Crystallized Phoenix Blood

Cale looks at her calmly and nodded his head.

"I will give you both a call tomorrow to give you instructions about what things you guys need to do."

Sima Ying felt inwardly disappointed because of Cale's lack of emotion. All men would look at her with greedy eyes, but the eyes in front of him were emotionless and cold.

"Yes, Mr. Cale. But I don't recall giving you my phone number." Sima Fenglun's voice had a hint of confusion as he glanced at Cale.

Cale smiled lightly that made the cold heart of Sima Ying flutter a bit and it was the first time she felt this kind of sensation. 

"That is something you don't need to know." Cale shook his head lightly and glanced at Santharus. "By the way, Santharus, give all the people inside an invitation card for the grand opening of our Tyrannical Tower."

Santharus bowed his head lightly before going around to give everyone an invitation card.

"I guess it's time for me to go. Bye guys." Cale smiled brightly towards them before he turned around and walked out of the grand ballroom.

The people inside looked at Cale's back with complicated emotions, and they knew that he was a man that should only be made a friend and not an enemy.

No one dared to stop Cale from going out, even his new friends, old man Sekoujo and Delfino just remained standing in their positions and sighed inwardly.

When Cale was already outside the Grand Lisboa, he took out his phone and searched for his contacts and stopped on Zero's name.

"Ring! Ring! Ring!"

"Hello my lord. Is there anything you need me for?" Zero's voice carried a hint of expectation. He was almost bored and mercenary like him was not used to staying idle.

"I will send you pictures of two persons. I want you to eliminate both of them tonight. Make it clean and don't leave any traces behind. But before you kill them, extract information about the group behind them." Cale's voice was calm as if ordering the death of someone was nothing of great importance.

"As you wish my Lord. How about the Sima Family?" Zero was excited that he finally received a mission to kill, but he still asked Cale about some pressing matters.

"As for the Sima Family, drop that mission. I have already discovered the thing that I wish to know from them." Cale's eyes flashed a trace of warmth as he recalled the beautiful but cold face of Sima Ying. 

"Don't worry my lord. Whoever it is that you want dead, will never see the light of tomorrow." Zero's aura gushed out unknowingly, but he hastily hid it.

Cale disconnected the call and glanced at the evening sky with a bright smile. "So it was you all along my Xia Qingyue. I won't let you die again in this life and I won't let any other man taint your pure soul."

Inside the grand ballroom, Santharus have finished distributing the invitation cards to everyone and was about to go out when someone called him. "Mr. Santharus, please wait for a moment." 

Santharus turned around looked doubtfully at Sima Yantong. "How can I help you Mr. Sima Yantong?"

Sima Yantong brought out a small jade box and gave it to Santharus. "This should have been the reward for the championship, but the tournament..." His face was full of embarrassment and guilt.

Santharus pushed back the jade box and shook his head. "Mr. Sima Yantong, please take it back with you. No one won the championship, so no one deserves this reward."

"No no no! Take it Mr. Santharus. No one might have won, but the people inside the grand ballroom know who would win the championship." Sima Yantong glanced at the crowd behind him and Santharus saw that most of them were signaling him to accept the jade box. 

Santharus sighed and thought to himself. 'This could be useful to his lordship.'

He accepted the jade box and nodded his head towards Sima Yantong. "Thank you Mr. Sima Yantong. I will leave for now. Sir Cale might be waiting for me outside."

Sima Yantong smiled and shook hands with Santharus. "I won't stop you Mr. Santharus and I will surely come during the grand opening of the Tyrannical Tower."

Santharus smiled and left the grand ballroom, but his display of strength from earlier will never be forgotten by the people inside. 

Santharus saw Cale and Brogen waiting for him outside the building. He looked at them apologetically. "I apologize for making you wait for my lord. The old man Sima Yantong forced me to accept this jade box and I accepted it as you may have some use for it."

Cale glanced at the exquisite jade box in Santharus' hands and he felt a sudden trace of longing from his heart. 'Weird, why is this jade box giving me a feeling of longing?'

He accepted the jade box from Santharus and opened it slowly. Inside the jade box was a beautiful black gem that shone resplendently even with the absence of sunlight. When he took out the black gem, he suddenly saw a familiar prompt popped up in front of him. 

- Do you wish to exchange this Crystallized Phoenix Blood in "The Black Market"?

Cale was surprised that the gem he was holding was actually crystallized blood of a legendary beast and perhaps no one else will know except him. 

'How the hell did this legendary beast's blood arrived on Earth?' Cale's mind played several scenarios on how the Phoenix's blood arrived on Earth.

He clicked the "Yes" button.

- Gained 100 000 000 000 Black Coins

- Ding!

- You have passed the requirements for C-Class Authority!

- Your Authority Level is now C-Class!

- Ding!

- You have passed the requirements for B-Class Authority!

- Your Authority Level is now B-Class!

- Do you wish to open "The Black Market"?

Cale was surprised that the small amount of Phoenix's blood allowed him to upgrade his authority level twice in a row. And he now even have an additional wealth of one hundred billion Black Coins.