I can manage big brother

See now you admit it you still searching for her. dont forget bro I already offer my help.but you refuse it, just say yes I will order virus to search the satellite for you.

I know but let me handle it even without virus I can find her. I already have lead where her about. she know how to change identity that's the difficult part but whatever she choose to be I will still able to identify her.just for now help me avoid with mom and dad plans.

So that's your plain explanation big brother..since your my favorite brother I will help you with this one.well you know me brother with matching price ofcourse.

Mica Li, well my lovely sister I already bought the island you want and it's already on your name. how's that for a price sis?

not bad big brother you really know me. well just send me the details. bye brothers I still need to rest. sweet night I love you.

okay sis thank you sweet night and take care wherever you are now..don't forget my souvenir.

dont worry big brother I can manage just trust me I will just use some sugarcoating to our sweet parents.i will report to you a good result.anyway see you soon big bro..

Virus let's called it a night. anyway investigate all the details about the Xie clan. specially the current head of the clan. I want to know every secret they have.

yes master .. investigations on going.. report will be ready at 8:00 am.. good night master.security alarm already activated.

excellent virus! after giving command to virus Mica Li looks the surrounding outside the window. with a menacing smile. Mr.Xie be ready I'm coming. she rise up walk to get her robe and towel to wipe her wet hair. having a high IQ and EQ it's natural to her to be a doctor on the outside and a hacker from the underworld only her brother know her secret.he accidentally discovered her secret when he enter her while she giving order to virus.she will never forget the face of her brother that day.she totally laugh with her heart content when her brother blurting out everything in his mind.even to her bestfriend she keep it a secret to keep her safe. everyone thought it was a he not a she in her alias of known as Reaper. hidden in the dark waiting to strike anytime without notice. she bring nightmares for those ungrateful human who beat the weak. As Doctor her facade either of the two she love both.