I sit on my bed, devising a plan to get out of this manor, and flee to the ever glorious house of pleasure. First I have to find some clothes, and for that, I can just steal my brother's clothing from the clothing lines. Then I'll just do my make up and to do that I may need some prosthetics, so I ask my personal maid Chi Lou, to get me some flour, oil, lemon juice, salt and water. With these, I make some colourless putty, so that I can give myself some manly cheekbones.
I make my eyebrows thicker and by the time I am finished I look hotter than before.
Not to brag or anything, but I am actually falling in love with my manly reflection. I bind my chest, even though I barely have any and wear heeled shoes so I looked taller, even though I am tall for a 12 year old.
I stare at myself in the mirror for a minute too long because I look like a regal prince. I would totally date myself. I take a bag of money with me, from the money that Laing's parents give her, because what can you do without money?
Now for the hard part; Operation Get-Out-of-the-House. I decide to go out through the back door. Security seemed to tighten much more since I snuck out last time. The problem is with my brother's clothing, as it looks incredibly wealthy. This will most likely attracted unwanted attention, but what to do?
I wait until the guards are going into rotation, and as soon as they move towards their stations I walk out the back gates, without anyone seeing me. I feel so badass, and I just wish I had a pair of sunglasses right now. I recognise the streets from before and some from Laing's memories. Finding the main roads were not too hard and finding the pleasure house was also not difficult. All you really had to do was find a drunk man and follow him and most likely, he will be making his way towards the place.
I stood in front the pleasure house called House of Lillies. It is beautiful, and is painted a striking red colour. I stand and think of a backstory in case someone askes something. I'm decide to name myself Fa Mulan, because why not? I know she is a Disney character, but who will know anyway. I look tall enough to be 19 years old, so let's go with that. With that, I turn on my flirtatious self and walk inside. There are two beauties outside the door and when they look at me, they have the same expression I had when I looked at myself. I wink at them and they blush and hide behind their fans while they giggle. I feel giddy now, as this is the reaction I was going for.
A pretty, flirty attendant greets me when I walk in.
"Ah, and what is this young lord looking for?" she says flirtatiously with a small wink. I like her, but she's not really my type. Imitating the way that handsome men talk in the dramas, I say 'Show me the best woman to keep me company'. I even add a small wink for effect. This makes her blush so much that she goes red. I hand her a large sum of money and her eyes widen and she leads me to another room.
She gestures for me to follow her inside, and inside is a brightly lit room with a screen door at the corner for changing, a bed with drapes and a small tea table. Oh my god, it looks exactly like it does on television. There is woman drinking next to the table, her face is covered and she is silently sipping tea. She looks at me as I walk in with the attendant. I smile at her and she stares at me with those big innocent eyes.
The attendant softly calls out to the woman and says, "My Lady Biyu, you have a client" before turning to me.
"Sir, what would you like to drink?" she asks shyly.
I smile at her and say, 'I would like some fine rice wine' in my manly voice. I am a natural at this…
The attendant goes away to get the wine and I look at Lady Biyu. She has her face covered, but her eyes look curiously at me, as if to see what I'm like. I stride up to her and sit on the cushion opposite to her.
She finally speaks, "Good evening sir," she says in her soft, melodious voice. No wonder she is one of the most well known courtesans in this district.
I nod at her, and the attendant walks in carrying a tray with a jug of wine, and some small cups. She places them on the table, bows and walks away.
Lady Biyu stands up and goes behind me and starts to massage my shoulders. Damn this feels good, I like this treatment. I drink the rice wine because thats what I used to drink.
'Come and drink with me,' I say to her.
She stops massaging and returns to her spot. As an introvert, I have no clue on how to start a conversation, so I gesture for her to play the Guqin. She starts to play and relaxing music fills the room, and I watch her intently. It is a beautiful song about what I suspect is unrequited love. When the song finally ends I clap very happily and give her the brightest smile I can. I can't see her cheeks, but I know she is blushing.
'Can I see your face?' I ask eagerly. I am so curious about her. She looks surprised, as if no one had ever asked her that. Poor girl, what do her clients ask of her?
She nods and slowly peels back to reveal the prettiest face I've ever seen (other than mine of course). I am dumbstruck at her beauty. She looks down and blushes, awww, she's a shy girl. I walk over and touch her face, which would be creepy, but I guess she is used to it because she doesn't flinch or look surprised. She has such smooth skin, and it is just perfect. I take my hand back and drink the wine until there is no more on the jug.
I am drunk, but I still am aware of what is happening. 'Fresh air…' I mutter to Lady Biyu, so she helps me up and takes me to the balcony. The view is stunning and I subconsciously put my arm around her. She blushes, which is weird, wouldn't she be used to this? Maybe she is acting, which would make sense. Her touch reminds me of Kira, and I feel so sad.
I am watching the view, and when I turn around, Lady Biyu is gone. I walk inside calling her name, 'Lady Biyu? Lady-'
Holy shit. I walk inside to find Lady Biyu standing at the head of the bed. Her robes are open at the top, showcasing her fine cleavage. I stand there frozen, unsure of what I am meant to do. She smiles and continues to undress, and slowly takes of her robes. Her body is so hot, if I was an actual guy, I would have had the biggest boner ever. Damn, this woman has the most perfect sized breasts, and the sexiest hips. Her long thin legs are about to give me a nosebleed. She walks over to me and holds my hand.
The wine is muddling with my brain and her face is irresistibly sweet. I caress her face and gently kiss her, and before I know it, we are making out on the bed.
So to summarise, I am a girl, kissing another girl while being dressed as a man. Not to mention that she is physically older than me. What a mess.
My hands are literally touching every inch of her body and feeling it, when I hear a commotion from outside the room.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN LADY BIYU HAS A CLIENT?!!" I hear a male voice angrily say.
"Your highness please calm down" I hear a female voice say, pleading.
We suddenly hear a loud crash, and I freeze in the action of kissing Lady Biyu's collarbones. A man had burst into the room and rushed into the scene of Lady Biyu and me going at it. He freezes when he sees us, and I scramble up and stand in front of Biyu to hide her naked body. My head is all very clear now, and I am all sobered up.
I look behind me and Lady Biyu is quietly covering herself up. Her neck and collarbones have purple marks on them.
God dammit. Did I actually do that? Thank god this guy came or else I would've taken my clothes off and I would have been revealed.
But back to the matter at hand, the very well dressed man stands fuming. A richly dressed woman and a few maids run in. Didn't the lady just call him 'Your Highness'?
Shit. Did I just offend someone from the royal family?
While the owner of the House of Lillies was trying to calm the man down, I was trying to figure out where I saw this man before. Then, Lady Biyu comes out from behind me and says, "Please leave your highness, 5th Prince, I have clients."
The 5th Prince?
Tian Chang?
Oh no, this is bad…