Naturally, our living quarters were luxurious, seeing that were the offspring of nobles. I chose the bed at the corner of the room because I didn't want to be close to the windows incase somebody decided to go on a murderer spree. The people at the window get killed first.
I'm still looking out for Wu Roqing and there are about thirty girls in this room. All our maids are setting up our beds, except mine because I'm doing it myself. This is embarrassing Chi Lou a lot as people might see her as an incompetent maid.
"My lady please," she begs, "Let me do it, people might think I am mistreating you!"
'Ah, Chi Lou,' I chuckle, 'You know perfectly well that I am very independent. Just let me do it.'
The other girls are quite surprised that I can do things by my self and many of them look on curiously.
"Lady Song?" says Lady Li from beside me, "How come you are doing the work instead of your maid?"
'Doing your own work builds character Lady Li' I reply.
Great, it isn't even the first day and I'm already attracting attention. Not good. The head stewardess, a strict woman, comes in and announces for us to all go to the dining hall. We are to be dining with the teachers and the other students.
I know that from the book, that this is where the male lead first sees the female lead. I still don't know what Wu Roqing looks like, and I need to find out quickly, before I end up unintentionally offending someone.
The stewardess does name call, and this is my chances to find out who Roqing is.
"Yun Tingyang"
"Song Shie"
"Song Sui"
"Song Laing"
"Wu Roqing"
I turn towards the voice and see the prettiest girl in the class. Wu Roqing, no wonder the prince fancied you. She was described as beautiful in the book, but seeing her right now puts a whole other meaning to that word. She is gorgeous, no stunning. Her soft doe-like eyes, her rosy lips and fair skin.
I am shocked, but I spot Li Errong giving her a cold look. Oh no, so it begins, and I will try my best to keep well out of it.
We all line up, and walk to the dining hall. The interior of the dining hall is as majestic as I had imagined and we all were to sit in our own little tables. I took the seat next to Wu Roqing, because it was in avoidable as we had to sit in a certain order. But it's okay, the prince should only have eyes for her.
Once we all sit down, we wait for the princes to arrive, and I am extremely nervous about everything, seeing that Tian Chang is also going to be here.
The five princes walk in and everyone stands to bow to them. I see the boy next to Tian Chang, and it is Tian Mo. I know because at least Laing knows what the crown prince looks like. They are wearing extremely flashy clothes and I feel like the only one wearing dark clothes and I am scared it will put attention on me. They are extremely attractive as I expected, and I see other girls blushing and giggling. I roll my eyes, how childish.
When the five princes indicate for us to sit down, we all sit in unison, and most surprisingly Wu Roqing turns to me and says, "Lady Song, nice to meet you. I'm Wu Roqing"
Is she speaking to me? This didn't happen in the story. It seems my altering of the story has already started to cause massive changes. I guess Laing in the original story hated Roqing from the moment she set eyes on her.
I snap out of my thoughts and smile at her warmly. 'It is nice to meet you to Lady Wu. May we get along.'
"Yes, Lady Song" she says before turning back to her own space.
Then the hall doors open again and in walks Jin Qingye. I almost do a double take, what this definitely didn't happen in the original book! He bows to the princes and takes a seat in the senior section of the hall. No one but me pays him any mind except me. Who would know that the Prime Minister's son would also arrive.
I look at the panel where the princes are sitting and Tian Chang's eyes are staring at me. No that can't be right, it must be either on Roqing or someone behind me. Frowning, I look elsewhere and I see my brother and he nods at me and I give him a small wave.
I watch Jie Qingye carefully, and he hasn't looked over at anyone yet. I hope that he doesn't see me, as he probably still remembers the day we met. I still don't understand why he appeared now, as Laing wasn't supposed to physically see him until two years from now.
'Did my meeting him somehow alter something?' I ponder, 'What could it be?'
My thoughts had to be put on hold as the maids were bringing in the food and I've always wanted to taste palace food. I look at Tian Mo and just like in the book, he is staring at Wu Roqing. This is wonderful, I won't be in the way, no one will hate me and my family will be safe.
This makes me smile and I am smiling while I'm eating really good food. However, my happiness is cut short when the 5th prince, Prince Chang stands up and claps his hand to get our attention.
We all immediately put our food and utensils down and look up at him as he makes am announcement.
"My dear noble guests," he says, "Today is a very auspicious day."
"To celebrate today, why don't we listen to some beautiful tunes, that will be performed by none other that the best Guqin player in our city. Please welcome Lady Biyu!"
Ehhh? This DEFINITELY didn't happen in the book!