Heavenly Winged Guardians

Ciprus huffed and puffed as he glared coldly at the savage wolves who were eyeing him maliciously. They bared their fangs at him while snarling with anger. 

This despicable human has killed dozens of their comrades, how would they not get angry at him? 

Ciprus gripped the handle of his giant hammer tightly. He could barely lift it up as he had already consumed most of his elemental essence.

Although his physical body was strengthened after breaking through to the Saint-Class level, it was not enough to carry the massive hammer without the help of elemental essence.

Meanwhile, in a different area of the ongoing battle between the mercenaries and the wolf pack. Seira and the alpha wolf stood opposite each other. 

They warily glanced at each other's movements with unblinking eyes. Their muscles were taut, ready to attack at any sudden movement of their opponent.