Chapter 22

"Cousin?" Shie tugged on my arm anxiously, "Are you alright?"

"Miss Laing!" said Roqing, almost frantically, "Say something!"

Sui was about to slap my face to get me to snap out of it, when suddenly I became super aware of everything around me. I took a big gasp of air and staggered backwards. I was about to fall backwards, but Sui and Roqing held me upright to prevent me falling.

Just as my legs were about to give in, Shie pushed my chair towards me, and helped me sit down.

At this point I was hyperventilating, and my cousins were pushing a glass of water towards me, which I gulped down immediately, almost choking.

When I finally calmed down a little bit, my companions sat in front of me, and observed me silently. My head was a mess, and I randomly started laughing hysterically, startling my friends who were seriously worried about me at this point.

"Get a grip, cousin!" begged Shie, "Tell us what's wrong!"

"Should we take her to the palace physician?" asked Sui to the both of them.

At the mention of the palace physician, I stopped laughing almost immediately and just silently sat on the chair, trying not to cry. I did everything, I mean EVERYTHING to avoid that guy, and he still somehow knows who I am.


'I think I'll get ready to meet the prince now…' I say, downcast. The three of them anxiously nod and help me to the rooms. I feel extremely anxious and order Chi Lou to draw me a bath, which she does gladly.

While in the bath, I try to sort out my thoughts which are all over the place.

'Why would the prince want to see me?' I think to myself, 'Isn't he supposed to be in love with Roqing? Why is he asking for me?'

I decided to put on an even more depressing midnight blue gown to meet the prince. I am trying to calm myself down by trying to think positively.

"He's only a kid" I tell myself. "Yes, a kid with immense power, and holds enough power to annihilate my entire family…"

Damn these negative thoughts are creeping in again!

I take deep breaths, 'It'll be fine' I tell my self, 'He is probably not after my head. There is a chance he doesn't want to kill me.'

Wait. Did I somehow offend Roqing and I don't know about it? When was the last time I drank alcohol? Did I kill someone while intoxicated, and don't know about it? God…

I slap myself a few times and slowly walk out of the changing rooms, and I could swear there was a cloud of gloom hanging over my head. My dear loyal friends wait anxiously outside, and I could see that Roqing was practically jumping up and down with anexiety. (so cute!!!)

Seeing me in my simple, yet elegant gown, they're eyes became starstruck, and they quickly huddled together and started complementing me.

"Waaaa…" exclaimed Sui, "Where did this princess come from?"

"Aaiii, this regal empress…" muttered Shie, "Too bad you only where clothes that make you look like you're attending a funeral…"

"Of course Lai'er looks like a princess!" squealed Roqing, "She already is one!"

'Aiish, you guys…' I said, embarrassed 'What princess? I would very much rather die than become a princess…'

"Ehhh?" questioned Sui, "Why would you not want to become a princess?!"

"But I agree with Miss Laing!" exclaimed Roqing, "I personally do not like the crown prince's attitude…"

This comment made all of us whip our heads towards her. I was the most surprised, and my jaw was about to hit the ground.



Where was her 'I am in love' voice. Why was she talking trash about the crown prince? THE CROWN PRINCE. The CP. The male f**king lead. Her destined lover. Or whatever you want to call him, he was the ONE. And now his supposed first love was talking s**t about him. Am I in the right universe?

I pinched my arm to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, and ouch. Yep, this is reality. This is just wrong, how did it end up like this?

My maid came running into the courtyard, and panting, she said, "Milady, have you prepared for your meeting?"

'Ah yes Chi Lou, let us go…'

It felt like a funeral, as Chi Lou led me away and Roqing, Shie and Sui looked on mournfully. Every step that I took towards the crown prince's residence, I felt the unexplainable terror radiating off that place. (Okay, maybe I am being a bit dramatic, seeing as the dude is a full decade younger than me, but I'm a scared bunny ya'll)

Chi Lou thought it was a great opportunity however.

"Mistress is truly capable to attract the crown prince's attention!"

Or incredibly stupid. But I don't even know what stupid thing I did this time. But I'm going to handle it like a mature adult, except I'm not an adult. But I am an adult mentally, so I stand tall and put on my 'adult face'. My facial expression looks like I don't care about anything in the world, but internally I am crying and sobbing, waiting for lighting to strike me.

We arrive in front of the residence, and it seemed like the guards were expecting me, so they open the two very large doors to let me in. Chi Lou excitedly gives me an encouraging push, and I give her a half smile.

I gulp and walk inside, and as soon as I'm at least two metres inside, the guards suddenly slam the double gates closed, making me jump.

Jesus. What is it with all these dramatic actions? I'm starting to think that the crown prince has a bigger ego than one of my old exes.

An attendant comes up to me and bows, "His Highness has been expecting Miss Song," he says politely, yet mysteriously. "Please follow me…"

Sighing at my possible doom, I silently follow him, as elegantly as I can, even though I was itching to run away from this dreaded place.