Twelfth Day/Evolution pt.1

"It's hatching now?! Damn it! Let go of me!" Eric shouted at the top of his lungs as he was genuinely getting annoyed by the girl.

"F-Fine..." Daisy slowly let's go of Eric's leg as she looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

Eric sighed at the display of the woman as he couldn't deny that she was cute, but he wasn't here to date girls. He was here to catch and battle with Pokemon!

What? Do you think he's some pure guy?

No comment...

Eric quickly places the egg incubator on the floor, and carefully takes out the egg to watch it hatch.

"I wonder what's it going to be?" Lily said, sitting down close to watch the egg.

"If it's not a water Pokemon, then I don't care," Violet said.

Suddenly, the egg started to show signs of breaking. The cracking sounds made from the egg were oddly pleasing to the ear, and then in a matter of seconds, it happened.

The egg cracked opened!

And out of it was a small orange lizard whose tail was a set ablaze as soon as it hatched from the egg. [Charmander!] It shouted happily.

"And it's not a water Pokemon. So that means I don't care." Violet rolled her eyes while walking away as they still needed to get ready for their show.

"Aw, cute! It's a Charmander! You don't see too many of those around." Lily said with a massive grin on her face as she picked the small Charmander up to get a better look at it.

[...Char? Chaaar!!] Charmander was surprised by the woman and immediately used Ember on Lily's face.

"Noooo! My Hair!!" Lily screamed, dropping Charmander on the floor as she dashed to the living area of the gym. The pain of being burned was nothing to the pain of having messed up hair in her book.

"Hey Charmander~ Why don't you come over to me." Daisy smiled, motioning Charmander with her hands. 'If I get him to like me then Eric~ Hehehe~.' She thought as she creepily smiled.

[Char!... Charmander!] Charmander slowly stepped back from Daisy and hid behind Eric's leg. Its instincts were telling it to stay away from the blonde girl!

Eric smiled and swiftly picked Charmander up, being careful not to touch its tail. "Hey, little guy. It's alright." He soothingly said as he gazed at it.

[Char... Charmander~] Charmander looked back into Eric's eyes, and almost immediately, there seemed to be a connection. It quickly rubbed its head against Eric's cheek as it wanted some form of affection.

"Aw...Hahaha." Eric chuckled as he stroked Charmander's head. "Hmm, that's weird?" He noticed that Charmander had red markings all over its body like stripes, and even its face showed such a marking.

"Hey, Charmander, would you like to travel with me? It will be tons of fun right, Pikachu?" Eric turned to Pikachu for confirmation.

[Pika!~] Pikachu smiled as it nodded its head.

[Char?....Char. Charmander!] Charmander didn't quite know what Eric meant, but it knew that it didn't want to part with him. It quickly nodded its head to agree and lovingly licked Eric's cheek.

'Why am I jealous of a Pokemon?' Daisy sighed as she silently watched. She knew that Eric wasn't looking to date, but her heart wasn't taking no for an answer. 'When did I become so desperate?' She thought as she looked up at the ceiling.

(A/N: Wait, don't look at me!)

"Ew gross! Hahaha!" Eric was full of smiles as he truly liked interacting with Pokemon, it reminded him of the pets in his world, but a million times better. "Alright, here we go." He pulled out his third Pokeball and gently pressed it against Charmander's head to catch it.

The Pokeball only wiggled once in Eric's hand before the sound of a successful capture was heard.

"I caught a!-No, I'm not doing that."

*Ding! 400 gained from catching Unknown Charmander!

*Ding! +1 Luck for catching an unknown Pokemon*

"Wait unknown?" Eric quickly pulls out his Pokedex to look at his menu.


Name: Eric LVL 5 (1240/4640)

Strength - 16

Vitality - 13

Intelligence - 20

Luck - 4

Inventory - (7/15) - Potion x18, Pokeball x48, Blue Clothes Set, Pajama Set, Pokemon Food x80, Food x15, Water Bottle x20 *Updated*

Pokedollars - 40,238

Current Pokemon

1. Pikachu LvL 17

Stats - HP - 51/51

Attack - 31

Special Attack - 53

Defense - 33

Special Defense - 41

Speed - 61

Bond - 65%

2. Pidgey LVL 18

Stats - HP - 62/62

Attack - 41

Special Attack - 35

Defense - 29

Special Defense - 35

Speed - 66

Bond - 79%

3. Charmander LVL 1

Stats-HP - 25/25

Attack - 25

Special Attack - 15

Defense - 10

Special Defense - 10

Speed - 15

Bond - 70%


Eric's eyes immediately widen once he looked at Charmander's stats as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. 'THAT'S LEVEL ONE?!'

