

A thick and rich nauseating scent filled the room as the branding iron with smoke evaporating in the air pressed against the assassin's bare flesh. The excruciating pain was too heavy and cruel for him to endure that his voice whimpered like a newborn puppy. Tears squeezed out of his tightly squinted eyes as his sweat reflected on his bloody, topless eight pack.

The guard didn't blink once when he removed the branding iron slowly from the injured body. Zhi Hei stood by the door with his arms crossed, "Well? Want to talk yet?"

The assassin bit his lips and refused to mutter a word out. His lips tilted up, forming a smirk. The smell of burnt rotten meat polluted the air in the room as the branding iron was placed back into the fire.

"You have an impressive high tolerance against pain, but your brain is much slower than I had expected. Pretty understandable since you are one of the top assassins in the underground market. I already know that Li Teng was the one who persuaded your client to look for you to do the dirty business. So, why don't you spit out what I want to know?"

Zhi Hei didn't bother wasting a second of his time since Shi Xue had recently awakened and had lost her memories. Even though he had maids in the house, he'd rather be the one taking care of her. His mood has been pretty great lately because she became more comfortable around him.

Actually, he purposely snuck out of the house after she had drunk the awful herb fragrance medicine that Chen Mu had prescribed. As much as he wished to fasten up this torturing process, he didn't want to let the assassin off easily. Thinking about how severe Shi Xue's injuries were when he had found her made him extremely infuriated.

The assassin showed an ugly mocking grin before spitting towards Zhi Hei's direction. "Kill me. I won't tell you anything you want to know, but I had a lot of fun beating that Shi girl up. Tsk, Tsk, she must have never been beaten black and blue before. I only had to swing the metal bat a few times to make her jump from her spot."

Hearing his disgusting voice describe how he punched, kicked and tossed her into the ocean to feed hungry fishes heightened the murderous atmosphere in the room. The temperature remained the same, if not, even warmer because of the burning fire. Though the room was warm, the guard felt shivers from behind and didn't dare to make eye contact with Zhi Hei.

Those who works or worked for Zhi Hei would know that once angered, he could have the most gruesome ways in torturing the target. Once, somebody aimed to harm his family members. Before that person raises his arm with the knife in his possession, his balls were stabbed by a flying pair of chopsticks that Zhi Hei was using.

That man was then dragged to the dungeon where he was tortured for ten days before he died. Now, this assassin challenged Zhi Hei's patience. The guard gulped loud enough for himself to hear and slowly moved aside.

"From the way you described it, you seem quite proud. So how many times have you injured her before tossing her to the waters?" The calmer he reacted, the more chills the guard received. 'Doomed! The boss is very angry this time!' He wished that he could shut his eyes, but a part of his job was to witness the unique ways in killing enemies to make them die in regret.

"Hah! Twenty-seven? I lost count. Possibly more." The assassin showed his yellow gooey teeth and laughed.

"Oh.. is that so?" Zhi Hei held the branding iron in his hand and pressed it right on the assassin's crotch area.


This time, the assassin couldn't hold back his voice and screamed in pain. He thought that Zhi Hei would never kill him as long as he didn't give him the information that he had asked for. Unfortunately, his mindset was wrong.

Zhi Hei tossed the branding iron away and sanitized his hands. Then, he threw a pair of new gloves towards the guard and instructed, "Heat up the oil and pour it down his crotch. It's a valuable lesson. I'll be back."

If it weren't for the vibration coming from his cellphone, he wouldn't stop midway. The guard nodded as he watched Zhi Hei walk away with his phone against his ear.

"Chen Mu, what is it?" Other than his family and Shi Xue, Chen Mu was the only one who could make him stop what he's working on to see what he needs.

"I need a favor from you, but I can't speak much about what is going on." From his tone, Zhi Hei could tell that this situation is serious. Without a second thought, he replied, "go on."

"Long story short, Susu and her family needs a secretive place to stay for a while. I'm not sure how long they need to stay hidden, but-"

"No problem. I'll send you the address for one of the private properties with the highest level security. I'll have it cleaned by the afternoon." While speaking to him, Zhi Hei sent a text to Shen Qi about cleaning the private property and making several copies of the keys. After everything was set, he messages Chen Mu the address of the place.

"Thanks. I got your text. Appreciate it." Chen Mu would have used one of Chen family's properties, but he weighed the risks of getting discovered between using his own place versus a trustworthy friend's place and decided that his properties were not the safest.

Therefore, he chose to play it safe than be sorry later.

"Don't stress it. Let me know if you need anything else. I haven't thanked you for saving Shi Xue and moving back and forth, despite your heavy schedule. I'm glad to help." Zhi Hei smiled over the call when he heard a sigh of relief from Chen Mu's side.

The call ended, but the assassin's adventurous journey to death had not ended yet. It was only the beginning. As Zhi Hei walked past a few cells, he glanced at Tian Guo Min's horrified expression for two seconds before heading back to where the petrifying cries were coming from. His fingers slowly clenched into a fist, 'you're next.'