great Daichi Correct?" He questioned

"Yes, I did." He said with a sigh

"His wife Daichi Sakura, had left him for me. I was shocked such an amazing powerful

women would want to be with me at all. Before I finish the story would you both please have a

set?" he questioned

We both nodded and took a set around the table, Junjie sat across from the man and I sat

to the left of him. I looked at junjie for only a moment, I saw the chains of fate break their bond

but the other cords remained there hearts were still connected, there soul bubbles where still almost touching, and the cord that flowed from the belly button was only detached from Saki but

not enough to shatter them completely if he chose to fix it he could. the cords where glowing

blue and sparkled in my minds eye. It was also something I had never seen before, the only way

to explain it was maybe I was getting a new power. not being one of the 12 zodiacs maybe that

moment I became someone special that could only do what other zodiacs wanted to do. The man

cleared his throat which caught my attention I looked back at him in confusion and we both

listened to his story.

" Daichi Sakura, she was someone other women wanted to be like, I even looked up to

her. she was as beautiful as a rose, she never seemed to age a day. but her husband came across

that sword and changed he was soon forcing himself on her and making her bear his children

things changed fast for her. I was the friend she could always talk too. She had two children for

him before she thought it was best to leave him. Saki was with her dad for a short time before he

had to give her up. due to the swords power, when you wealed that sword it wants you to itself

and its dark desires. That sword could care less what you want out of life it only wants its needs

heard. either way the wealders dark desires become clear and it forces that feeling on to you boy.

Just like you almost killing Saki he almost and probably did kill my wife during the war. She

wanted to end the seven most powerful swords she didn't children getting killed, women being

deflowered by those men anymore. blood and death is what follows that sword around and you're

letting it get what it wants from you." The man said as he took a deep breath "You do realize you

destroyed that women when you did that don't you? you didn't even know the truth and you

didn't even ask questions before you were willing to kill her and not trust her. To let you know

son, she pushed me off of her she didn't want that she loves you, or did love you up to that

point." He shook his head and looked straight at Junjie waiting for a reply.

"Yes, I know that but if she is going to let words turn her away from me than that's all on

her. I don't see how words should hurt someone they don't hurt me so everyone should be the

same. verbal abuse is fine to me. If she lets it affect her it's because she knows it true about

herself and that's the end of that." he laughed

We both looked at him with grem looks on our faces. I could see know that the sword my

have complete control of him junjie was still there somewhere but the sword and him need to be

separated for a couple weeks at most. That wasn't the Junjie I came to know and love.

"If that's how you keep thinking boy you will get nowhere in life." he stood up from the

chair and said "follow me I will show you where you can sleep for the night. By the way, how

long has it been since you both have had a real meal?" he asked

"I think it's been three weeks." Light said " Saki had been eating a little bit more than

usual. It was mostly fish, though kind of tired of that. I also think the fish was getting old on Saki

too, or maybe she was just sick." Light laughed to keep his spirits up

"Oh, yeah It makes sense now why she was glowing and so full of beauty." the man said

"Huh.." Light and I said at the same time confused and looking at each other

"Never mind you will know soon enough goodnight for now. The two rooms up the

stares you two can have for the night. I'm sure you will want to fight my boy in the morning. let

me fore worn you he's not as weak as he looks. also, boy leave your sword down stairs for the

night to clear your head of what you just done." The man disappeared into the darkness

Junjie listened and left his sword as we went to bed we decide to use one room for both

of us just in case Saki came back in the night. As I lead down to bed a flash went through my

head It was Saki at the same point when she died again and the person who was meant to kill her was clear in my mind. Saki's fate was now written in stone, I couldn't stop it anymore it was

going to come to Saki's end I could feel the tears run down my cheeks…