What a Coincidence

Chen Mu rushed out of his condo when he noticed the time was already 11 A.M. He had to run a few errands before meeting Lily for dinner tonight. Obviously, he would not let anything interrupt tonight's dinner since she finally had a free time to meet and talk to him about how to confess to Susu. Therefore, he had to resolve a few annoying company problems to have a smooth dinner.

Time flew by fast when a person has a busy work day. Chen Mu managed to quickly and efficiently settle the company problems within the few hours time frame before heading to dinner. On the other hand, Lily reached Grandoise restaurant at 6 P.M. sharp. She entered while taking off her sunglasses, "I have a reservation for two at 6 P.M. My friend will be here in ten minutes. Can you bring me to my table?"

After confirming her reservation, the waiter politely guided her to the reserved seats. Soon after, Chen Mu arrived while panting heavily as if he had ran ten blocks nonstop. "I'm sorry for being late. There was traffic and and.."

"Alrighty, I'm not your boss so you don't have to explain to me why you're late. I know you're a busy man. Sit down and settle yourself first." She poured some tea into an empty tea cup and passed it to him.

After a few minutes later, his breathing went back to normal and he said, "I'm good now. Let's begin."

She clapped her hands and smiled, "Good!! Now~ Before we continue, do you love her?"

"Yes." he nodded.

She took a deep breath, "Do you have confidence in yourself in winning her over? What if Tian Yuo decides to chase after Susu in the future?"

"That...then I will let her decide who she wants to be with." He responded with a slight hesitation.

Her fist slams onto the table slightly, "Wrong! If you love her then stop acting like a pussy, always hiding behind the rock that Patrick lives under. You need to take action! Initiate action!"


"Come on! Spongebob's best friend that starfish buddy! Anywhooo, I've noticed exploding fireworks sparks between you two, but nobody made the damn moves. Knowing Susu, she would never be the first to make that move! And know you.. well, you're a whole new special case, son. Let this sis teach you how to woo a woman, especially my goddess Susu."

She took out a pen and a notepad where she had circled all over the page with ways to strike down Tian Yuo the next time that she sees him and a few holes stabbed under the heel tapping toes category. She flipped it to a clean page and started writing," Okay, so we need some handmade roses because Susu is allergic to flower pollen, but loves nature. We need her favorite chocolate, wine and sweets to make her sway. Ohhh, ohhh"


"What?! Don't tell me you aren't in love with her and that type of bull crap because I will tie you to fireworks and send you to the moon with the pretty sparkly stars in the starry night sky just for Susu to enjoy!" She was overly excited that she hated being interrupted.

"Actually, Susu did make a move. We've already kissed." he broke it out to her that they've made some progress since the last time they had seen Lily.

"What?! Kissed?! Who kissed whom? You to her or her to you or both together?! How come nobody tells me the juicy news nowadays? Come on! Spill some beans for this grandmother who expected a future for you two children to the point where my hair turned gray!"

"Well.. we were watching a horror movie and... it was dark. She got scared and jumped onto me. Then she kissed me and I kissed her back..." He felt kind of embarrassed telling her how they kissed that night, but couldn't reject Lily after hearing her excitement.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!!!! My goddess made a winning move on you!!! That's my sweetheart!! Dominant, yet a blossoming flower! Haha~!"

As Lily's voice heightened, Chen Mu heard a familiar voice next door. After a tiny peek, he froze and immediately covered Lily's mouth. "Shhhh."

"W..wsfbdhs?" She tried protesting with her mouth still covered. He removed his hand and whispered, "Susu is in the next room. We're separated by the Japanese screen divider panels."

"Wat? Waht a coincidence?! In that case, then you're safe.. FOR NOW." She smiled as she slipped her note pad back into her purse and pretended that nothing had happened.

In fact, Chen Mu didn't set it up. He didn't even know that Susu was meeting her family here for dinner tonight.

- On the other side of the room divider -

-5 minutes ago -

In the order from left to right sat Liang Yu Qing, Yin Zin Leung, Tian Yuo, and Karen. Karen placed her new handbag on the empty seat next to her since Susu was nowhere to be seen and they've already ordered the dishes for dinner.

"Daddy, don't wait anymore. Sis wouldn't come today. She hates seeing me." Karen put up the good daughter act as she poured tea for Zin Leung. Right after the last drop of tea landed in his cup, one of the waiter's lead Susu to her table.

Susu's entrance left everyone stunned and attracted to her. The light makeup, natural wavy hair, light steps, and white dress caught everyone's attention. Tian Yuo was the most intrigued in the change of fashion style. He had never seen her wear a dress like this before and his heart began to beat uncontrollably.

Karen noticed Tian Yuo's behavior and cleared her throat, "Sis, you're here! Hurry, we've already ordered everything. How come you're so late?" She took her new handbag off Susu's seat and waved it in her face with a smirk that only Susu could see.

With the same indifferent expression, Susu's soft voice made it difficult for Zin Leung to get angry at her, "Sorry I'm late. There was a lot of traffic." She ignored Karen's waving victory as she took her seat and unwrinkled her dress. Every move she made was elegant and natural. She didn't seem to mind Tian Yuo and Karen sitting next to each other, which made Zin Leung's worries go away.

"It's alright. Tonight is to celebrate yours and Karen's birthday!" Zin Leung laughed heartily seeing how harmonious the family has gathered for the dinner. Tian Yuo took the initiative and grabbed the red wine to pour it into Susu's empty glass.

Since she was taking medication, alcohol is something she must avoid. She was never a drinker to begin with, so she did not plan on drinking for tonight. Also, ever since the incident from a year ago, she has learned her lesson, so she wouldn't have drank the wine even if it was in front of her.

Her palm raised and stopped him from lowering the wine in her glass, "It's alright. Tea is fine. I don't drink."

"Oh...okay. Then, here's some tea." He wiped the unused tea cup carefully before pouring tea into it and handing it to Susu.

"Thanks." She nodded and took the tea cup from his hands. When their pinkies accidentally brushed against each other, Tian Yuo's heart rate sped up and a smile appeared on his face.

Karen's plaster smile froze when she saw Tian Yuo's actions and heard Susu's response, 'Brother Yuo is pouring you wine, yet you reject him?! I've been waiting all night, and he hadn't even poured me tea! I even pushed my empty glass to him, and he didn't get the hint!'