Chapter 3

The guard who stopped me calmly says:

"Ma'am, please take your veil of, for identification purposes"

I obviously can't let him hear my real voice, they'll know it's me. So I pitch it up a bit and say:

'Since when do they check the faces of young maids?'

"Ma'am they always have done this"

Crap. I can't get caught, but I really need to go out. I think it is time to test out my villainess skills.

I grab his had and without waiting for him to react and push him against the wall.

I take of my mask. He gasps and looks startled and scared.

Ok wow, I almost feel bad for this guy. He kneels on the ground and says: "Forgive this servant for failing to recognise mistress"

'I feel bad, but I really need to go out' I think to myself.

'Listen, I'm going out, but no one knows' I say to him in the most villainess way I could,

'If you tell ANYONE, I will have all ten of your toes cut off and your friends and family beheaded' I threatened. (I admit, maybe I went a BIT overboard)

"This servant obeys young mistress" he said shakily.

With that I step outside the walls.

Phew. I feel so bad for the poor guard, but I just had to.

Now that I'm free, I follow the alleys into the main road, and miraculously manage not to get lost. The main street is bustling with people.

There are vendors selling merchandise and negotiating with nobles and commoners alike. The roads are jammed with carts, horses and even cows. The busyness reminds me of home…

I miss my mum, and I miss Kira. Kira was literally my soulmate and friend.

*Flash Back*

'Kira, I caught him cheating on me'

"WHAT?! Where is he? I'm going to beat his ass and that b**** ass too!"

'Thanks Kira, but it's okay'

"No Akane, it's not okay. As your wife, it is my responsibility to kill anyone that hurts you!"

'I know, I love you'

"I love you too. What would you do without me?"

'Haha, I don't know?'

*End Flashback*

Without me noticing it, a tear slid down my cheek. I didn't think that I would miss her this much. While I was thinking about things, I didn't notice that a very nice person was getting concerned about me.

I wiped my tear and was going to explore the area when,

"Are you okay?" said the most angelic voice I've ever heard.

I whip around to face the cutest kid I've ever seen in my two lives. Behind him was an entourage of soldiers and I see a few maids and attendants as well.

He looked like he was about 15 and I could tell from his clothes that he was nobility. As I'm dressed as a maid, I made the rational decision to courtesy to the cute kid. My new body is accustomed to curtesys, and already knows how to do it, thank god.

I also imitated my maid's way of speaking and said: 'If your lordship doesn't mind, this servant asks who he is'

The really cute kid (technically I'm older than him mentally) just laughed and the eunuch next to him introduced him in a loud voice:

"You are in the presence of the First Son of the noble Clan of Jin, Jin Qingye."

Jin Qingye.

Oh my god. Its THE Jin Qingye. I must have looked very shocked because the handsome boy looked at my face quizzically.

I am hyperventilating at this point. I am standing in front of my favourite character in the entire novel. I am meeting Jin Qingye. In. The. Flesh. Oh Kira, if only you were here!

Jin Qingye was the second male lead, and the one person that truly loved and treated Wu Roqing with kindness and respect from the moment they met.

He wasn't scheming like the other characters and did his duties as honestly as he could.

But in the end, he was left for that stupid Tian Mo. In my previous life, I remember me and Kira used to fan girl all over this guy, and rooted for him to be the one Roqing chose.

But then I remember that Laing didn't meet him until she was 15 herself.

'I am meeting him 3 years before I should… did I just alter the story?' I pondered. I was still checking out Jin Qingye (Not in the creepy way, I swear I'm not a shotacon!) when he coughed lightly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

'Oh god!' I thought desperately 'l am dressed as a maid! He could punish me for not recognising him!'

So I again imitated my maid, and acted terrified and quickly kneeled.

'Forgive this servant for failing to recognise your lordship!' I said timidly, hoping to god that I wasn't recognised as a noble.

He just softly chuckles and I hear his angelic voice say "It's fine, I don't normally go out anyway. Why were you crying?"

Ehhh?! Crying? It was only a tear… ah what a gentleman… if I had children in my past life, I would have used him as an example…

'I was not crying my lord' I said, with my gaze lowered (I'm pro at acting, am I not?)

'I merely saw something that reminded me of someone I loved…'

I hear a sigh and then my idol put one hand on my shoulder.

I freeze up immediately and don't dare to move. I'm pretty sure the entire street is looking at us now. My reputation is about to be ruined. Thank god Laing looks like a complete different person without her makeup on…

I think he feels me tense up and removes his hand quickly.

"I hope you find a way to heal your heart…" he says gently.

I don't know what to say, so I just bow my head and wait. Finally, I hear his entourage move away. I finally let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding. I shakily get up and run for it.

When I found myself far away from the place where I met Jin Qingye, I finally stop to catch my breath. These characters are scarier to me now that I'm the villainess.

They could like me one second and be ordering my death the next second. I can't die yet, I have to protect my mother.

'It seems like I need to set some goals' I muttered

'I will need to become stronger and use the knowledge from my previous life to my advantage'

Song Laing was only good at things like weaving and embroidery. Right now, I've seen the power of one of the characters up close…

If Jin Qingye has an entourage that big, imagine how big Tian Mo's one is. If they come after me, surely I can't defeat that.

'No,' I decided 'I need to get stronger, I need to know how to fight…'

Now I am all riled up, if someone saw me now, I'd look like a mad girl with my crazy determined expression and my pumped fists.

'Now that that's done and over with, where am i? Oh no… Did I just get lost? I better get moving, it's getting dark!'