17 The Package

I got my things and headed for the door. I have to leave here as soon as possible. I don't want anyone to see me in here including Michael, the hotel staff. After I closed the door from outside, I realized I don't have the card key. How can I enter the room next time? Or will still there be next time? I stood in front of the room for a few minutes and tried to open the door again, but it is not lock. I got into the elevator and pressed one. I hope I won't see anyone in the lobby. I was looking at the floor numbers, hoping no one will press the elevator panel from outside. Luckily, I was able to reach the first floor without any delay. I got out immediately, almost running, headed to the exit and left the hotel. Even when I was already outside, I was still running. I was nervous the whole time, not only because I don't want to be seen or noticed by any hotel staff but also because of the embarrassing things I did last night which unfortunately I couldn't recall.

I decided to drop by a pharmacy near the hotel vicinity to buy medicine for hangover. As I was walking to the bus terminal, I got my phone and dialed Annie's phone number. She picked up the phone right away.

"Hey, Jez! Are you okay? I was worried about you. I heard you called in sick. Are you okay? Hangover?" She asked.

"I called in sick? Really? I just got up thirty minutes ago. Anyway, can you tell me what happened last night? I can't recall anything. Did I do something stupid?"

"Haha! You didn't do anything embarrassing if that's what you want to ask. You just slept. Mr. Smith was very worried about you. He volunteered to bring you home but then you woke up, said you would take a cab. After that, you went home. That's it" She recalled.

"Are you sure?" I asked. I was worried because it is quite impossible for me not to do anything stupid aside from calling and sending messages to my Genie.

"Yeah, of course I am sure. I was beside you the whole time since you slept. I just got worried when I heard you couldn't come to work today." She said with an honest tone. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing. I can't remember anything, so I called you just to confirm." I said smiling, feeling relieved.

"Are you outside? I can hear car sounds."

"Ah, yeah. I .. I went out to look for food. Yes! I'm hungry so I am heading to a convenience store now." I lied.

"Do you have headache? Take a rest. Everything is fine here, and Mr. Smith is still in a good mood so don't worry about your work. You deserve a day off." I felt better with what Annie said. She always knows how to comfort me. I am so lucky to have a friend like her, and she is the only best friend I have.

"Thank you, Annie. Enjoy your work and I will see you tomorrow." I hang up after the call.

After a minute or two, the bus going to my place arrived. I got in the bus immediately and took the bottle of liquid I got from the pharmacy. It tastes a bit bitter. This is my first time taking this one. It was also my first time to get so drunk.

I got my phone from my bag and I believe I need to face my fears. I opened the message box and read the messages I sent to my Genie. I don't have the confidence to call him my Genie anymore, I am sure he is now so disappointed at me that's why he didn't reply to any of my message.

Message 1: "You! Are you the CEO of Liberty Hotel? Do you think you are better than other men just because you are rich?"

Message 2: Why aren't you answering my calls? Are you gay?

Message 3: I want to see you. Please come in my room. I am in your hotel now. I will wait for you.

Message 4: Where are you? I guess you are in your sixties so you don't want others to see or know you. I guess you are so ugly.

There are more messages, but I cannot continue reading anymore. This is so embarrassing! I deleted them so I won't be reminded anymore of how stupid I was last night.

I think I can recall now. When I took the taxi, Annie gave the driver my address, but on the way, I told the driver to go to Liberty Hotel. In the hotel, I went to the receptionist. I remember Michael helped me go to my room and the calls and messages started when I was in the room.

I want to disappear. I want to vanish on earth. Should I migrate to other countries? How about another planet?

I feel embarrassed with what I did but the sadness and emptiness I feel inside is not because of what happened last night, but because of the fact that I didn't get any message nor call from him. I feel like I was ignored. I guess he realized that he doesn't like to help me anymore. He lost interest in me. He is so rich anyway and I'm sure he already found someone whom he can give his attention to.

I got went to the bathroom to take a shower as soon as I reached my place. I immersed myself in the water and cried aloud. I just want to just cry here and hopefully after this one, I can finally forget about it and live the life I used to have. I am still thankful for the experience. I don't know why I am so emotional. I guess this is the effect of not getting love or attention since I was young. I am always hungry for someone's attention and I fall in love easily. I haven't even met him yet but I already had an illusion of being with him.

After taking a shower, I tried to divert my attention to cleaning the house. After that, I opened my laptop and started studying about how to lead a team especially for first time leaders like me. I am not sure whether I will still get the job offered to me yesterday, but I need to prepare for it, just in case.

I check my phone from time to time, still hoping for a call or message from him. I guess I am too negative, and I overthink things a lot, but this is my defense mechanism not to get hurt too much. I'd rather think about negative things first rather than having high expectations and get disappointed at the end.

It's six pm and I feel hungry. I realized I didn't eat anything since morning. I decided to go to the convenience store to buy sandwich and juice. I was walking blankly, still feeling stressed about many things. When I arrived in the convenience store, I went directly to the sandwich area and got any sandwich without checking. I also got orange juice, went to the cashier and gave my debit card.

"Oh, Ms. Jessica Myers. Do you live in the apartment near here?" he asked. He got my name from my card.

"Yes." I said puzzled why he asked.

"You have a package. I was waiting for you to drop by here yesterday. It arrived before lunchtime yesterday." He handed me a box with my name written on top. After that, he gave back my card and put the things I purchased in a small plastic bag.

I was checking the box. There is no written return address. I got the bag and the small box and after thanking him, left the store.

I walked home as fast as I could. I'm excited to check what's inside. Could it be from him? But it was sent yesterday before the stupid things I did last night. He didn't know yet how bad I can be after getting drunk. He still didn't know how uneducated I can look like if I am under the influence of alcohol.

After reaching my place, I got a kitchen knife immediately to open the box. The box is filled with sweets. It has chocolates of different kinds, milk chocolate, dark chocolate you name it. Some brands I don't even know. There are also a lot of candies, colorful ones and some biscuits and crackers. While I was putting out the sweets one by one, I saw a handwritten note in the middle. It says:

"I think you know now that I have your diary. I found out that you like receiving chocolates and sweets, so I sent these to you. I hope I made you smile today.

- your Genie

P.S. I will be in Thailand from Monday night to Friday. If you need anything, don't hesitate to contact Michael. I will see you when I come back.

End of note.

I read the letter again. "I will see you when I come back." Will I really see him? Will he still like me after everything I said about him last night?