30 The Future Mother-in-law

Having dinner with Geoff's family is rather awkward. I can feel that his stepmom doesn't like me at all. I guess she only agreed to have dinner with me out of respect. Her son, though he smiled at me a couple of times, also looks uneasy the entire meal. I already expected her stepmom to be this cold since it is the same with what I saw in dramas but it is still different when you are in real situations.

"So, what does your family do? What kind of business are you in?" Mrs. Park asked.

"Her parents are separated. Her mom is now retired and is enjoying her life in the countryside. I'm marrying her not because of her background, but because I love her. Please don't unnecessary questions." Geoff snapped.

"How can I get to know my future daughter-in-law if I won't be asking her questions? I thought we are having dinner here so we can be comfortable with each other. And besides, I and Christof will be spending more time with her once you are married. Don't we have at least the right to know more about her before we live with her? I am not the type of person who let's anyone step in my territory unless she can prove that she is worthy." Mrs. Park said with authority.

"That house is also mine and I can bring anyone in there whether you like it or now. You can leave anytime if you don't agree with my decisions. I won't force you to live with us."

This situation makes me feel more awkward. This is just the first day after I and Geoff decided to get married, but it seems like I will be facing a lot of difficulties before our wedding day. Their relationship doesn't seem good and it seems like it's getting worse because of me. I can imagine how my life would be like after moving in Geoff's place. I'm sure Mrs. Park wouldn't make things easy for me.

Mrs. Park looked at me with disgust. She is not the type of woman who gives in easily. I don't know what she is thinking right now, but I am sure she already hates me so much. Geoff, on the other hand, looks very relaxed and is eating peacefully. He smiles at me from time to time, trying to make me feel at ease.

"When can we meet her mother then? At least you would give me the privilege to know her family." Mrs. Park asked.

"I and Jessica will meet her mom this weekend. I don't think you will meet her until the wedding day." Geoff said coldly.

I was just observing everyone the whole time. I couldn't say any word with this kind of atmosphere.

A man in suit entered the room with a phone in his hand. He approached Geoff directly and whispered something in his ear.

"Excuse me, I need to talk to someone. Please don't create any problems while I'm not here." Geoff looking at Mrs. Park.

Mrs. Park didn't say anything. She still looks upset with how Geoff treated her.

After Geoff left the place, Mrs. Park smiled at me. A smile that will make anyone feel scared.

"Look at you. Stop pretending to be nice. You can show your real attitude in front of me. How dare you come here with that outfit? You should at least wear something nicer to please your fiancé's family. How cheap." She started insulting me, but I just kept quiet. I actually don't know what to say.

"How much do you want to stay away from Geoff? Do you want a house? A car? I can give you anything you want. Name it." She continued.

"I love Geoff and I'm not marrying him for money." I answered.

A loud laughter echoed the room. I can see Christof smirking. Like mother like son.

"How stupid! Do you think I would believe you? Your kind can never be worthy for someone like Geoff and I will prove to him that you don't deserve to be a part of Park family. If I were you, I would think about marrying him a thousand times more. Do you know why?" She paused for a moment. "Because I will make sure your life will be miserable once you move with us, you filthy rubbish-like woman! You're too ambitious to think that someone like Geoff will fall in love with you. How long have you known each other? How cheap."

I want to shout at this woman for insulting me. I want to throw the steak knife in her face and make her apologize for what she said. I want her to kneel down in front of me asking for forgiveness. But of course, I can only imagine that. This woman is still Geoff' s stepmom. Even though they are not related by blood, I still need to respect her, so I stayed quiet. I tried hard to control myself. This woman, despite wearing expensive clothes and jewelry, is acting like uneducated. Does she think I will make her happy by giving up and not marrying Geoff? With her attitude now, I'm sure she will be more pissed once I move with Geoff. She can be pissed all she wants, I don't care.

Geoff came back. He sat back on his chair and smiled. "Did I miss anything?"

"Nothing, dear." Mrs. Park said. "Jessica here is not that bad, I realized. I think we understand each other now." She is now smiling from ear to ear. Fake smile.

I smiled to Geoff as a sign of approval to what Mrs. Park said. Geoff smiled back.

"Good, then. I hope you can get along well with each other. After all, we are now a family." Geoff said.

After dinner, Geoff asked his driver to bring me home. He said he and Cristof have to attend an urgent meeting. Mrs. Park also left with her driver. Geoff promised to call me after his meeting.

When I arrived home, I went directly to my bedroom. I shouted angrily. I let out my emotion that I couldn't show in front of Mrs. Park. That witch! How could she insult me face to face. She doesn't even know me! I already saw mothers-in-law in her kind in Korean dramas and I never thought it would make me so angry to meet one in real life. How can I make her like me? Should I even try making her approve of me as Geoff's fiancée?

I tried my best to calm myself down. I don't want to think about her the whole night. I hope she can at least get to know me more before judging me. I know I don't have fashion sense but how can she call me rubbish.

I was busy thinking of ways how to please her when my phone rang. It's Lance.

"Hello." I answered the call.

"Are you still up?" He asked.

"Of course." I said, irritated.

"Can we talk?"

"We are already talking. What do you need?" I want to be nice to him, but I think that would make him misunderstand my feelings towards him.

"I want to talk about us. Can I still be part of your life?"

"We are friends, Lance. That's all I can offer. We can be friends even after we grow older."

"I don't want to be just your friend."

"I'm sorry. I can never do that. I don't want to hurt you, but I have to be honest. You had your chance before, and you blew it away. I don't believe in second chances. Please understand my decision." I told him in a more determined tone.

"I am willing to change, Jez. I know I did a mistake before, but can't you forgive me?"

"I already forgave you, but it doesn't mean I can forget what you did. Lance, all I can offer now is friendship. I can listen to all your worries. I will help you become a better person. I will always be here for you. But that's it." I feel sorry for him but I have to be honest.

"I still won't give up until you get married with someone. For now, we can be friends but who knows?" Lance said. If only he knows that I will be marrying soon.

I hang up the call. Today is a very stressful day. Who would have thought that I would be in this mess?