First Day/It's Real!

A/N : I have made a new series The World Of Pokémon 3.0 so read this at your own risk as there is no end. I haven't touched this in 2 years. (6/4/2022)

--First POV--

Today was the day!

The day that I finally get to play Pokemon VR!

I had looked for the pirated version because I was very stingy with my money. I knew of the risks, but I caved in after seeing a friend of mine have so much fun.

The download took about five hours with my terrible internet, but finally, the icon was on my computer waiting to be clicked!

"This is going to be so awesome! I hope... And if I really like this, then I'll pay for it legitimately! Maybe.." I said while taking a sip from my water bottle.

"Alright, now it says it's best to lay down during this." I placed my water bottle down on the computer desk and started to hook up my VR headset to the computer.

The task only took a couple of minutes, and soon I was laying down on my bed with the VR headset on my face. The virtual screen of my computer appeared, and I quickly clicked on the game icon with the VR controller.

"Please work..." I muttered as the virtual screen goes dark. A soft tune using a flute would play in the background while the display shows the makers of the game. "Yes! come on!'

The screen goes dark once again just before it changed into a bright screen filled with vivid colors. The soft tune became louder with added trumpets and drums while the words " Pokemon VR" appeared in the middle of the screen.

"Haha! Wow! " I shouted while seeing familiar pokemon run or fly across the screen in a forest setting until one of them stopped, a Pikachu. "Of course it would. It's their mascot."

[Pika?] The Pikachu curiously looked at me, stepping forward just as the menu for the game popped up. "Alright!" I instantly clicked start with the controller, and nothing happened.

"Aww! Come on! You got to be kidding me! You can't let me see all of this and not let me play!" I aggressively started to click the start button, but still, nothing would happen.

"Shit! Don't do this! Shit! SHIT!"


"An error has been found. Authorization of product has failed." I read from the pop-up screen that appeared. "Fuck! I knew it was too good to be true..."

The makers of the game prided themselves with keeping illegal players out of the game, and I just fooled myself thinking I could get through. I groaned in disappointment, closing my eyes as I silently laid in my bed. "Well... There goes my night..."

[Pika? Pikachu?]

"Damn it now, and it's mocking me... Stupid mouse."


I screamed as I suddenly felt a violent shock of electricity attack my body, forcing me to stand up.

"WHAT THE FU-" I glared at the yellow mouse pokemon known as Pikachu with the full intention of beating it up, but then it hit me.

The realization of what happened and the Pikachu hitting me in the gut with a fierce Tackle.

"Guh! " I was sent flying across the forest ground, gripping my stomach in pain. "A-am in the game?.."



{Lvl 1 has been achieved}

Stats all raise by 1*

Pokeball x 5 acquired*

Potion x 2 acquired *

1,000 Pokedollars acquired *

Note: Error Pokedex not found. Unable to access the menu.


"A computer voice?... I am in the game... This pain... It's real!!" I shouted, locking my eyes on the Pikachu that looked like it was charging for another Thundershock. I quickly got up as if the recent pain didn't affect me and moved out of the way of the incoming attack.

The attack barely missed me as I started to run through the unknown forest, dodging the various trees and small pokemon roaming in the woodland. "How am I so athletic?" I thought out loud after noticing how fast I could move, and I was barely out of breath.

[Pikachuuuuu!] However, the Pikachu was even faster than me and quickly caught up with me while using a Quick Attack.

"How am I here?! All I did was download a pirated version!-" I said right before I was hit by the Pikachu's attack, sending me flying into a forest clearing.

"Bleh!" I spat as I got a taste of leaves before falling into a roll, and I rolled across the clearing. Oddly the attack didn't hurt as much as the tackle. "The cute mascot of Pokemon is this aggressive?! I just called it stupid!"

"Here, use this boy!" An aged but oddly familiar voice said as I heard something zoom through the air with a swish. I turned to look and immediately saw a Pokeball flying straight at me.

"W-wait!" I closed my eyes, preparing myself to get hit, but luckily it never happened as I caught the Pokeball with my hand!

"I-I caught it! Hahaha!" I instantly became excited at the feat and jumped around like a kid.

"What are you doing?! Use it already!" The aged voice said again with worry.

"That voice..." I looked in the direction of the voice, and immediately the words, "Welcome to the world of Pokemon!" entered my head.

"My name is Oak... " I muttered softly as I stared at the old man with oddly spiked brown-grayish hair. He was wearing his signature lab coat and red dress shirt that was tucked nicely into his khaki pants.

Professor Oak!!!

"Throw the ball at the Pikachu!" Professor Oak shouted, snapping me out of my daydream.

" Oh!-"

[Pikachuu!] Pikachu seemed to get even angrier as it saw me still moving around and charged more electricity in its cheeks.

"Hurry, it's going to use Thunderbolt!" Professor Oak shouted again as he started to regret his decision.

I glanced at the Pokeball with a lightning symbol on it before locking eyes with Pikachu, "Here goes nothing!" I throw the ball with great accuracy despite never being able to throw straight in my entire life. The Pokeball flew straight at Pikachu's head right before it opened, releasing a red light that absorbed Pikachu into it.


"Hah! Bullseye!" The Pokeball immediately closed, locking the Pikachu inside before wiggling side to side on the grass.

Seconds later, I hear the satisfying sound of a successful capture. "Yes! I did it! Wooo!" I became ecstatic as I ran towards the Pokeball, picking it up off the ground.

I held the Pokeball high in the air, "I caught a-" Everything quickly became dark as I fell backward onto the ground.

I blacked out.

--First POV end--

A young boy that looked to be around 15 was sound asleep in a bed until an explosion awakened him.

"Ahh!" He screamed, jumping out of bed like a spring before crashing onto the hardwood floor. "Ow... What a strange dream... Wait, this isn't my room?" He slowly stood up and looked around the room, seeing nothing that resembled his room.

The young boy quickly began to panic until he saw a mirror hanging on the wall to the left of him. "What the! And that's not me!!" He shouted while pointing at his reflection. The reflection showed a handsome boy with long spiky red hair, light peach skin, and yellow eyes that resembled the sun.


"Oh, it's a Bulbasaur..." His eyes started to widen as he stared and pointed at the green pokemon with a huge seed on its back. "AAAAAAAAH! "

[Bulba?] Bulbasaur looked confused as it watched the screaming boy for a moment before covering his mouth with the vines that extended out of the seed.

"Mmmpphh!" The boy panicked, grabbing hold of the vine, and tried to move it. However, it was surprisingly tough as it didn't budge an inch.

[Bulbasaur..] Bulbasaur rolled its eyes before it slowly moved them to pat the young, boys head as if to calm him.

"Ah..." The boy fell backward, his head dangerously close to a desk.

[Bulbasaur!] Bulbasaur's vines instantly wrapped around the young boy's waist, moving him out of harm's way and gently letting him down on the floor


[Bulba...] Bulbasaur let out a sigh of relief and wiped away the imaginary sweat with one of its vines.

"Thank you... Sorry, I'm alright now, Bulbasaur." He said with a warm smile, scratching his head with embarrassment. "I just can't believe that I am here... The world of Pokemon, huh?"

"But why?..."