Chapter 35

Royal Concubine Langlan's arrival set off a frenzy as all the young ladies in the courtyard rushed to make themselves look presentable. Some were harshly whispering at their maids to quickly touch up their make up, while others were hastily fixing up their hair and clothes.

I just sit there, kind of excited; I haven't seen anyone from the Royal Harem yet, and this is my first time seeing a Royal Concubine.

In the novel, the members of the Harem were described to be the most beautiful and influential women in the empire. Royal Concubine Langlan hadn't appeared before in the novel and I am quite curious as to why she is appearing now.

The maids quickly usher us into a long line, and I am pushed towards the middle of the line, seperated from Shie, Sui and Roqing. They are placed towards the back of the lines.

She walks in, a sort of haughty air around her, and I could tell in an instant that she is of noble birth. Her beautiful embroidered clothes are of an uncommon design, and makes her stand out like a diamond in a road full of common rocks.

She is wearing many pieces of expensive jewellery, and they decorate her from head to toe. And not to mention her face. She really looks like those hot characters in mangas.

There is a collective gasp from the group around me, at they stare at the beauty in front of them. The eunuch walks in and announces the Royal Concubine. I would expect the soft smile that I've heard that all concubines wear, but was quite unsurprised to see a slight hidden sneer from Concubine Langlan. I have read way too many light novels to know that people in the Royal Harem are not exactly angels.

Behind Concubine Langlan walks a girl, around our age, another beauty that looked a bit like her. The girl wears a gentle expression, but I can see the sneer in her eyes. She is not looking at me however, which is a good sign, I guess, but it makes me wander who had done such a thing to make these people hate them.

Royal Concubine Langlan stops in front of the rows of noble ladies and gives a small smile.

"Well, well…" she says in her buttery, smooth voice, "Such beautiful ladies, you will a be the future of our great empire…"

The eunuch hurriedly fetches her a comfortable seat, which she elegantly sits down on. "Now now, do introduce yourselves, you there, what is your name?" she asks pointing at the first girl in the line.

The girl, started, hurriedly curtseys and says, "S-suyin Fan your ladyship…"

"Hmmm…" says, Concubine Langlan, uninterested. She points to the next one, who also says her name and this continues down the line, until it is my turn.

"You are quite a pretty one," she says, looking at me, interested. "What is your name?"

I curtsey and say, "Song Laing, your ladyship…"

I see concubine Langlan turn towards the girl beside her and give her a look, to which the girl responds with a slight shake of head.

Hmm, something is going on here. I narrow my eyes, as the concubine moves on to the next girl. I watch her uninterested face grow increasingly impatient.

"What is your name, child?"

"Song Shie, your ladyship…"

The concubine's eyes widen as she gives the girl yet another look. The girl has an smile on her face as she nods.

Now there is something definitely going on, and I watch as the last of the girls introduce themselves, and finally the eunuch orders all the girls to show their hospitality skills to the Concubine.

I keep the Concubine and the girl in my vision as I pour the tea gently into the porcelain cup.


"Kewang," says Langlan softly, as she watches the girls go about doing their daily tasks and serving tea. "Is she the one? The one that the prince has his eyes on?"

"Yes, Aunty" says a very agitated Kewang, "I have been trying so hard to get the prince's attention, but she has been in the way…"

"So we only need to get rid of her?" says Langlan thoughtfully, "Hmm, I suppose it will be easy…"

"How Aunty?"

"We shall make her into my maid" says Langlan, smiling, "Then we could torment her to death, or we could make it look accidental…"

"My, my Aunty, you sure know how to have your way…"

"Ah, my dear, you'll learn when you become Crown Princess"

"Ah, Aunty!" says Kewang blushing, "Don't tease me like this!"

"Am I not even allowed to tease my lovely neice?"

"Just joking Aunty!"

"I'll choose another one, just to throw of suspicion…"


The Concubine is relaxed as she watches us put away our teacups and teapots. Her smile has something unsettling about it. Maybe it's because I'm mentally an adult that I find it hard to trust other adults.

"Ladies," she says, snapping us to her attention.

"Two of you has earned the privilege of being my personal maids"

We all look at each other, and I have a slight hunch about who she is going to choose. I look over at Shie and see her looking excited. I look back at the concubine.

"Song Shie, you will be one of my maids" she says sweetly, but I can see the poison beneath it. What confuses me is: Why Shie?

"Oh and Song Laing," she says, looking at me, "You can be another of my maids…"

I look at her, surprised. I need to get to the bottom of this, and find out what grugde she has against us, as I don't really like the look on her face.