Chapter 33

The dark clouds in the sky were gathering and approaching fast. There is a chill in the air, as a cold breeze swirls around the large building, picking up leaves and small debris in its path.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Lady Biyu steps up the smooth, stone stairs and into the intimidating building. The two heavy, wooden doors opens for her, and she strides right into the barely lit hall.

The first thing she notices are the high piles of bones. Some are streaked with dried blood, some with pieces of decaying flesh and some almost crumbling with age. A rancid smell assaults her nostrils and makes her eyes water. Her eyed wander down the dark corridor, the only sources of light being the wax candles mounted high on the walls.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

She walks faster through the maze of seemingly endless rooms. The light from the candles cast terrifying shadows, and she feels like she is being watched from all angles.

Lady Biyu shakes her head and tries to focus on the task at hand, and continues deep into the manor. The more further she goes, the darker it becomes and less candles appear on the walls, until she comes across a huge door at the very end of a hallway.

She carefully approaches it and tries to pry it open. It suprisingly swings open easily, revealing a dark interior.

Inside, she could only make out the outline of what lookes like a big, burly man. She looks harder and sees that he is in heavy chains, his extremely long hair covering the entirety of his face, his body sporting bruises and deep cuts.

Biyu gasps and stumbes backwards into something hard. She whips around to face a dark figure.

"Lady Biyu" she hears a hoarse voice say.

"W-who are you?" Biyu says backing away carefully.

The man steps into the dim light, and she could see part of his face clearly. He has a long scar running down the side of his face, and into his neck. He looks like he hadn't seen the light in months and has very pale complexion and deep eye bags.

"I didn't think Lady Biyu would come and see me…" he rasps.

A look of realisation comes over Biyu as she whispers, "Du Waili?"

The man smiles grimly. "I'd offer you tea, but as you know, we don't do that here."

He walks around her and shuts the door. He then begins walking the opposite direction, with Biyu following him.

"So," he starts, "What brings you to the guild?"

Biyu folds her arms and her expression turns annoyed.

"I have a job for you" she mutters.

"Huh, I never thought the saint like Lady Biyu would actually want to kill someone…" he says, an evil smile forming on his thin lips.

Biyu only scoffs, "You can't get what you want without playing dirty"

They arrive in front of another room, this time she could see that it had a decent amount of light, and the walls lined with shelves and shelves of books.

Du Waili leads her to an ornate chair and gestures for her to sit. Crossing his long legs, he folds his fingers in front of him and smiles.

She could see his face very clearly now, and observes the smaller, less noticeable scars that flaw his once beautiful face.

"Done looking?" he says snapping her out of her thoughts.

She frowns, pouts and leans backward on her chair.

"So, who has angered the all great Saintess?" he asks sarcastically.

Biyu rolls her eyes, "I want you to eliminate this girl," she says, producing a drawing of Wu Roqing.

"Hmm, she is quite beautiful," says Waili, taking the drawing, "I do wonder what she did for you to actually order for her head…"

"Hmph! This 'beautiful girl' dared to seduce the man I love!"

Waili looks up in surprised, "The man that you love?",

She stares back defensively, "Yes, the man that I love!"

"Who is this man?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"You don't even give the fifth prince a second glance," says Waili, shocked, "This person must be quite something, for you to love him…he must be the reason you haven't taken anymore clients…"

"Oh you have no idea…," replies Biyu, a lovestruck expression appearing on her face.

Waili clears his throat, and his expression turns serious. "I'll personally have her assassinated, but let's discuss the price…"

"Ah yes, well, I'll offer ten thousand silver pieces"

Waili smirks, "I do not want money from you, I already have money"

"What do you want then, for that girl's death, I'm willing to do anything…"


"Well as long as it is within my power, yes…"

Waili rests his head in his hands, before saying, "How about… you give me a kiss?"

It takes a moment to sink in, but once in does, Biyu jumps up from her seat, and points a finger at Waili.

"Du Waili!" she shouts, the anger bursting out on her beautiful face, "You know I can't do that! I have to keep pure for that man!"

"Pure?" says Waili, equally angry, "You slept with other men, how can you be pure?"

Lines of angry tears runs down her face, and she wipes them away in frustration.

"I know! I know!" she shouts, "Maybe that is the flaw that makes him not like me…" she says in despair.

Waili stands and pulls her to sit back down.

"Fine," says Waili looking away, "For payment, you could tell me this man's name…"

Biyu clears her throat, "His name is Fa Mulan..."

"Fa Mulan?"

"Yes, he is the man I am willing to kill for…"