20 The Transformation

I was standing in front of the entrance door, wondering why I am here. I'm a bit nervous knowing that I will be meeting people who are strangers to me. I was about to grab the door handle when the door flung open. A guy, probably in his late 30s welcomed me.

"Miss Myers? Oh! We have been waiting for you. Please do come in." He said with a fixed smile on his face. Based on his actions and the way that he speaks, I can guess he is a gay.

I followed him inside and being an introvert, I didn't say anything. I was half smiling and feeling uncomfortable.

Inside the room are four other people, all of whom are women. They all look young to me. Probably the two are around 24 or 25 years old while the other two are in their late 20s. They are all smiling and stood up immediately once we came in.

"First things first. Let me introduce myself. My name is Philip but please call me Pia as everyone calls me. I would actually feel upset if you call me by my real name. And these are my assistants. They will be helping you this afternoon. We will make sure that you will look fabulous after your makeover." He explained.

I like makeovers. I have seen a lot of videos of different kinds of makeovers, from makeup transformation to home transformation, name it, I have seen almost everything. But of course, women transformations are my favorite. I have always imagined myself having one. I would imagine how I look like after.

"Come here, let me look at you." He held my chin and started checking something on my face. He moved my chin on the left then the right. "You look so pale honey and your eye circle. Didn't you sleep last night, or you had too much sleep? You should know how to take care of your skin. And your hair." He started touching the tips of my hair. "..your hair looks dead to me. It is so dry. I think you are not taking care of yourself too much. That's a no-no for women like us. We should always make sure we take care of ourselves so our partners will take care of us more.

After that, he grabbed my arm and started checking my it until she reached my nails. "You have long fingers. I find women who have long fingers sexy." He continued. "I think you are a very conservative woman, so bright colors won't be good for you.

I don't know whether I would feel happy with what he is saying, or I would feel upset since he seems like judging me, but I chose to be quiet. Does he mean I'm too lazy to take care of myself? Does he want to say that I look too ugly for not taking care of my skin and my hair? I hope I can get out of this place as soon as possible.

"Okay ladies, you already know what to do so start now!" Two of the four girls assisted me to the bathroom and asked me to change my clothes. They also helped me remove my makeup. After that, they brought me to another room and let me lay down on the high bed. "We have to start with a facial. We have to remove dead cells from your face. You can sleep if you want. We will wake you up once it is done."

I didn't say anything. I just let them do what they have to do. Besides, they know better than me and if I want to look good, I just have to follow whatever they ask me to do. I could feel cold gel being applied to my face. It took maybe an hour before they ask me to get up and move to the next room.

The two girls are now joined by the other two in the next room. One started applying some liquid on my fingernails while the other on my toenails. One girl got the hair iron and started ironing my hair while the other one started preparing drinks.

Pia started doing my makeup. "Just relax dear. Leave everything to us. You can even take a nap and when you wake up, you will be a different person." He said.

I closed my eyes the whole time. It is not my first time to go to a salon of course, but it is my first time to be treated like this and it feels so good.

"After tonight, you can visit here anytime, so we can treat your hair, okay? You're wasting you're looks by not taking care of your skin and your hair." Pia added.

I don't know how long I stayed sitting there. I could still feel my fingers and my toes being touched by someone and that's it.

After some time, Pia tapped my shoulder and said. "It's done. Look at yourself in the mirror."

I opened my eyes and stood up from my chair. I was the facing opposite side of the mirror. I hope I won't be disappointed with how I look.

When I saw the girl in the mirror, I was surprised. Is it really me? My then long hair was cut to shoulder length. The makeup is light. It actually just looks natural. I know how to put make up but not as professional as this. I looked at my nails and toenails. I have been barefoot since they started giving me a pedicure. Both has now dark pink color with white tips. I want to cry. I never thought I would look as pretty as this.

"You can thank me later dear. I believe you have to go now. You don't need to change, anyway, your driver will bring you straight to the next shop, you can wear that robe. I don't want to see you wearing that not-so-pretty dress of yours again, sorry for the term." And he smiled.

"I don't know what to say. Thank you so much Pia and you, ladies, thank you. Do I need to pay? I'm afraid the money I have is not enough to pay you."

"You silly girl. Of course, you don't need to pay. Are you insulting the CEO of Liberty Group? Actually, this place is reserved exclusively for you. We were advised this morning that an important client will arrive and that is you, so the CEO asked us through his secretary not to accept other clients today because he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable. He is so sweet right?" He tapped my arm. "When I heard about that, I was really excited to see you. I was expecting you to be like a supermodel, long-legged who looks very elegant."

"And you were disappointed?" I asked.

"Honestly, yes. You look so ordinary girl but now, you look fabulous! And I can see that you are very special. So off you go! You shouldn't be late for your date. Go!"

I said thank you once more and left. I kind of like him. He is so frank. I hope I would meet him again someday.

I took the limo and truly, we dropped by another shop and this time, it is a clothing store.

"Good afternoon, Miss Myers. My name is Cindy and I am the manager of this store. We have been expecting you. We have prepared some of our best collections for you. Our fashion stylist will be helping you out with your choices. Please follow me." She explained then led me to a room.

Hi Miss Myers. My name is Ella. It's a pleasure to meet you. You look really beautiful." I felt embarrassed when she said that. I don't get that compliment all the time.

"Thank you." I am still overwhelmed with what's happening to me today.

"Before we start, do you like matching colors Miss Myers?" Ella asked.

"Actually, I don't have the eye for fashion. I choose clothes based on how comfortable I am wearing them."

"I understand, Miss Myers. So, can I be the one to choose the dress that you will be wearing tonight? Will you trust me in dressing you up, Miss Myers?"

"Of course. You know more than I do."

"Good, then. Let me see. You have pink nail polish. That's a lovely color. How about this dress and the black high heels?"

"Isn't it too sexy?" I asked, afraid that I might show too much skin.

"You have a good body Miss Myers, might as well flaunt it. Why don't you go and give it a try?

She gave me the dress and I put it on. She also asked me to wear the shoes. When I got out from the fitting room, I was surprised to see my reflection in the mirror. Red dress, which is below the knee in length, spaghetti strapped and backless, with very low neckline exposing the in between my chest. The dress fits me perfectly and it seems like it was really made for me. I feel a bit uncomfortable at first but looking at myself in the mirror makes me feel that I indeed look beautiful tonight.

Ella was just smiling at me, looking at me with such pride and it's like she is saying "See? I told you so."

"I will choose this one." I finally said.

"Good Miss Myers. You look perfect."

After thanking them and bidding our goodbyes, I left the place. It is now past 7 pm. I can finally meet him, and I can't wait.