06 The Rumor

I prepared myself to go to work. Putting make up is something I am not used to do but since I am inspired, I want to always look good. I also chose a dress for today since I might meet Lance again tonight. It is only Tuesday, but many things have already happened. I can't wait to share them to Annie.

In my workplace, most of my colleagues noticed the changes in me. They began complimenting my looks.

"You should always dress like that."

"You look like a real woman now. Why did you do that too late?"

"You are blooming. Do you have a boyfriend now?"

Those are some of the things I heard from them and instead of answering, I just smiled. Sometimes, it is better to keep quiet so they will stop asking more questions.

When I reached my table, Annie came to me immediately.

"So, are you still going to keep a secret from me? I'm starting to feel like we are not friends anymore. Is it too difficult to share? I won't tell others if that's what you're scared of. You know I can keep secrets." Annie said, looking a bit upset.

"Haha. Okay. Remember Lance Mendez?" I asked.

"Yeah. The band drummer we met last time in the bar. What about him?"

"Can you believe that he is my childhood best friend?" I almost shouted.

"Really? So, you have known each other since you were young? Wow! That's incredible!" Annie seems surprised.

I nodded. "It's surreal. And we went out on a date last night. He's such a gentleman and he is very sweet. We held hands and he kissed me in the forehead!" I can't stop giggling.

Annie's expression changed, from being surprised to being confused.

"Why? What's the matter?" I asked.

"I am not sure whether it is true. You know that they are a famous band in our city, right?"

"Yeah. So?"

"You know he is handsome and many girls like him, but he refused everyone. He is snob to almost everyone which makes him more famous because girls think it makes him more attractive."

"Annie, just go directly to the point." I am starting to be impatient.

"There's a rumor that he has a long-time girlfriend. I heard they are together for around 8 years now and the girl is a ramp model so she is dead gorgeous. But I am not sure. That's only a rumor. Maybe it is not true. You'd better ask him."

"I actually didn't ask him whether she has a girlfriend. Anyway, I will ask him tonight."

"Don't get me wrong. I am really happy for you and at the same time, I don't want you to get hurt. You know how much I love you, Jez. So before you fall for him, make sure that he is unattached, okay?"

"Yeah. Thank you, Annie." We exchanged a short hug then she went back to her desk.

Can it be true? Is he really not available anymore? Or maybe it is just a rumor. Anyway, I will ask him tonight. I shouldn't doubt him. I am sure he would tell me about it. I calmed myself down and concentrated to work.

I got my phone my bag and sent him a message. "Good morning. Send me the address and I will see what I can do. I miss you too." End of message.

After I finish my work, I headed to the bar immediately to see Lance. He sent me the address of the bar where they will be performing tonight. And since it is still early, I need to look for a place where I can have my dinner first. I can't stop thinking what Annie told me this morning. Is it true? Does Lance already have a girlfriend? But why didn't he tell me?

I checked my phone map to see how I can get to the place. I need to take bus number 23 and transfer to bus number 4. I am not used to going to that place but since Lance invited me, and I also want to see him, I will do things I haven't done before to show my interest in him. Commuting is not that difficult for me. I always do that going to work and back home. I'm sure I won't be having a hard time with this one.

After getting on bus 23, I settled on a seat behind. I want to take a nap first since I am also a bit tired from work. The map says it takes 30 minutes and 10 stops until I get to my destination and transfer to the next bus.

I was listening to the radio and tried to take a nap.

I was awakened by the loud voices from students who just got on the bus. When I checked my phone, 40 minutes has already passed and I am already 4 stops away from my original destination. I got up immediately and pressed the button to signal that I will alight in the next stop. I think these are the things a person would do in the name of love. Instead of taking a rest and enjoying the comfort of home, I am here, tired and a bit lost just to see Lance. And he is not even my boyfriend, yet.

Stop doubting! I reminded myself. Lance won't hurt you. He is your childhood friend.

After getting off the bus, I transferred to the opposite bus stop to go back to my original destination. The only way I can go to the bar from this place is by taking a taxi and that would be too expensive.

It took me another hour to arrive to the bar.

