Gravity Training Room

"Ring! Ring! Ring!"

Sima Fenglun grabbed his ringing phone and saw an unknown number calling him. He looks confused, but then he recalled Cale's confident smile. 

"Hello." Siman Fenglun's voice sounded a bit hoarse as he greeted the caller. He then cleared his throat hurriedly while waiting for the person over the phone to talk.

"Good morning Mr. Sima Fenglun, this is Cale. We have already accomplished our goal here in Macau, and in less than an hour, we will fly back home." Cale's indifferent voice sounded over the phone. Sima Fenglun put the call on a loud speaker so that his sister will hear their talk, or perhaps so that she can hear Cale's voice.

Sima Ying listened attentively with her eyes closed. 

"Good morning to you too Mr. Cale. You should have told me that you will go back home today so that I can send you off." A trace of disappointment can be heard on Sima Fenglun voice.

"There is no need for that. Anyway, a few weeks from now, the tower will be finished making. And on that day, go to the address that I sent on your email. All the kinds of stuff you need to do and bring are also written there." Cale shook his head and answered in the same tone of voice.

Sima Fenglun was not shocked anymore about Cale knowing his email and just listened attentively to everything he said. 

"Goodbye Mr. Sima Fenglun and say hello to Young miss Sima Ying for me." 

"Goodbye, Mr. Cale." Sima Fenglun kept his phone and glanced at his sister with a slight smile. Sima Ying smiled back at him, but her eyes flashed a moment of sorrow.

Somewhere in Germany, a man sitting on a sofa suddenly stood up. His face was full of anger and sadness as he rained curses after smashing his phone on the floor. "Fuck! Fuck! Who the hell dares to kill my son?! Fuck that shit! If I were to learn who did this, I will tear your flesh and bury you alive!"

The armed men inside the room glanced fearfully at their boss. He was Lewis Fischer, Vice Leader of Verreine Camorra, one of the largest syndicate groups in Germany.

The government of Germany did their best in tracking the group, but the Verreine Camorra had ears in the government. They even have members in Germany's military force, thus the government was truly helpless against them.

"Noah, investigate everything that happened before my son was killed. I want a very detailed report sent to me in less than three days! Move!" Intense flames burned in Lewis Fischer's eyes as he clenched his fists in anger.

Inside his private jet, Cale was looking at the clouds with a determined look. 

"Warwolf, I will allow your employer to have you for now, but not for long." Cale smiled as he glanced at the city down below and enjoyed one last look of it. 

The next day, inside Cale's mansion, a beautiful blonde woman was walking with hurried footsteps. She knocked on the door on Cale's room but did not receive a response. She was about to knock harder when the door suddenly opened, and a topless Cale with messy hair and slightly closed eyes greeted her sight.

Daphne blushed slightly and calmed her fluttering heart. "My lord, I have finished making the identities for everyone. And also, Ulric told me that the tower will be finished in three weeks' time. With the help, of the two hundred men you got, the building's progress was accelerated by many times." 

Cale nodded his head slightly and was about to close the door when he suddenly remembered the importance of owning his own private hangar with a vast complex of runways. 

"Daphne, search for a place where we can build our own hangar and make sure that there is enough space for runways." 

Daphne nodded her head in response while pouting her red lips slightly. 

Cale saw her cute look that made him smile unconsciously. He patted Daphne's head dotingly making the latter close her eyes in delight. 

"Of course, my little Daphne can take a rest as well. This hangar can be made sometime in the future, but you still have to go help Ulric from time to time."

Daphne nodded her head with a sweet smile on her face. 

"Daphne, call Brogen and Santharus for me please." 

"Yes my lord." Daphne bowed her head slightly before she left.

Cale quickly went inside his room and closed the door. He coughed roughly and a small amount of blood can be seen leaking out of his mouth.

"Shit! I forgot that this is no longer my former body and I even released a small amount of origin essence just to scare that Miller. This body is still barely at E-Class in terms of physicality and releasing origin essence with this physique almost killed me. I should begin my physical training today, and in less than one year, with my experience, I should reach my King-Class physique again."

Cale opened "The Black Market" to find something that could be helpful in his training.

He then saw two new options on "The Black Market" and he thought that it must have been unlocked when he upgraded his authority.

- Virtual Training Environment

- Storage 

Cale was surprised about the "Virtual Training Environment" tab and he clicked on it.

His vision warped and when his sight returned to normal he saw an advanced training room in front of him. He walked nearer the training room and several prompts popped up in front of him making him stop in his tracks.

- Do you wish to adjust the gravity inside the Gravity Training Room?

- Do you wish to select a scenario to practice on?

Cale studied the prompts for several minutes. He learned that the gravity inside the Gravity Training Room can be adjusted. And this could help him hasten his strengthening plans. As for the second prompt, he can choose a mission of some sort to practice his skills and there were more than several hundred missions provided for him to choose from.

Cale went inside the Gravity Training Room and adjusted the gravity to make it three times heavier than normal and the sudden change on the gravity made him furrow his brows in surprise.
