The Night I Will Never Forget

After my escaping from Geoff, I became very paranoid in everything. Whenever I see a new face in Marshville, I can't help but be scared thinking that that person is working with Geoff. I can't imagine a life without my daughter. I am willing to kill just to make her safe.

"Why are you so quiet? Are you really scared of me? I don't know your husband, I swear!" His cheeks are now red, a signal that he is already drunk.

"What happened to you and your wife?" I asked. They said a drunk person is one of the most honest people in the world. Since he already knows everything about me, I guess it is just fair for me to know about him as well. He got his phone and typed something again like the last time I asked about him. He then gave me his phone with a picture of a pretty woman on the screen.

"She is my wife, ah no, ex-wife. Probably, our divorce papers are now approved. She is a very simple woman, you know. That's why I fell in love with her. She doesn't like the limelight. She rarely attends parties even though her husband is a CEO, that's me. Haha! I was very confident that she will never meet other guys because she is different from other women. Even though some of my friends told me that they saw her with someone or they heard a story about her, they even showed me some pictures but I never believed them because I trust her and I love her until I saw them with my own eyes. Just two weeks ago! After that, I asked her to choose. Me or that guy. She said she is not happy with me anymore so we filed a divorce immediately. After filing the divorce I left that place. I told the executives of the company, please take care of the company. Haha! I'm so cool right?"

"Can I find your story from the internet?"

"Yeah, sure. He got his phone again then typed something."

"I also have my phone, I will search. What is her name again?"

"Lara Matthews."

"And your name?"

"Don't you know? What kind of a receptionist are you if you don't know your guest. I'm the only guest here!"

"Colin Andrews."

"Don't ask questions about things you already know!"

"Stop drinking, you're drunk. And you did the exact thing to me a while ago when you asked me how I got in this place."

"I'm not drunk. I'm happy now. I am finally free. Haha! Did you see the article? Did they use a handsome picture of me?"

He is telling the truth. The story about the divorce between the CEO of JBC Entertainment and his wife was a hot issue recently. Some people were criticizing his wife for having an affair and their are those who blame the husband for not having time for his wife.

"Why didn't you have a divorce yet?" He asked.

"Sarah also told you about that?!"

"Of course. She told me everything. But you shouldn't get mad at her. I forced her to tell me everything. I promised to buy some furniture in here so I can get information about you. That's what money can do. Haha!"

He is starting to become annoying. "He doesn't want."


"He wants to get my daughter first. That's what I know. Actually I don't know many things about our relationship. I think most of the things I thought I know were all lies so I don't know what information I know is correct and what is not."

"Do you want to file a divorce?"

"Of course. I don't want to have anything to do with that man ever again. I'm just scared about my daughter."


"What if he get her from me? I'm not even sure whether you really don't know him or not. I'm scared of everything. I'm scared that one day he will suddenly show up here then get Athena. That's the reason why we are here, in hiding." I don't know why I'm starting to open up to this person. Myabe because I know that what he told me is true, based on what I saw from the internet. At least I know he is not lying.

"Do you want me to help you?"

"Help me from what?"

"File a divorce!"

"Didn't you hear what I said? I and my daughter are hiding from him. How can I file a divorce?"

"I have many lawyers. You don't need to show up to file it, I will make sure everything can be handled without you nor your daughter's presence."

"Is that possible?"

"Of course. As long as you have good lawyers, and good connections."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because I'm the only one who can help you, am I right?"


He is correct. I can hide and I was lucky Geoff didn't find me and my daughter yet, but I am not sure for how long.

"Think about it. Maybe I was brought here by fate for a reason. I maybe feel so depressed because of what happened to me but meeting you here, listening to your story, we becoming friends, don't give that look, can be my new purpose. I can help you. Just let me know if you need help."

"What if I say yes?"

"I will ask my lawyers first thing tomorrow to send me divorce papers that you can sign."

"Can you still remember what we talk about about tomorrow?"

"I told you I'm not drunk. I never get drunk with beer, I drink harder drinks than this."

"Help me."

"Okay! I will, I promise."

I feel a sense of relief, a new hope. Just the thought that I can finally bring my daughter to the city, introduce her to my mom and let her meet Annie makes me feel excited. I just hope he really means it.

"Do you want to get married again when your divorce is approved?"

"Nope. I don't think I can trust any man again. I had the worst experience with Geoff. You can't imagine how I've been through just because of loving him."

"But you never know."

"How about you? Do you think you can meet someone that you can love as much as your wife, sorry, I mean ex-wife."

"Maybe not. I promised myself that would be the last woman I would love. That's why I gave everything to her. Of course I'm not a perfext husband, I also had my flaws but I could say I did everything for her. I worked really hard just so we could have a good life and we could get travel anywhere we want wherever we want. But I got so busy, maybe that's why she met another man."

"Why didn't you have any kid?"

"I can't produce good sperms. It's embarrasing but that's true. I can never give her a baby. Maybe that's another reason whe had an affair. How is it like to have a child of your own?"

"Happy. She is everything for me. I would do anything for her, just what you didn for your wife, ah sorry, your ex-wife. You can double what you did for her, that's how much I love Athena."

"I wish I can also expetience that."

"Why didn't you adopt a child? It can be an option for couples who can't have a baby."

"I suggested. She rejected."

"Maybe she just doesn't want to have kids."


"Wow, you already drunk more than 10 cans!"

"And you didn't even finish one. Haha!"

"I told you I don't drink anymore."

"Did anyone tell you that you are pretty? That you have expressive eyes? I didn't know that you have a child when I first saw you. You look young."

"I think you are really drunk. This is the first time you said something good about others."

"You know that I can help you get out from here, right?"

"I guess so."

"If a man asks you to marry him, do you think that's crazy?"

"Of course! How can I marry that person when I'm not even divorced."

"So let's work out on your divorce as soon as possible."

"Uhm, okay." I start to feel awkward. Where is this conversation leading? I drank the beer in front of me and finished the whole can.

"After that let's get married."

"Are you sure?"


"Haha! Don't ever regret it if I say yes! Or you can just ask me again when you're sober."

"I told you I'm not drunk. A little tipsy, but not drunk."

"Why are you asking me to marry you?"

"I can have a family when we get married. I can instantly have a daughter and you can instantly get your protection from your husband as well. Win-win situation, right?"

He is correct. He has the power and the money to protect me and Athena.

"So what do you say?"

"Can I give you my answer later?"

"I'm giving you until tomorrow to think about it."


"Yes what?"

"File my divorce. Then, let's get married."