Daisy was quiet the entire time Eric was looking at his Pokedex. She thought it was weird as he didn't even turn it on. 'Am I missing something here?'

"Erm... Eric?"

"...What is it?" Eric apathetically said while putting away his Pokedex. He truly wanted to leave already as he wanted to head towards Vermilion City for his third badge.

Daisy bit down on her lower lip before speaking, "Do... You think you could stay a bit longer? Our show-"

"I really need to get going. I can't stay for much longer..." Eric gently said with a sigh. He wondered if he should start wearing a bag over his head.


"...Does this place have a videophone?"Eric asked and would regret it in the future.

"Ye...Yes! Do you want the number?" Daisy hopefully asked.

Eric only nodded his head, and immediately Daisy snatched his Pokedex from his pocket, completely disregarding boundaries. "What the-"


*Cerulean Gym videophone number saved*

The Pokedex said after Daisy fiddled with it a bit before handing it back to Eric.

"Here you go! Make sure you call me when you're at a Pokemon Center... or I'll hunt you down." Daisy smiled while saying that last part underneath her breath.

[Pika?] Pikachu looked strangely at Daisy as even it was getting dangerous vibes from her.

Eric suddenly felt chills similar to what happened back in Pewter City, and he still didn't understand why he had such a feeling. "I'll... make sure to do that.." He said as he grabbed the egg incubator and his Pokedex before bolting out of the gym.

The event of Daisy actually willing to battle someone would only be known to her sisters and him. Her attitude toward battling returned to normal, and it proved to be a problem to a certain boy hours later.

"What do you mean you can't battle?!"

"Well, we don't like battling, and you're not Eric. Oh, Eric, hurry up and call me~" Daisy creepily smiled as she imagined him.

"Brock, Why all of sudden I feel bad for Eric?" Ash said as he looked towards Brock.

Brock only frowned and shook his head.' She's fucking crazy!'


"Phew... Finally, out of that place." Eric sighed as he rode his bike outside of Cerulean City. He wondered where exactly he should go as you could get to Vermillion City from several directions according to the map. "What do you think, Pikachu? Stick to the main road or get lost like Ash did? I remember that there were a lot of different places out there..."

[Pika...Pikachu! ] Pikachu pointed towards a worn path that broke off from the main road and leads through a massive forest that almost rivaled Viridian Forest. The forest wasn't as big, but it still would take two days worth of travel to cross it completely.

"Through there, huh? Well, you decided. Don't go regretting it." Eric smiled and shrugged as he rode down the worn path. "Wonder what I'll get into now."

Several hours later, Eric was deep inside the forest and the sun was beginning to set signaling the end of the day. He battled a few wild Pokemon and some trainers that were out exploring.

*Ding! Total exp gain 750*

*Pikachu's exp raised moderately...*

*Pidgey's exp raised moderately...*

Eric was surprised that Pidgey hasn't evolved as he figured it would at level 18 just like the game, but oddly it showed no signs of it happening.

"I wonder what's keeping it?" Eric thought as he sets up camp in a somewhat opened area. "Come on out, Charmander." He said as he threw out Charmander from its Pokeball.

[Char? Charmander!] Charmander looked around its surroundings as it was its first time being out since it hatched. It quickly spotted Eric and ran over to him with a huge smile on its face.

"Hey there..." Eric crouched down to stroke Charmander's head. "Tomorrow, we are going to train just you. Do you feel like becoming stronger?"

[Charmander!~] Charmander nodded as it flexed its arms. It wanted to become strong for its trainer!

"Great! Hmm..." Eric glanced at the sky for a moment. "How about we get one practice match in before bed. Pikachu, are you up for it?... Nevermind." He figured he would use Pikachu to train Charmander, but Pikachu was already sound asleep in the tent. It was really tired from all the battling, as it was always Eric's first choice.

"Ok...Well, How about Pidgey!" Eric called Pidgey from its Pokeball.

