91 The Award

I can't believe with my reflection on the mirror. The people around me were all smiles, admiring how I turned out. The long dress fitted my body well. It is a simple long black dress that shows my curves. I never thought I am this slim. The dress makes me look taller than usual and it outlines my figure in a sexy way. The dress is matched with black stilettos which I have used for the past days in practicing how to walk. My hair was beautifully braided and was neatly arranged. My makeup gave me a natural but fresh look. I was helped by Nancy and the makeup artist to choose what accessory would compliment my look. They chose a small cut diamond earrings. They told me not to wear any necklace since people have to focus on my looks and not the accessories I'm wearing. They also chose a small clutch bag where I can put my phone and lipstick just in case I need to apply more later.

Colin then entered the room, already dressed. He is wearing a black suit with a grey vest inside. "You look gorgeous."

"Where did you get dressed?" I asked.

"I don't want to disturb you so I used the other apartment to prepare? Ready for tonight?" The other people in the room stepped outside to give us our privacy.

"I'm still scared. I'm sure they will think I'm a gold digger since I married two prominent business man in the country. What if they also criticize you for marrying me even though you knew that I already have a child from my first marriage?"

So what? They can criticize me all they want but they can't change the fact that we are now married. And besides, whether people would find out about our relationship tonight or on any other days, the result will be the same. Why not just do it tonight? I want to see your ex-husband's reactions and also that woman he is with."

"Thank you for everything."

"Are you going to start crying soon? Do you want to look like a witch when your mascara smudges?" He said smiling.

I gave him a soft kiss on the lips. I couldn't ask for more. All the heartaches I experienced in the past are now gone. The man standing in front of me healed all the pain I had before. "Let's go." I finally said.

The event starts at 7 PM but Colin decided to go there late. He said he just wants to get the award and have a small talk with some people then we will spend our night in a hotel restaurant downtown. We arrived in the hall before 8 PM and as expected, the program already started. We were ushered inside by one staff and were seated in a round table from the stage. The staff wanted us to sit in front since seats were reserved for Colin in there but we insisted to stay at the back since we don't want to attract attention and we might disturb others who are watching some performances. There were 6 people who were already seated on the table. They smiled widely when they recognized Colin but I could see them looking at me from head to foot. Since it was a bit noisy, they were only able to exchange handshakes.

We were given red wine by the staff and asked us if we want more. This place is nothing compared to the ones I saw in Korean dramas. The place is filled with elegance and most people present look scary. There are some familiar faces for me since I have seen some of them on TV.

Colin didn't let go of my hand the whole time. He looks at me from time to time, reassuring that everything will be alright. I would never feel comfortable in such a place. I drank the wine in front of me, bottoms up.

The performance on the stage ended. The lights were turned on and an emcee appeared on the stage.

"Now, we will proceed to the most important part of this program, and that is the presentation of the top ten figures in the business industry. As you all know, we choose the top 10 business figures every year and if you notice, some personalities are chose every single year but it doesn't mean that new businessmen or those who are aspiring to have their own business someday like me would lose hope that we will be chosen someday. Being chosen as one of the top 10 would give a lot of benefits not only to that person but also to the company since it will make the company more famous. This year, the committee decided to change the awarding ceremony a little. In the past, the awardees would come up the stage by themselves, but this time, they have to come up here and get their awards with their partners, be it your spouse, your business partner or your boyfriend or girlfriend if you're still legally single. You have to come here with someone since we think that being successful can't be achieved alone. We believe that the person you are bringing here on the stage is someone who motivated you to be who you are and to where you are now. That means, we are not only acknowledging your success as a business person but also the person who inspired you. And for start let's call our first awardee, Mr. Graham Porter."

A loud sound of applause can be heard from the audience. An old man in a grey suit come up the stage with a woman beside her whom I believe is his wife.

"Are you okay? Your hand is too cold and sweating." Colin whispered in my ear.

"Sorry. I feel so nervous. I don't think I can walk straight if I have to go on the stage with you."

"Do you want me to carry you?" He said teasing. I look at him, looking more worried. "Haha! Don't worry. I won't let go of your hand. Just smile, okay?"

The names were called one by one and each time a name is called, a pair of people or sometimes three people come up the stage. One awardee brought his wife and his son on the stage which people found very sweet.

"The sixth name on our list is Mr. Geoff Park from Liberty Group!" Geoff can be seen going up the stage with a woman who looks very elegant. The woman is no other than Erica. They are holding hands and look very sweet to each other. Geoff even helped her go up the stairs by holding her waist so she won't stumble.

"This is the first time he brought her in the event. I remember seeing him alone every year since he became the president of Liberty Group. Anyway, that was not long time ago. I remember he was the youngest in here when he first attended. And I was the second youngest of course." Colin explained. I couldn't help but smile to what he said. I know he was trying his best to make me smile.

The emcee already called the 9th awardee. The stage is now becoming crowded. I can feel my hand now soaked with sweat. Colin looks very calm. He never let go of my hand although I tried to wipe it with table napkin from time to time.

"And finally, our 10th awardee. Our final awardee is indeed one of the respectable man in the business world that's why he is chosen year after year. This is his 8th consecutive year as one of the top 10 business man in the country. Let's now call the president of JBC Entertainment, Mr. Colin Andrews."

There was again a loud sound of applause from the audience. Colin got up and looked at me. I was frozen for a moment but I managed to get up myself. I have to do my best to show that I am happy and proud for Colin. All eyes were looking at us while we walk towards the stage. I could hear some murmurs from the crowd but I already expected it. I fixed a smile on my face while grabbing Colin's arm. When we reached the stairs, he held my dress so I could see my steps. I had a short glance at Erica who is now looking so furious looking at us. Geoff also lost the smile on his face and is now looking puzzled.

Colin got the award with one hand while the other is still holding my hand. Unlike the other awardees, he gave the award to me and whispered in my ear. "This is for you. You're the reason why I could come up here today. Thank you." I felt the sincerity from his words. I got the award and like the other awardees, went back a little. Everyone in the hall was surprised when Erica started going down from the stage looking very mad.