Sima Ying

In the evening of the following day, inside the grand ballroom of Grand Lisboa, many guests in luxurious clothing were busy chatting with their friends and business partners.

The banquet was hosted by the Sima Family of Eastern China, to celebrate the ascension of their new family head, Sima Ying.

She was the eldest daughter of the former family head Sima Yantong, and also his most favorite child among his six children.

Sima Ying was a gifted young woman, she graduated with the highest honors from one of the most prestigious universities abroad.

And aside from her high intellect, her beauty was unrivaled among her peers as well. Many famous celebrities all over China even tried to woo her, but no one could thwart her stone-cold heart.

Sima Ying was now a very successful woman at the young age of twenty. She was already the one managing the main businesses of the Sima Family and with her leading the Sima Family, they will only continue to prosper as long as there was no internal conflict within.

"Look, isn't that Sima Ying?"

"Really? Where?"

"There, at the entrance. And the man beside her, I think I saw him online. Oh, I remember now! He is Lee Wang Min, a famous Korean idol!"

Cale heard the excited crowd and he moved his gaze towards the cause of the commotion.

He saw a devastatingly beautiful woman wearing an icy blue long gown with shining jewel accents. Her slim waist made her look fragile and many men would instinctively want to protect her. Her bosom was ample and very tantalizing, her perky bottom was swaying seductively as she walked with elegant steps.

Lee Wang Min who was following her like an obedient dog was busy ogling at her round bottom. The drool on his face almost dropped to the ground. When he realized that he was almost lost in a blunder, he instantly put on his usual charming smile and walked in a more noble way.

Cale was inwardly amazed at this beautiful woman, and even he, the Gun Sovereign, almost succumbed to her immortal-like beauty.

He hurriedly calmed his wildly beating heart and focused his gaze on her icy cold but fairy-like face.

"What a beautiful woman." He unconsciously said what was on his mind and some of the surrounding guests heard him. They all nodded their heads in agreement and continued to stare at her.

Even the moon outside would be embarrassed if it was put into comparison with her.

"Oh, isn't this little Cale from Tyrannical Tower?" Suddenly a hearty aged voice travels his ears.

He turned back his head and saw old man Sekoujo walking slowly towards him with his Smoking Dragon pipe placed in between his dry and wrinkled lips.

Cale smiled and walked towards the old man.

"It is my honor to see your magnificent presence here Mr. Sekoujo. My little heart is now beating with extreme excitement." Cale teasingly said as he shook hands with the old man.

Old man, Sekoujo was not angered by this as he knew that Cale was only teasing him.

"Little kid, you truly like to tease this old man, don't you?" Old man Sekoujo said after laughing lightly.

Cale just smiled in response and moved his gaze back to the beautiful Sima Ying.

Sima Ying felt his stare and looked towards his direction. Their gazes met for a brief second, but Sima Ying moved her gaze away.

"This woman is not simple and she is not as weak as she seems to be. Interesting." Cale smiled at his discovery.

'It looks like the Sima Family is not just a merchant family. Well, now it is understandable how they were able to maintain their position after all these years." He thought to himself.

"Mr. Sekoujo, do you perhaps know something about the Sima Family?" Cale asked old man Sekoujo without moving his gaze away from Sima Ying.

'Did this kid felt her inherent strength after looking at her? I underestimated this kid. He might be a bit stronger than me even in my peak state. Just what kind of background does this kid have?' Old man Sekoujo thought.

"Sima Family? Did you fell in love with their young family head after looking at her once?" Joked old man Sekoujo.

"It might be the case." Cale glanced at the old man and smiled at him.

Old man Sekoujo was speechless but was still able to give him a forced smile.

Thirty meters away from Cale and his friends was a group of men staring daggers at them.

"Boss, aren't those two guys together with that Wolf King during our exchange last time?" Anton asked after seeing Brogen and Santharus.

"Yes it is them and I am wondering who are those two men with them. Is one of them the true Wolf King?" Delfino asked in curiosity. He was truly mystified by the identity of Wolf King.

Brogen and the others had long since felt the stare of Delfino and his people. They just ignored them, but they still reported it to Cale.

"Sir Cale, Delfino and his men are here thirty meters away from us," Santharus whispered to Cale.

"Yes I know, just allow them to stare for now. I am very sure that Delfino will come here on his own." Cale smiled evilly.

Old man Sekoujo who saw the evil smile of Cale felt chills down his spine. He then told himself to never offend the mysterious young man in front of him.

"Boss, it looks like they are subservient to that kid. Who is he?" Anton wondered at the identity of Cale after seeing Santharus whispering something to him.

"They knew we are here, but they refused to greet us. How arrogant these young men are." Delfino said with a bit of anger.

"Let's go there and greet them. We will see why these kids are acting arrogantly in front of me the Underworld Emperor of Asia. There is nothing to be afraid of if that Wolf King isn't here, but let's not be too overboard." Delfino said after a moment of thinking.

They then walked towards Cale's group attracting the attention of some guests.

Who does not know the infamous Underworld Emperor of Asia? Even the government did not dare do anything to him.

"Sir, Delfino and his men are moving towards us." said the former commander Nogi to old man Sekoujo.

"They are not here for us." Old man Sekoujo replied calmly.

"What? Then who are they coming here for?" Asked Nogi in doubt.

Old man Sekoujo did not reply but he moved his gaze towards Cale. Nogi moved his gaze towards where old man Sekoujo was looking and a trace of understanding can be seen on his face.

'How can these people be acquainted with Delfino? Are they also people from the underworld?' Nogi thought to himself.