[Cha!] Pidgey screeched, spreading its wings as a faint light surrounded it. It then looked around for its opponent. [Cha?]

"I need your help Pidgey. I want you to fight against Charmander here...Please?" Eric begged as he pointed towards Charmander. Pidgey was an odd pokemon as even though it listened to all of Eric's commands, he still felt distant from it. So Eric felt weird requesting it to train Charmander.

Meeting Pikachu was undoubtedly a unique experience, but meeting Pidgey was even more so as it sought Eric out on its own.

It makes someone wonder if it had an objective...

[Cha? Chaaa!] Pidgey screeched loudly as it didn't want to battle such a weak Pokemon. It wanted to fight strong Pokemon so that it could get even stronger. It must become strong or...

[Chaar! Charmander!!] Charmander started to stomp its feet in anger as it didn't agree with Pidgey, and it wanted to prove itself.

Pidgey simply turned its head, ignoring Charmander's childish outburst. It could smell that Charmander just recently hatched, and it wasn't going to gain anything from it.

"Come on Pidgey don't be like tha-"

[Char...Charmander!!!] Charmander exploded with anger due to it being a baby and used Ember on Pidgey.

[Cha!] Pidgey quickly took the skies and dodged the oncoming attack making it look relatively easy.

[Charmandeeeer!!] Charmander didn't like that its attacked missed and wildly started to use Ember on Pidgey However, the attacks never reached its mark because Pidgey was too far away.

"Hey, calm down, Charmander." Eric dashed over to Charmander, picking up from the ground.

[Charmander!] Charmander squirmed in Eric's grasp as it wasn't finished with Pidgey.

[Cha!] Pidgey landed on a nearby tree and gazed at Charmander as if it was beneath it.

Eric sighed and recalled Pidgey to its Pokeball," Forget it, we'll try again another time."

[Char? Charmander...] Charmander was surprised at the disappearance of Pidgey and looked around for it. However, it was disappointed with the result.

"I suppose being on the same team doesn't automatically make Pokemon friends...Hmm..." Eric said as he stroked the head of the still upset Charmander. "I guess there's no choice, but to do that.."


------------ Next Day.

"That's it! You're looking good out there, you two!" Eric shouted towards Pikachu and Pidgey, who was battling wild Pokemon.

A group of Mankey didn't like that Eric was coming in on their territory and immediately attacked.

"Pikachu! Use Quick Attack! You two, Pidgey!" Eric commanded.

[Pikachapiii!] [Chaa!!] Pidgey and Pikachu both used Quick Attack on two separate Mankeys, knocking them out with one swift move.

The other two Mankeys left standing grew even angrier after watching their comrades being defeated and attacked with more vigor.

[Rrrrgh!] One of the Mankeys used Low Kick on Pikachu, and the other jumped high in the air to use Karate Chop on Pidgey.

"Charmander, come on out!" Eric called Charmander out from its Pokeball.

[Char...Charmander!!] Charmander looked around until it spotted Pidgey and immediately wanted to attack it.

"Woah hold on there," Eric stepped in front of Charmander to stop it. "Dodge it, Pikachu! And Pidgey, you did great come on back!" He said as he called Pidgey back to its Pokeball.

[Cha?] Pidgey was confused as it wasn't tired or injured. It looked back at Charmander, and immediately dodged the red beam the Pokeball!

[Chaa!] It knew what's its trainer was trying to do, and it wasn't going to let someone take credit for its work!

"Pidgey! What are you doing?!" Eric shouted as it was his first time seeing a Pokemon disobey a recall.


[Chaa!] Pidgey took the Karate Chop directly as it was too focused on dodging the recall beam of its Pokeball.

And that was just the beginning of Eric's troubles as a Primeape suddenly appeared and grabbed hold of Pikachu!

[Pika?!] Pikachu was in the middle of dodging before it felt hands clamp down on its body.

[Rrrrrgh!] The Primeape jumped high into the air while holding onto the Pikachu, and performed a Seismic Toss, slamming Pikachu's head into the ground.

"Pikachu!!" Eric couldn't believe something like this would happen as fighting wild Pokemon was always easy.

However now...

Now the boss of the Mankey's made its appearance.

[Rrrrrgh!!] Primeape flexed its muscles and grunted loudly over the now fainted Pikachu.

And it was furious!