Alubarna Capital

A little more than three months flew by in a blink on an eye. In this time, my infamy kept spreading throughout the ranks of Baroque Works.

Everyone who witnessed my strength and ruthlessness against pirates would spread the word. The weak would avoid me like they would the plague, while the ambitious began to strive to reach my heights.

Even someone like "The Killer" Dan Bonez, officially recognized as No. 2, admitted to there being a large gap between us.

In the meantime, the situation in the kingdom of Alabasta kept worsening by the day. Through another one of Crocodile's nefarious scheme, large quantities of dance powder were discovered at the Alubarna capital.

This led to heavy suspicion from the populace and the formation of an armed rebellion that was now receiving support from many towns and villages including Yuba.

The day for 'Operation Utopia' was now less than three years away…

At Rain Dinners office, Nico Robin and I were attending a meeting with Crocodile.

Presently, Crocodile was going over some key details on his plans in Alabasta.

"So, our main goal for now would be to influence both the rebel and the royal army. You two have anything to add?"

I took a large yawn and stretched my arms wide.

"Your plan's stupid."

Hearing my words, Crocodile bit his cigarette into half, while a giggle escaped Robin's mouth.

"Watch yourselves! You two are still replaceable… And what do you mean, Magnus?"

Crocodile stared at me with a threatening glare.

I got up slowly from the couch and -Step-Step- began to take strides towards Crocodile.

"Your plan's so needlessly long and complicated… Let's just kill our way through the royal palace, today itself…. Simple!"

A menacing aura began to escape my body. Gravity also seemed to be getting much heavier near me.


The gigantic beast, Banana Gator, sensed this and rushed to hide in the corner of the room, whimpering on the way there. Animals have a keen sense to avoid danger and fear is one way that this survival instinct presents itself.

Crocodile, on the other hand, just ignored the pressure my body was emitting and said, "Don't be impulsive… If that's it, you two can now leave. Godspeed…"

"Yes, Sir Crocodile."

From the start, I knew there was no way my plan would even be considered. Crocodile was too worried about taking over Alabasta and maintaining his Shichibukai status.

I just wanted to test Crocodile's current attitude towards me… And he still seemed to be tolerating these minor instances where I speak out of line.

Next, I headed towards my quarters. It was time to pack and head to the capital for my next mission.


While I was packing my luggage for the trip, Nico Robin opened the door to my room.

With a coy smile on her face, she walked up to me.

"Still living ever so freely and dangerously eh… Gotto say, I think I'm going to miss you in the coming months."

"Nico Robin…" I pushed my hand out and grabbed Robin's hand, making her stumble a little in surprise. Then, I looked her in the eye and continued, "You're the most compassionate and nice person I know… You don't belong in this organization, you know."

I let go of her hand and returned to packing my luggage.

Nico Robin understood the meaning of my words and just smiled shakily.

She knew that I had witnessed her secretly spare a few enemies of Baroque Works in the past few months on multiple occasions. Yet I had done nothing to report this act of weakness to Crocodile.

"We all have our mission here… You too I'm guessing."

Nico Robin came closer to me for a second before sighing deeply and then leaving the room.

While I thought her compassion was her weakness, and she didn't appreciate my ruthlessness too much similary, we both had still developed a bond during our missions.

Too bad that the next we meet; our attitudes may be different towards each other if things go according to my plan…


The very next morning, I had arrived at the capital city of Alabasta, Alubarna.

It was a city built on a plateau near an oasis, and there were four long flights of stairs that acted as the only entrances. Directly outside was a group of ruins where the Tomb of the Kings was supposedly located.

It was a beautiful city that contained the Alubarna Palace where the royal family and their servants lived.

Aluburna was also one of the few cities with ample water supplies because Crocodile didn't target it and caused draughts everywhere else on the map of Alabasta.

His schemes were truly nefarious but cunning I would say…

In some time, I had walked up to a large military barrack in the centre of the city, near the royal palace.

"All new recruits, please stand up line and wait for registration!"

There was a huge line of recruits, mostly 16-18 year olds, consisting of about a hundred people from all over Alabasta. They were here to sign up for the royal army just like me.

Even though the line seemed big, it was still much smaller than what it used to be during Alabasta's golden days.

The youth of today would rather think about joining the rebel army than the royal army with the current atmosphere of Alabasta.

Soon a recruiter went through a few people, until he got to me. With a blank look on his face, he asked, "Your name and your age?"

"My name's Magnus! My age is 16!"

"Huh, you look older though… Whatever, go to the field along with the rest of the recruits."

I nodded sternly and followed the rest of the recruits to a large field.

My main mission here was to plant myself in a suitable position to gather intel.

I was very suitable for the job due to my young age, and the fact I was very strong but not yet famous as a bounty hunter like the rest of the Baroque Works agents.

"My name's Hoza, and I'm one of the royal army's instructor… To be recruited into the royal army, all you have to do is pick a rock from that area and carry it all the way back here under five minutes…Your time starts now!"

One of the members of the royal army, dressed in war pants, pointed to the distance. There were rocks kept over there of similar shapes and sizes.


Each of the recruits dashed to pick one of the rocks to complete the mission. The rocks were a little less than a 100 kg, which was still an immense weight for the beginners over here.

Some couldn't lift the rock up no matter how much they struggled, while some carried it with just a few beads of sweat.

In contrast to everyone else, I carried this feather like weight with a smooth forehead, as though I was taking a stroll in the park.

"Okay, time's up! Those who failed can try next year… Others, please line up once more for registration!" Hoza yelled, his voice stern and undebatable.

No one was given a chance to argue his results.

"Hahaha! I can't wait to tell my results to my wife back home!"

"No!! B… But I was only one minute late!!

"Ahh! I failed again…"

A few gasps and cries of victory or defeat escaped the mouths of recruits.

Soon we were being lined up once again, as Hoza began instructing us on what's expected of us. He went through some of the training we will follow in the coming months along with how we're supposed to behave.

"That would be all for today…! But before you all leave, I want to show you that just being recruited doesn't mean that you're a warrior yet… You all have a long way to go!"

Suddenly, a confident grin formed on Hoza's face as he pumped his fists together and pointed towards one of the recruits.

Wait, that person was me…

"You, there! You may have carried that rock very arrogantly with ease. However, you have no idea what true hell training you'll face in this camp… Come here and spar with me, lad! I'll show what metal us warriors are made of."

At his words, a wry smile formed on my face. How did he manage to pick only me up with all these people present here?

"I… I saw him! He carried that rock like it was paper…"

"Haha! But he's now going to get it for being so arrogant!"

While the rest of the recruits had their eyes flashing in anticipation, I sighed bitterly and thought, 'My rise to the top of the rankings is going to be too simple…'