Savage Horned Knights

Cale held a recommendation letter in his hands. This was something that Alucard gave him before they parted ways. 

Alucard's group still had some things to do in Manu Town, so he just provided Cale with the letter and told him to present it to the Mercenary Guild.

"With this recommendation letter from Alucard, we shouldn't have problems with our application to become mercenaries, right?" 

Cale muttered to himself with a bit of doubt. Although he had a good impression with Alucard, the latter also held so many secrets. So he was unsure if everything would go well according to Alucard. Nonetheless, Cale already planned to go straight to the Celestial Sword Empire. 

Of course, it was not that easy to reach the empire. They still had to pass by the forested region of Death Forest. Although it was merely the outskirts of the Death Forest, there were still strong beasts lurking within. Especially during the night, when savage beasts were more active.