I climb down from the tree and stand in front of my brother. He has his arms crossed and looks down at me. Jesus, the kid is only 15 and already taller than me by a foot.
Both of us aren't saying anything and it is becoming awkwardly.
'So, brother,' I begin, 'How is training?'
He still stares at me like I'm possessed, which isn't true, but not completely false either. His expression is starting to scare me. Well if he isn't going to talk to me, what is the point of staying
'Okay then…' I mutter as I turn around and begin to walk away. I have things to do anyways.
I am about to leave when I hear him say, "Why did you come here? Is it to torment me some more?"
Okay, I'm just trying to be nice. This pisses me off, even though it shouldn't and my adult brain can't handle children talking to me like that.
'Seriously, brother?' I say angrily, 'Is it like, forbidden to talk to you? I try to be nice and this is how you all treat me…'
My brother looks surprised and just stands there, so I say:
'I just wanted to say, brother, that I am truly sorry for how I've acted before. I hope you all can forgive me.'
With that, I turn around and run away from his residence. I don't blame them for hating me, Song Laing was really a handful. But sometimes I just get angry, partly because I'm basically older than all of them, except my parents of course. But what to do…
I want to read some books, I am bored to death without the internet. I know from Laing's memories, that the one place in the entire house that has books is father's private library.
Problem is, no one except father is allowed, and he has the keys. I'm just going to have to break in. I make my way towards the library, trying to avoid any maids or guards. The library is truly a beautifully made building. It can't compare to our residences, but it it ornate with golden pillars and red walls.
I am not surprised when I see a golden lock on the golden double doors. I pull a pin from my hair, because the pins in this world as so easy to twist. I easily pick the lock, mainly because locks are so easy in this world. I learnt how to pick a lock when I watched a video on the internet, as my curiosity got the better of me.
As expected, the lock easily clicked open and I quickly entered the library, and closed the door behind me.
It is bright but dim inside with sunlight flowing through a few windows. All around me are high shelves of books and a single wooden desk with a matching chair.
'Wow…!' I exclaim, 'Where should I start?'
I walk around the library, touching the book spines as I browse. Most of the books are military or medicine related and I take out a few of them out of curiosity.
Sitting on the chair I read a military fight technique book. The technique allows you to disable your opponent for a short time, to help you escape.
'This is the one,' I murmured, 'I need to learn this one.'
I put down the book and try to imitate the move. My tries end in vain as my back and muscles hurt. I think I am unfit, which is understandable as Laing never worked a day in her life.
I put the book aside, intending to borrow it for a while. I picked another book and it was a log book on all the important nobles in the land. I might need to study this one to avoid offending the wrong people.
I am frustrated that I do not find any storybooks, but this is father's library.
I put the rest of the books where I found them, cleaned up and picked up the two books I was borrowing. Poking my head outside the gates, checking that no one was there, I carefully replaced the lock and hurried back to my residence.
When I get back I decide to do some yoga. I've never tried yoga in both my lives, and I was too busy in my last. I decide to try something I saw in a video.
I did a simple stretch and, 'Ouch!' I shouted. I am really unfit, so I decided for the time being, to exercise until she gets a flexible body.
After only 10 minutes of stretching however, I was sweating buckets.
'Looks like I'll have to fix my diet too' I sighed.
At this point my body is aching and I'm hungry. It's almost dinner time, so I head to the dining room.
When I walk in, everyone else is just sitting down, so they don't notice me. I slowly sit next to my mother, and she notices me and say, "Ah, Lai'er, we need to go visit your grandmother soon"
I look at her and whine, 'Do I have to?'
"Well it is customary, so yes you'll have to."
I pout unhappily, I didn't like talking to people I didn't know and my grandmother was no exception. In the book, Laing's grandmother passed away before she was beheaded and wasn't one of the main characters. She was neutral, but wasn't very fond of Laing and her clingy behaviour. Fair enough, I didn't agree with it either.
I am not going to even attempt to gain the head lady's attention. The less I'm in the spotlight, the less people will expect from me. So if I ever do mess up, their image of me won't exactly change.
While I was thinking about my genius plan, I didn't notice that a certain group of people were scowling at me.
"What must be so amusing, that elder sister is smiling like that?" I hear a sharp voice say. I turn towards the source and my...
Why did this world have so many cute people? My little brother has a mocking scowl on his face, but still manages to look cute. I smile at him and say sweetly, 'I was wondering how little brother Hui could be this cute!'
Everyone stops talking all of a sudden. I feel like laughing as everyone looks very shocked. My little brother is suddenly very red in the face and that somehow makes him look even cuter. If he was my kid I would be the happiest parent ever. But I don't really like kids, so whatever.
It's very awkward so my father signals for the maids to bring the food and everyone goes back to what they were doing. My mother looks surprised, and a bit teary too.
This is so funny, she looks like one of those ladies in Chinese dramas. I turn towards the food and I eat elegantly as Laing had always eaten, so I wouldn't be suspicious. Good thing I did that because my elder brother and father were watching me like a pair of hawks. Once they saw me eating the way Laing had eaten, they narrowed their eyes and went back to eating.
While I was enjoying the good food, my father put down his chopsticks and looked right at me. I didn't notice and continues to eat, so he coughed very loudly, causing the entire table to look at him. The food was halfway to my mouth when I froze, and then I slowly ate it and swallowed it.
"Laing, why do you not visit me anymore?" he said very seriously.
'Nani?' I thought, 'What was this about?'
I was confused, but then it occurred to me that Laing always visited her dad when he was working and it irritated him a lot. I am too antisocial and freaked out by my dad to go visit him, so that tradition stopped.
Why is my old man wanting me to go visit him now? Doesn't he get irritated by the visits?
'Oh, uh, Father,' I said, 'I thought you were annoyed by those visits, so I stopped…'
He has that complicated expression on his face and everyone was looking at him in surprise.
'Didn't he hate Laing? Why is he asking her this?' were probably their thoughts.
He sighed and said, "From now on, visit me in the afternoon"
What? No! I have to learn my moves and memories every noble in the country at that time!
'Uh, father,' I began, 'I think it will affect your concentration if I visited…'
"Are you going against my wishes?" he said in a low, dangerous voice.
If I was the old Song Laing, I would probably ignore his tone and become angry, but the current me shut up immediately and replied:
'As you wish father, I will obey father'
He nodded, satisfied with my answer, and went right back to eating.
The rest of the family, contemplating what that conversation was about, also went back to eating.
And I was just fuming inside.
Great. What have I gotten myself into?