As planned, I looked for a place where I can have dinner and take a rest while waiting for Lance's band performance. It will start at 9 pm and it is now 7:30 so I have an hour and a half to wait.

I settled for a fast food restaurant and bought burger and soda. I feel so tired but thinking that I will meet Lance makes me happy. I can't wait to see him tonight.

While eating, I cannot stop thinking about how desperate I seem for thinking having one date made me and him so close. Does he really like me romantically? Or did he just miss me so he is acting so sweet to me. What if he really has a girlfriend? I will ask all these questions tonight. I will make sure I get the answers before this night ends.

Before 9 pm, I got up from my seat and headed to the bar.

The bar was not so crowded. Men from tables looked at me as I enter the bar. Maybe it is not common for a woman to go to a bar alone.

I chose a table quite far from the stage. Actually, I feel uncomfortable. It is my first time to come to such a place on my own.

A waiter came to me and asked for my order. Since I have work tomorrow and I don't really drink alcohol, I ordered a glass of orange juice and some chips.

I was looking at my phone the whole time and waited for the band performance.

When the band members came out and started checking their instruments, I saw Lance checking the drums. I smiled automatically waiting for him to look in my direction. When he saw me, his face lightened and waved his hand to me. His band mates looked at my direction with expressionless face.

After a few minutes, the vocalist greeted everyone and they started playing.

I was enjoying the band and tried to sing along with them to some familiar songs. I kept staring at Lance most of the time and I realized more and more how cute he is. I still don't want to think that this guy can break my heart. I am willing to take chances with him.

After the first set, Lance came to my table. He gave me a gentle kiss on my cheeks.

"I miss you." He said.

"I miss you too,"

"Do you want to order other drinks?"

"No. I'm okay with this one."

He held my hand and kissed it. He was staring at me which makes me blush. It feels really hot.

"Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Do you want me to stop?"

"No. I will get used to it. You will keep doing it for a long time, right?"

"Of course. As long as you want me to." Then he kissed me on the lips and put his other hand on my hips.

"Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" Lance said.

I was taken aback by his question. I didn't know what to say.

"I have work tomorrow. I, uhm, I think I shouldn't stay up so late." I answered stuttering.

"Haha! Okay then. We can take things slowly if you want to." Lance said. And he kissed me again. "See you later sweetie. I have to go back to the stage." Then he left.

I don't know what I am feeling now. Isn't it too fast? How can he do such things? I am not even his girlfriend. What if he is just playing with me? Am I paranoid? Am I thinking too much? Should I allow him to stay in my place for the night or should I stay with him? Should I trust him? He is making me confused.

The band performance ended at around 12 midnight. I can't believe I stayed here until this time knowing that I have work tomorrow. Am I being stupid? I never imagined myself doing such a thing for love, for a guy who is not even my boyfriend.

After fixing his stuff, Lance came to me.

"Are you tired? Do you want to go a cafe?" He asked.

"I'm already tired. We can do that next time, I guess." I replied coldly.

"Are you okay? I will drive you to your place then."

"I can take a taxi from here. I know you are also tired."

"I insist. And I still want to spend more time with you."

I couldn't reject his offer and this place is very far from my place so it would be costly to take the taxi.

We got into his motorcycle and he wrapped my arms around his waist.

I have so many doubts about him but that time, I felt very comfortable. I realized being away with him allows me to think negatively but those negative thoughts disappear once I am with him. I don't want to ruin this time, so I let myself enjoy hugging him, smelling his scent and loving him.

We arrived at my place after almost an hour.

"Will you not invite me inside?" He asked.

"Yeah. Sure. Come in." I asked though I am a bit hesitant.

I feel really nervous while I was opening the door. It was my first time having a male visitor in my place and I am sure my mom would freak out once she finds out. She is very conservative. Despite my age, she still thinks that I should not allow any man to enter my place without other people.

He followed me inside and after closing the door, he hugged me immediately.

"You know what might happen, right?" He asked.


He grab my arm and led me to face him.

"You are so beautiful."

He kissed me passionately and the next thing I knew, his hands are already caressing my body. I couldn't refuse his touches. I just gave in. All I knew is I love this guy and I am willing to give everything to him.

The night passed by so fast and I know that I am happy, and I think that's what matters.