Five Billion Pesos

Four vehicles stopped in front of Cale and his men. Several men armed with M4A1 went out of the vehicles and stood neatly as they waited for Delfino to come out.

A moment later, a chubby man in formal clothing walked out of his limited edition Audi A8L. A tall and strong-looking man was walking behind him.

Cale smiled widely beneath his mask, but no one can see the expression behind his silver wolf mask.

Delfino scrutinized the masked man in front of him. He was wearing tight-fitting military attire with a wolf fur scarf on his neck. He looked rather wild and the silver wolf helmet with blue highlights made him look more noble and dangerous.

Cale walked towards Delfino with Brogen following behind him. Cale did not bother buying helmets for his men, as it was only his identity that he wished to hide.

Delfino and Anton gulped nervously after seeing the barbaric appearance of Brogen. Anton, in particular, felt a dangerous sensation in Brogen, even the mysterious Wolf King gave him a much more dangerous presence.

'These guys are strong! We are not facing some weak little sheeps this time, but multiple strong lions.' Anton thought as he studied Cale's men. Each of them had an aura which was even stronger than his own.

These auras were not something visible to the naked eye, but only something that strong people had. And the auras produced by the men in front of him made him shudder in fear inwardly.

'Boss Delfino, I hope you will not make any rash decisions this time.' He prayed inwardly.

"Mr. Ramon, you are truly a man of your words. And I am very happy that you accepted the deal I proposed with you." Cale said while laughing lightly.

"Wolf King, you flatter me. It is my honor to do business with you and I would be more than happy and open for future transactions." Delfino forced a smile while shaking Cale's hands.

"Great! I like that about you, Mr. Ramon! Men, allow Mr. Ramon to see the treasures." Cale said with a happy tone.

Two of Cale's men brought the huge box in front of Delfino.

"Open it. Let Mr. Ramon see some of my collections." Cale ordered beneath his mask.

Before Ramon arrived, Cale ordered his men to clean the treasures so as to not make Delfino question their authenticity. He also wanted to make it seem that the treasures were part of his collection to make him even more mysterious in their eyes.

Cale's men opened the box and Delfino and his men were shocked to see what was inside.

Cale casually picked up a gold coin and tossed it in midair. He then handed it to Delfino before he said "You can check it's authenticity. You've been in this industry for quite some time, so you should have knowledge of how to know if what I have are real."

Delfino nodded his head while giving the gold coin to one of his men. The guy scrutinized it and handed it back to Delfino before whispering something "Boss, it's the real deal. And these are not just your typical gold coins, it has the seal of the Spanish Empire in the fifteenth century. These gold coins are most likely relics from that empire. The price for these single gold coins will be worth more if we sell it on the right person."

"Oh, I didn't think that you have a subordinate who knows his stuff. Great, then this transaction might end better than I thought." Cale said casually while laughing lightly.

Mr. Ramon and his subordinate were shocked, they were quite far from Cale as Mr. Ramon approached one of his men to check the gold coin, so they were about ten meters away. But even after talking silently, their conversation still did not escape Cale's ears.

"If you estimate the price of the treasures inside that box, how much will it be?" Mr. Ramon signaled his subordinate with his eyes.

His subordinate saw him blinking multiples times and understood the message his boss was trying to convey. He then said "This gold might be valuable relics from the past, but it will be hard to find willing buyers for them. As only some collectors will purchase this gold at a high price, so I estimate that that entire box will be around two billion pesos."

Mr. Ramon sucked in a deep breath of cold. Although two billion is a little amount for him, to think that one box is equivalent to that. He trusted this subordinate a lot as he was one of his assistants and he hardly made mistakes in appraising an item. So when he said two billion, the amount of that box might be more than that.

When Cale heard them, he suddenly laughed loudly. After five seconds, his laughter ceased and he looked at the opposing party in a strange silence.

Anton felt nervous as the situation might turn for the worst, so he held the handle of his handgun tightly to prepare for any possible outcomes, but then they heard Cale's calm voice.

"Mr. Ramon, I know the worth of my treasures. And I want an honest transaction with you. Now give me the most appropriate price for my gold."

Delfino and Anton made eye contact and the former saw the latter shook his head. Delfino sighed and turned to look at his assistant and shook his head helplessly. His assistant then glanced at Cale with a wry smile and said: "Wolf King, five billion pesos is the maximum we can give for the box."

Cale smiled behind his mask and said in a calm and cold voice "Good! I appreciate your honesty. Just give the money to my men. Brogen, receive our money."

"Yes, Wolf King!" Brogen replies loudly while bowing his head slightly.

One of Delfino's subordinates walked towards Brogen fearfully. The huge bag he was holding was shaking visibly under the moonlight.

Brogen received the huge bag and presented it to Cale.

"It was a pleasure doing business with Mr. Ramon. Don't worry, if I have another good treasure, then I will make sure to give you a call." Cale said teasingly as he went inside his hummer.

Delfino forced a smile and said "It is my honor to receive your wonderful treasures, Wolf King. And if you ever need help, I will do my best to help you."

Cale just smiled and did not give him an answer. He then told his men "Let's go!"

His men stood on attention and answered in unison "Yes Wolf King!"

Delfino and his men were quite impressed at Cale's men. He knew that they were not just some random riffraff just based on their bearing alone and also to how well they execute the orders given by Cale.

Delfino stared at the well-trained group move away with his five billion pesos. He then glanced at the treasure box and felt relieved somehow.