Making the Next Plan

"We made it!" Nancy shouted as we entered the car. She was just waiting outside just in case something happens. "I was so worried about you but I should say, you nailed it. I didn't sense any fear from your voice. You sounded so cool in there. I wish I took a video of it. And Erica's face! That's epic. I never thought it would be so much fun to insult her like that."

"Thank you, Nancy. I couldn't do it without your help. You're my acting coach, remember?"

"Of course! And I have more things to teach you. Maybe I was a bitch in my past life, I have so many evil thoughts in my mind, you know."

"I'm happy I didn't meet that bitchy side of you. I wish we can celebrate though. Tonight calls for a drink but Colin and mom would be suspicious if we look too happy. Next time, we will celebrate when we can finally beat the king."

"Are you sure you won't let your husband know about it?"

"No. I'm sure he won't approve it. I will tell him next time."

"So, what's our next plan?"

"Should we go to Geoff next?"

"Are you crazy? That's suicide."

"We need a good plan."

Before going home, we had to drop by the apartment where Nancy and my mom are staying. Colin is already at home at this time and I don't want him to see me wearing a party outfit. I had to change clothes first and remove my makeup before going home. We already prepared our alibi just in case he and my mom would ask us where we went. My mom knows that I rarely lie so I'm sure she would believe me easily.

As expected, Colin is already at home playing with Athena. My mom is preparing dinner when we entered the unit.

"Where did you come from?" My mom asked.

"We had to buy something. Sorry we lost track of time. We missed window shopping." Colin didn't say anything. He didn't even look at ne while I was explaining to my mom. I went to Athena immediately.

"How are you, baby? Did you miss mommy? I miss you so much."

"Where is my plesent?"

"Oh, of course I bought something for you. Here it is." I gave her a candy bar which I got from the convenience store downstairs. I always bring her something whenever I go somewhere without her. "What will you tell me?"

"Thank you." She said sweetly. I had to let her go to help my mom set up the table. They sometimes eat here with us. Colin went to the bedroom without saying any word. "Is he angry?" I asked my mom.

"He said you didn't tell him that you would go out. He was worried about you. He called one of your body guards but he also didn't pick up."

"Maybe he called the one who drove the car."

"You are married now, Jez. You should always let your husband know what you do especially now that your exhusband is still chasing after you and Athena."

"Mom, Athena might hear you."


I followed Colin in the bedroom. He is now taking a shower. I prepared his clothes and put them on the bed. I wanted to apologize to him but I'm also shy to show my sweet side especially that mom and Nancy are still outside. I went back to the kitchen to help mom.

After dinner, the three of us were left alone. Athena is now sleeping and I have to finally face my husband.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Should I be?"

"Sorry. It won't happen again."

"Where did you go?"

"I have to say another sorry." I got the paper bag on top of the side table and showed to him the Prada perfume inside. "I got a gift for my mom and it's quite expensive. I used your card, sorry. I will try to pay you, but not yet now, sorry."

"Why do you have to say sorry?"

"Because it's too expensive. I realized that when I was checking the receipt."

"That's nothing. I gave you that card so you can buy anything you want no matter how much it is. It's not a big deal. The problem is you didn't tell me where you were. I was so worried about you."

"Sorry." I hugged him tightly and kissed him. "It won't happen again, okay?"

"So, how was your day? Tell me about what you did. Did you enjoy shopping? Didn't you feel anything weird outside like someone's following you?"

I got speechless with his questions. It was the first time someone asked me about how my day was or what I did. It was the first time someone showed interest on how my day went.

"Why? Did I say something bad?"

I hugged him again and by that time, I couldn't help but cry.

"Why? What happened? Did you that bastard again? Did he hurt you? Tell me."

"Nothing. It was the first time someone asked me those questions. I usually keep a diary with me so I can write all the things that happened to me in a day. I'm just happy."

"Haha! I can see you crying every night then. Should I avoid asking you that question?"

"Nope! I like it!"

We spent many hours that night talking about stories of our past, talking about when we were young, the stupid things we did and the memories we had before we met. It was a moment I enjoyed the most, it was like a dream becoming a reality.


The next day, Nancy and I started planning again what our next move would be.

"Don't you think it's too soon for you to meet him? Have you forgotten what he did to you last week? He almost kidnapped you." Nancy asked.

"Of course I remember everything clearly but as I have said, I can't hide forever. And Colin said he has a plan next month. I think it has something to do with the business gala where all business owners will have a gathering so I have to do something before that."

"What do you think he is planning?"

"I'm not sure. I never thought about it. I trust him and I'm sure he wouldn't do something that can harm me or Athena."

"Of course. We have already proven that he is a good man, and comparing him to your ex husband would be a big insult to him. I think he will bring you to the gala and introduce you to everyone. Wow, that would be very sweet."

"I'm impressed. You really are a writer."

"But that is possible. At least now, you have an idea what would happen. Imagine you are wearing a beautiful and expensive gown and he will introduce you on the stage and he would say 'Attention everyone. Let me introduce to you, my wife, Jessica Myers.' And all the girls in the gala will envy you."

"That too much. I think you are the one who's insane between the two of us. And I'm not sure if I'm prepared for that. You know I don't like to be at the center of attention. I don't even like going to such gathering. Anyway, what should we do now?"

"You've come to the right person. Of course, I have an idea which I'm sure you will like."

"I know you have one. What is it?"

"Remember, Liberty Hotel will open it's new branch in the Jensing Road this Saturday? I'm sure he will be there to formally open the building. You know, businessmen have this ceremony where they had to cut the ribbon in the entrance and the opening date to welcome the first customers of their business. I'm sure he will invite some media personnel in there to cover the event."

"So what are you suggesting?"

"We can go there that time. We can be one of their first visitors, you know. We can pretend to inquire about their services and we have to make sure that we do that while the reporters are present. He can't do anything to you that time."

"But don't you think it's too risky. What if he tells them that I'm his ex wife and I have his daughter. Remember we were in the news before?"

"Do you think he will ruin that event? And I'm sure Ericka will also be there. If he tell the reporters that his ex wife is there, then do you think Ericka will not make a scene? You know how much he loves him and how crazy she is."

"You're really brilliant. Why didn't you give me those ideas when we were still living in his mansion."

"I wasn't a writer then."

"Do you think we have enough time to plan for that?"

"Leave it to me." Nancy said confidently.

Surely this can be a dangerous move but taking a risk is still better than doing nothing at all.