The Second Encounter

Geoff and I were quiet when we reached our room. It was my first time to see my husband angry and I don't want to make him angrier by saying anything stupid. I just stayed by his side waiting for him to calm down. I sat down beside him on the sofa. He closed his eyes while leaning his head on the sofa's headrest. Honestly, I feel a little scared at him. I don't know how he is when he is angry. I saw some men in Korean dramas who punch the walls or hurt other people when they are so angry. Other men throw anything that they can touch for them to calm down. Geoff looks harmless now but I still don't know what he is thinking about now.

"Sorry. I couldn't control my anger. They can say any nasty things about me, I don't really care but it's a different story when they start hurting you, especially in front of me." He finally spoke.

"I'm okay. I am used to being bullied when I was a student. I learned how to ignore what people say and think about me because I know they don't know me that much so what they say about me is not true. You don't need to do that anymore because I'm really okay." I said smiling.

"It's not the same. Before, I wasn't there to protect you. When I married you, I promised to protect you. It hurts me more when people belittle you or bully you. I want to destroy those people." Geoff

Hearing this from Geoff makes me teary-eyed. I feel so lucky to have him in my life. I realized that marrying this man is the best decision I have ever made.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you more." Geoff

That night, I tried to cheer him up by telling him stories of my favorite movies and Korean dramas. I told him about my dreams before meeting him. We made plans on how we will spend our weekend. We decided to spend the next night in Liberty Hotel, away from his step mom.

We woke up early the next day and prepared some clothes we will bring on our stay in the hotel. We were surprised to see two women in the living room which we have to passed by before going out from the mansion. They are Regina and Erica.

"What are you still doing here? I thought I made myself clear last night." Geoff told Erica.

"I decided to stay. I cannot leave here without apologizing to the two of you. And I think there is a misunderstanding in here. I have already accepted that you don't love me anymore and please believe me when I say I want to make friends with the two of you." Erica explained.

I don't know why I cannot feel her sincerity saying these things. With all the things she did yesterday, I don't think she already accepted that Geoff and she are already separated. I don't want to be judgmental but that's how I see it.

"You can leave noe. You already said what you want to say. There is no more reason for you to stay here longer." Geoff told her.

"When can you forgive me? When will you believe that I have regretted that mistake? All I want is for you to forgive me?" Erica said almost crying. I saw Regina smiling while hearing these things. I'm sure she is planning something.

"I already forgot about it. Being married with you was the biggest mistake in my life, it is an experience that I want to delete from my memory so please stop bringing up the past. Can we leave now?" Geoff said coldly.

"I also need to apologize I guess. I went too far yesterday. I know Erica here feels so sorry for ruining our dinner last night. I planned to treat everyone for lunch today. She promised that after lunch, she will never bother the two of you again. Jessica, please? Let's settle every misunderstanding we have by sitting down together again for a meal. We had a bad start yesterday and I hope to fix that today. I know you don't want my relationship with my son-in-law go to waste, am I right?" Regina is now looking at me. She looks very nice which I'm sure is just for show.

I'm in a dilemna now. A part of me wants to leave this place immediately and spend some quality time with my husband but I know Regina would hate me forever if I don't agree with what she wants. I was hoping Geoff will be the one to make a decision.

"I don't think that is necessary. I and my wife already made plans for today which I think is totally none of your business so please let us go." Geoff said. He pulled my hand and walked to the main door.

The next thing I know is I pulled him back to stop him. I don't why I did that but I feel guilty leaving his place. I'm sure my mom wouldn't be so happy if she finds out that I don't have a good relationship with Geoff's stepmom. I want to her a second chance. Maybe this time she means well. Maybe she finally wants to be friends with me.

"We can stay here for lunch. We can go there after having a meal with them. We still have time tonight." I said smiling.

Regina approached me immediately and held me in my arms. "That's very nice of you, Jessica. We can prepare lunch together and since it is still early, we can have breakfast together while we try to get to know each other more." She guided me to the dining area which I couldn't refuse. Geoff was left near the main door speechless.

Erica followed us a little later not looking very pleased. Her smile is forced and she remained queit most of the time. I couldn't see Geoff anymore which I believe went back to our room. I know he is annoyed at me for choosing to stay. What can I do? I feel guilty easily and I always blame myself when something bad happens.

I and Regina talked about her hobbies. She said she is attending yoga classes and she is a member of a club where members go on a trip once every two months. They sometimes have domestic travel and sometimes overseas travel. She said she is so lucky that all her trips are paid by my husband. Erica was also listening the whole time and she cannot hide the boredom she feels listening to Regina's story. I on the other hand is good at listening to others so I know how to react to every thing Regina says. I think that is my talent.

Afte an hour of listening to Regina, she showed me her collections of her expensive bags and shoes. Most of her bags are valued at at least $1,000. I was amazed how she can remember the exact prize of each item. I thought rich people don't care about the prize. Maybe not all rich people are the same.

After touring her closet, we went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. Erica still followed us wherever we go. Geoff is still nowhere to be seen. I envy him, I think he is now taking a rest, enjoying the comfort of our bed.

We started preparing lunch. Actually, we didn't do anything. Regina just gave orders to the maids on what they have to do. I was just there sitting and pretending to enjoy to see the maids busy. She teaches me things which according to her I need to know but I honestly don't remember anything she said. I'm regretting my decision of staying now. I was busy thinking about what I want to eat tonight when I notice Erica is not in the kitchen. Regina noticed that I was looking for something.

"Are you looking for Erica? Maybe she is now with your husband." She said laughing. "I am joking. Maybe she is in the guest room, don't worry about her."

But I can't stop worrying. What if she is really with my husband?