Unparalleled Arrogance

"Mr. Sekoujo, do you know who that young foreigner is?" Cale was surprised that Sima Ying was actually engaged to someone and he was also a bit shock at the attitude of Sima Yantong towards the young man. 

Old man Sekoujo glanced at him after puffing rings of gray smoke. "That young man is the only son of Lewis Fischer, a vice leader of a big German syndicate."

Cale had a look of understanding after hearing his reply. 

'That guy might be acting like a pauper, but his strength is at the C-Class level, as for the five people with him, they are all A-Class level in strength. And that middle-aged man who is standing behind him, he is at the initial S-Class level, just slightly weaker than Sima Yantong.' 

"Hey! Who are you arrogant bastards to suddenly interrupt the ongoing tournament?!"

Asahi Riku who clearly wanted to continue the tournament angrily shouted towards the young man and his group. Four men were holding Asahi Riku back from moving towards the young man. 

"Oh, and who is this loud doggy? Shoo! Shoo! This young master is not in a good mood to talk with some stray dog." Jeffrey laughed mockingly, while the middle-aged man behind him glared sharply at Asahi Riku.

"You little piece of shit! Let go of me, you guys! I want to tear that arrogant bastard into pieces!" Asahi Riku could no longer contain his anger and used his strength to free himself from the four men's grasps. 

He strode towards Jeffrey who was sitting leisurely with his arms crossed, his other leg was on top of the other, while a taunting smile hanging on his handsome face. 

Before Asahi Riku could get nearer towards Jeffrey he saw Sima Yantong blocking his way. A complicated look hung on his face and he looked like he has aged several times at that moment.

"Mr. Sima, please allow me to discipline this arrogant bastard." Asahi Riku was calm when he spoke with Sima Yantong, but his fists were clenched so tight that blood almost leaked out of them.

"I apologize Mr. Asahi Riku, but Jeffrey is the fiance of my daughter and I cannot allow you to harm him."

"Mr. Sima Yantong, this brat embarrassed your Sima Family in front of all these notable people and you just chose to swallow your pride? I once admired you greatly for being a powerful man with almost no one being your match, but the man in front of me is no longer the man I once admired." Asahi Riku's voice was full of disappointment.

Sima Yantong face changed multiple times and in the end, he only shook his head after sighing heavily.

"That young man's background is complicated, and be careful about the middle-aged man behind him." Sima Yantong whispered quietly and moved out of Asahi Riku's way with an exhausted look.

Asahi Riku nodded his head as a form of thanks.

He then walked towards Jeffrey while his aura rose continuously. Jeffrey felt a bit fearful inside, but he maintained his leisurely facade. 

The middle-aged man behind Jeffrey suddenly moved and attack Asahi Riku with a swift punch.


Asahi Riku was thrown three meters away following the loud bang.

The crowd was stupefied at the sudden turn of events. Their joyous atmosphere turned sour after the arrival of this foreign group. The celebration became a show and this would surely hit the Sima Family's reputation greatly.

Jeffrey stood up from his seat and walked towards Asahi Riku who was on the ground still struggling to get up.

Jeffrey stepped on his stomach with force causing Asahi Riku to grimace in pain. His internal organs were already a bit injured from his fight with Abbot White earlier. 

"Young man, can you give me some face and release him right now?" Jeffrey glanced at the source of the voice and saw a chubby old man walking towards him.

"And who might you be an old man?" Jeffrey's foot was still on Asahi Riku's stomach as he glanced at the old man with a cheeky smile.

"This old man is the president of Kaito Airlines, and the man you are stepping on is my bodyguard. Only I am allowed to discipline my men, so release him this instant and I will forget everything that I saw." The old president of the Kaito Airlines did not back down and retorted calmly.

"Oh, so this guy here is your little dog? Okay, I will give him a chance." Jeffrey's arrogant voice made the old president of the Kaito Airlines furrow his brows. The wrinkles on his face became more visible and he can only swallow his anger to prevent the situation from escalating further.

"Good! Thank for your magnanimity young man." 

The old president then signaled the men behind him to get Asahi Riku.

Jeffrey did not stop them and allowed them to get Asahi Riku while looking at them in contempt. 

"We have accomplished our goal here. Excuse us, gentlemen." Cale walked towards the exit with Santharus trailing behind him. He was a bit disappointed about Sima Yantong's actions. And he does not want to get entangled with any troubles as he still had plans for the future.

Old man Sekoujo wanted to stop Cale, but no words came out of his mouth. 

"Who told you bastards that you can get out without my permission!?" Jeffrey was not afraid of anyone because of his strong backing. And he also thought that the people inside the grand ballroom were only second-tier corporation owners and presidents. 

Cale did not stop walking and continued towards the exit.

Jeffrey felt angry that Cale and Santharus ignored him. "Miller, get those two idiots for me!"

The middle-aged man nodded his head and strode towards Cale and Santharus, but he saw them stopped from their tracks. 

"Looks like we will see a good show in a moment." Old man Sekoujo stood up from his seat to get a much better look at what was about to happen. 

Delfino and the others also stood up from their seats and their eyes gleamed with expectancy.

'You attempted to kick a tough nail this time you idiot.' Nangong Lanjiang's eyes had a trace of excitement in them as he waited for Jeffrey to make a fool out of himself.