One Punch

The tournament continued for over an hour until it was finally time for Nogi to fight.

"For the eleventh match, can I have the fighter from Diamond Paradise Hotel and Casino to come onto the stage please!"

"It is finally my time to fight," Nogi said while stretching his shoulders.

Old man Sekoujo patted his back and said: "Just do your best out there Nogi."

The others also told him good luck.

Sima Yantong called Nogi's opponent and announced the beginning of the match after he saw that they were ready.

"Mr. Sekoujo, as I can see so far, Mr. Nogi is using a form of military boxing. He was a soldier previously, right? And not just an average soldier, but a higher ranked one at that." Cale said cheekily as he glanced the old man.

"Nothing can truly escape your eyes, little brother Cale. Nogi was indeed an elite soldier, and he was working under me before my resignation." Old man Sekoujo said after laughing lightly.

Delfino and Anton who were listening at the side were quite surprised to know that Nogi was a former elite soldier.

They then saw him thrashing his opponent on the stage with his military boxing. His speed was also astonishing for someone with thick muscles.

After a little more than a minute, his opponent could no longer bear the punches from Nogi and collapsed on the stage.

"Eleventh match, Nogi from the Diamond Paradise Hotel and Casino wins!" Sima Yantong announced loudly.

The crowd erupted into loud cheering. All of the old man Sekoujo's friends and business partners congratulated him for Nogi's victory.

It was truly an honor to gain a victory in this tournament in front of all the most reputable people in Asia. 

Cale and the others also congratulated the old man and Nogi for their victory.

"For the twelfth match, can I have the fighter from the Tyrannical Tower to come onto the stage please!" 

Cale smiled widely and patted Santharus' shoulders.

Delfino and the others gave him their good lucks.

And a lot of eyes immediately focused on Santharus. 

The guy is the representative fighter of the mysterious Tyrannical Tower. And they were truly dying to know the strength of Santharus.

Anton's eyes flashed with strange lights as he focused his gaze on Santharus who was moving towards the stage.

Sima Ying locked her gaze on the man who was walking towards the stage and her face showed a trace of expectation. 

Nangong Lanjiang saw a slight change in her countenance. He followed her gaze and he saw that her sight was following Santharus. He clenched his fist and felt angry that a man was able to make Sima Ying's cold face change. 

"He is just acting mysterious and hyping up the atmosphere. What an imposter." Nangong Lanjiang said mockingly.

Sima Ying glanced at him and said in an impassive voice "Sir Nangong Lanjiang, that man is not someone you could afford to offend. And the group he is representing is very mysterious. And amongst their group, I can feel that he is not even the strongest."

Nangong Lanjiang was shocked that Sima Ying could actually give a lengthy reply, but he did not listen to the words she said and just continued to admire her beautiful face.

"Yes! I agree with young miss Ying." Nangong Lanjiang nodded his head and smiled elegantly towards her.

Sima Ying sighed inwardly and ignored Nangong Lanjiang. She then shifted her focus on the stage and did not bother to reply to Nangong Lanjiang words.

All the fighters participating in the tournament also looked intently at Santharus.

"That guy, do you think he can compete with Sima Fenglun and Nangong Jun?"

"I am not entirely sure, but he looked like an expert. He should be able to fight them."

"You overestimate him, he is just slightly mysterious, that's all."

Brogen could barely hold back his laughter to erupt and coughed twice to prevent himself from doing so.

'You group of fools! He can decimate all of you in seconds if he used his full strength!' He laughed inwardly.

Cale glanced at him and asked with a slight smile "Is there something wrong Brogen?"

Brogen shook his head and said "Nothing sir Cale!"

Cale smiled and shifted his gaze on the stage.

"Can I have the fighter from the Situ Family to come on the stage please!"

A man in his late twenties went up the stage. His name was Situ Shenlong, and also the most promising fighter from the Situ Family.

The Situ Family was a famous martial arts family in the western part of China. Although they did not have a lot of businesses like the Nangong and Sima Families, their reputation in the field of martial arts was even better than both the Nangong and the Sima Family.

Situ Shenlong enjoyed the admiring gazes of the crowd and walked towards the stage with a face full of confidence.

Sima Yantong smiled after seeing that both fighters were already on the stage. He then thought to himself 'We can finally gauge the strength level of this Santharus. Even Sima Fenglun will have a hard time defeating Situ Shenlong.'

"Both fighters, are you guys ready?" Sima Yantong asked them loudly. He was also excited about the outcome of this match.

Situ Shenlong smiled and nodded his head, while Santharus just nodded his head calmly.

"For the twelfth match! Santharus versus Situ Shenlong! Begin!" 

Santharus did not move and just glanced at Situ Shenlong impassively. The latter was not bothered by his act and showed everyone the fancy stance of Situ Family's martial art.

Situ Shenlong then curled his right hand and motioned Santharus to come towards him. 

He smiled at Santharus tauntingly while maintaining his stance. 

Brogen shook his head in pity and thought to himself 'What an idiot. Of all the people you can choose to provoke, you ended up choosing Santharus. Poor kid.'

Situ Shenlong was still occupied by his own vanity and he did not even realize that Santharus was already beside him.

Santharus threw a punch that looked very weak to any onlookers, but the strong martial artists inside the grand ballroom felt the monstrous energy hidden behind the punch. 

Situ Shenlong's smile froze and was not even able to utter a cry of pain before his body was thrown out of the stage.

Sima Yantong's jaw dropped to the ground in shock. It was not just him, but all the people inside the grand ballroom were shocked at this one punch victory.

Sima Yantong coughed and announced in a loud voice "For the twelfth match, Santharus from the Tyrannical Tower wins!"