The Reporters

After getting out from Liberty Hotel premise, we got in the car which was parked nearby. I have already talked to two guards hired by my husband to wait for me and Nancy. I also made them promised not to tell my husband about where we went. Nancy suggested for them to stay in the apartment building at first, but I thought they could help us just in case our plan didn't succeed.

"Waah!" Nancy and I screamed as soon as we got in the car. We are not sure whether people from outside could hear us, but we couldn't contain how happy we are.

"Is there anything wrong, Ma'am," asked one of the guards.

"Nothing. We are just happy. Please, don't mind us." I answered.

Nancy took her laptop and started typing something.

"What are you doing?"

"I might forget about it. I am writing a new novel now. I have to write my idea as soon as possible."

"Are you writing a story about me?!"

"Not everything is about you, Jessica." She said looking at me coldly.

"Make sure the lead character in your novel is very pretty. No one would read that if the female character is as lame as me."

I wanted to cherish this moment. I have been running away from problems all my life. I'm the type of person who never gets angry at others even though they did something bad to me. I got used to being laughed at when I was still a student. I now understand that people bullied me before because I allowed them to. I never showed them that I was hurt with what they did. I never complained to them. I thought it was normal and they would eventually stop if I ignore them. It was the same with Geoff. I already knew that he was cheating on me, but I never confronted him. Now, I finally found the courage to fight back, not only for me but for my family. I hugged Nancy as tight as I could, thinking about how much she had helped me become a better person.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm just happy."

"Done!" She said and closed her laptop. "How will we celebrate tonight?"

"We can order wine in the room. Do you want to stay there, or should we move to a better hotel?"

"We might be in trouble if we moved. That place is perfect."

"What do you think Geoff and Ericka are thinking now? I bet they are very angry. I can imagine Ericka complaining until now. She would never allow someone to humiliate her, especially if it happens twice."

"Forget about them. Think about what we will do next."

"We should stop for a while. I'm sure they will never stop until they find us."

"But you said, he should never look for you, you will go to him."

"You instructed me to say that."

"Nice line, right? I made sure to include it in the story I am writing." Nancy said with a smile.

"Are you sure you are not writing about me?"

"Of course."

We ordered wine immediately after we arrived in the hotel. I suggested for us to go home instead since we are done with what we had to do but Nancy insisted that we have to stay.

"Your mom will be suspicious at us if we go home this early. She is expecting we will spend the night somewhere. And I don't know what lie I should make again if she asks me too many questions."

We spent the whole afternoon getting drunk. We didn't have to get out from the motel to have fun. This is the first time we have done this. We have been together for almost three years now, but we never had a chance to have fun. We spent most of our time working, taking care of Athena and worrying about our future.

"I'm so proud of you Jessica. I was praying every night before that you would finally get out from your misery. Although you never complained, I know how hard it was to raised Athena on your own. I know that you were always scared that your ex-husband would find you and get Athena from you. Now, you don't need to worry about that anymore. You are now free. I'm so happy, you know." Nancy started crying.

She's the one who knows all the things I have been through for the past years. She has seen how I suffered when I was still with Geoff. She is also the only one I could rely on during those times.

"Why are you crying? Stop it. I was never alone in raising Athena. You were always with me. And we also had the people from Marshville. They helped me a lot. I never felt I was alone. Stop crying. We're supposed to enjoy this night. How can we enjoy it if you cry?"

"It's what you call tears of joy."

"It's tears of a drunken woman. That's how I see it. Do you think Colin is not like Geoff? Sometimes, I still feel scared trusting him fully."

"You're stupid. He loves you, I think. If he doesn't, he will never take care of me, your mom and Athena. Didn't you notice how he adores Athena? That alone is a strong proof that you can rely on him. We will never be here without him."

"I know that. I just don't want to make the same mistake again."

"That will never happen. Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"What is it?"

"I'm thinking what we will do next against the evil couple."

"I told you we have to stop for now. Let's wait what they will do first and we can plan our next move from there."

"I already have an idea."

"So, what should we do next?"

"We have to prove that everything Geoff told about you was a lie. Because of the news before, people think you married Geoff because of his money. They see you as the woman who escaped from her husband after getting what she wants. They think since you have her child, you can get what you want from him later. I'm sure they will use that against you. People will think that's the same reason why you married Colin."

"But that is not true."

"Of course, it's not true. That's why we have to plan how to clean your name."

"How will we do that?"

"Leave it to me. I'm a writer, remember?"

I threw the nearest pillow from me towards her. "Why are you asking me then? It seems you already planned everything."

"Haha! Now, I know why God sent me to you."

"I don't know whether you're drunk or what. A while ago you were crying, and now, you look very excited. You're becoming scary, you know. And you should have used that imagination skill of yours when I was still living with Geoff. We wouldn't be in this situation if you guided me that time."

"This is what we call fate." She said smiling.

I never asked anymore about the details of her plan. I know it would be difficult for me to prove my innocence. People already have an impression about me. They pity Geoff for marrying a cunning and selfish woman like me. I hid for the past years. That's already a proof to them that I was the one at fault.

I don't know what time we finished drinking. We got up the next day with two bottles of wine on the table and another two bottles of vodka. I can't even remember when we ordered vodka. After cleaning the room, I took a shower. I miss my mom and Athena. I want to go home as fast as I can. I called them yesterday afternoon and by the sound of their voices, they are happy even without me. I also miss Colin. He sent me a message in the afternoon, and he promised not to call me at night. He wanted me to enjoy my time with Nancy.

After taking a shower, I woke Nancy up. She didn't want to get up at first since she has hangover, but I forced her to move. I really want to go home.

After an hour, we were both ready to go home. Before leaving the room, I called the bodyguards for them to wait for us outside.

"We already checked the back entrance of the motel. The staff said that is only for staff but we were able to convince them for you to use that instead of the main entrance."

"Why? What's happening?"

"Some reporters and people are waiting outside. I asked one of them why they are here. They said, the CEO of Liberty Hotel's wife is here. They want to get a quick interview with you, Ma'am."

"What? How did they know that I am here? And since when did I become famous that even reporters are interested in me?"