Time Is Up

Inside a room in Tyrannical Tower, two naked bodies were pressed tightly against each other. They looked at one another with affection and longing as they drowned themselves in their carnal desires. 

"Hmmm! Hmm....."

After three rounds of steamy sessions, Cale weakly lied down on the bed. His face was still a bit reddish as he glanced at Sima Ying's bewitching naked body. The latter had already fallen asleep due to exhaustion making Cale feel a bit proud to himself. He then hugged Sima Ying's body tightly and his eyes slowly closed.

The next morning, Cale canceled his training plans and spent the rest of the day with Sima Ying. 

"Do you remember anything related to our past life Ying-er?" Cale asked Sima Ying who was resting head in his chest.

"No, I can only remember you. And I don't remember anything that happened in our past life. Why, do you remember anything?" Sima Ying was still resting her head in his chest when she asked that.

Cale's eyes flashed a strange light for a brief moment before he shook his head slowly. "No, I have no recollection of what happened in our past life as well."

"You two are already this lovey-dovey after confessing to each other, eh? I'm jealous, when can I even find a girlfriend?" Sima Fenglun's joking tone of voice traveled on their ears, startling Sima Ying greatly in surprise. She looks back and saw her brother's teasing smile and his eyebrows which were moving up and down while maintaining that smile. 

"Brother Feng." Cale nodded his head with a smile as he glanced briefly at Sima Fenglun. 

"Brother! It's because you are too choosy. There are a lot of pretty girls lining themselves for you to choose from, but you refused to even take a look at them. Hmph!" Sima Ying pouted her lips as she placed her left hand in her hips while her right hand was pointing at her brother. 

Sima Fenglun scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed smile before scurrying away. "I shall depart for now as Mr. Demetrio might punish me."

"Tomorrow, you should join your brother to practice. Demetrio is a good teacher and you will learn a lot from him." Cale rubbed Sima Ying's head lovingly.

"Mhm. And I will still sleep beside you tonight." Sima Ying nodded her head in response.

Cale smiled and hugged her tightly. "Every day, you will sleep beside me."

The next day, Cale was inside the Virtual Training environment as he checks "The Black Market".

During his three months stay inside the Gravity Training Room last time, Cale used more than 20 million Black Coins for the expensive food and water. His heart aches so much, but after seeing the effects, he felt much better.

He practiced for another 3 months inside the Virtual Training Environment which was about a month in the outside world, and also, he did as he had promised Sima Ying to sleep beside her every night. 

After his final day of practice...

"It is time to visit Germany," Cale muttered to himself as he took out his phone and dialed someone's number.

"Ring! Ring! Ring!"

Anton's phone rang as he was watching a television show with Delfino and the latter's kids. Delfino was a bit irritated, but then...

"Hello Mr. Anton, this is Wolf King." The simple introduction made Delfino shut up his mouth.

"Hello Wolf King, how can I help you today?" Anton asked carefully as he put the device on a loudspeaker.

"I don't mind Mr. Delfino listening, because you also needed his permission for the things you are about to do."

"Okay, I understand Wolf King." Anton was surprised but he still answered calmly.

"Verreine Camorra, I know where their headquarters is." Anton's heart skips a beat after hearing Wolf King mention the taboo name in his life, but he waited for Wolf King to finish his words.

"And I can help you get your revenge. Do you wish to come with me to Germany? If so, I will allow you to kill Andrei Schmidt with your own hands." Both Anton and Delfino were speechless at Wolf King's words as if he already had the life of Andrei Schmidt, leader of Verreine Camorra in his hands. But strangely enough, they thought that he was not boasting at all. They knew what Wolf King was capable of after they had seen a part of Tyrannical Tower's strength.

Anton glanced at Delfino while waiting for his approval. The latter sighed and nodded his head after seeing Anton's pleading look.

"I will come with you Wolf King," Anton answered without hesitation after having Delfino's approval.

"Great! And Mr. Delfino, you don't have to worry. During Anton's absence, I will send five B-Class level fighter to guard you temporarily." Wolf King's words stunned Anton and Delfino greatly. They knew how strong the tower's B-Class level fighters are and to think that Wolf King was so generous to allow five of them to take Anton's place.

"Thank you for your consideration, Wolf King." Anton thanked Wolf King from the bottom of his heart after hearing his promise.

"Prepare now Mr. Anton and in a few days' time, someone will come to pick you up. Goodbye."

Anton removed the phone on his ears and his eyes had a trace of excitement and other unexplainable emotions. "With Tyrannical Tower's help, I can finally exact my revenge." Anton clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were burning with hatred as he recalled the face of the man who ruined his family.

Delfino patted his shoulder after seeing his expression before he went back and sat down beside his kids. 

Five days after the interaction between Wolf King and Anton, inside the Tyrannical Tower.

"Santharus, go pick up Anton." A man in silver wolf mask casually said, but his silver eyes carried a hint of coldness.

"Yes my lord," Santharus replied after bowing his head slightly. He then left after that.

"Brogen, call all the A-Class fighters and tell them to prepare. We will leave today and fly to Germany. 

"As you say, my lord." 

After both guys left, only Cale was left in the room.

"Verreine Camorra, your time is up." His charming lips produced a wicked smirk making him look demonically handsome.

He then stood up from his seat and glanced outside the open window. His silver hair fluttered elegantly as the breeze blew cold winds ceaselessly.