Fifteenth Day/ Fourth Pokemon pt.1

"Were you talking about me? A boy with blond-haired asked again. The boy was incredibly short standing around 4ft and possessed a face that made you want to give him candy.

He looked like a kid!

The only thing that made Eric think he was related to Lt.Surge was his choice in clothing, which was a black t-shirt, camo shorts, and a pair of black sneakers. However, even that was a stretch.

Eric couldn't see this kid as a guy like Lt.Surge. " Is this the kid?" He said as he pointed at the boy.

The trainer's face was quickly stroke with fear as he tried to cover Eric's mouth, "W-wait don't say that-"

"What did you call me?" The boy asked with an eerie smile as a vein became visible near his forehead.

Eric moved away from the trainer before he could cover his mouth, "A kid? I don't know your name. Hey, kid, what's your name?." He asked as he was oblivious to what he just did.

"Y-you said it three times... He's going to explode!" The trainer screamed as he dashed out of the Pokemon center.

The boy slowly approached Eric and grabbed hold of his shirt to pull him down. He was always proud of his strength and expected to shock Eric.



" What is it, kid? You need me to crouch down?" Eric asked.

The boy was stunned as Eric didn't move an inch after he pulled down with his full strength. 'Impossible! No one is stronger than me except for Uncle Surge!' He thought as he glared at Eric, and pulled down even more.

"Woah now any more than that, you'll rip my shirt. It's a good thing its made out of good material." Eric said as he removed the boy's hand from his shirt.

The boy was in disbelief as some random pretty boy was stronger than him! "Grr!! Battle me, you sissy!"

"A sissy? Maybe you are related to Lt.Surge. You definitely are rude like him."

"Don't disrespect my uncle! Follow me to the training center and battle me now!"

"Look, kid-"

"It's Finn!" The boy growled.

"Well, Finn, I'm waiting for my pokemon to be healed, so I can't battle you at the moment."

"Whatever! You better show your face at the training center, or I'll knock your teeth out. You got me?!" Finn shouted before storming out the Pokemon Center.

"Jeez, that kid has some issues..."

"You're Pokemon are back and in great health!" Nurse joy said as she placed the tray with Eric's Pokemon on the counter.

"Thank you." Eric grabbed them and placed them on his belt.

"Also, I heard about Finn challenging you to a battle. You really don't have to as Pokemon battles aren't meant to solve personal problems. I could call Officer Jenny to report him. Maybe get rid of that Lt.Surge too...I fucking hate him."

"What was that last part?"

"N-nothing! Have a good day! Next trainer!" Nurse joy shouted and zipped away from counter once she had their Pokemon.

"Well... I feel like he would be too annoying to ignore... So I'll just have to beat him before Lt.Surge." Eric said with confidence before he left the Pokemon Trainer.

"His pokemon are going to be destroyed." A random guy trainer said.

"Yeah, it's too bad, especially since he is handsome. " A random girl trainer.

"Really, you're going to say that in front of me?" The random guy trainer said.

"What? He is handsome?"

"But I'm your boyfriend?"



Eric quickly found the training center after asking around for direction. Once he entered, he could see a crowd forming near one of the battlefields.

Training Centers are massive, reinforced buildings that could typically hold four separate Pokemon battles at once. A trainer simply steps up to one side and waits to be challenged by another. However, no one dared to step up in the very last battlefield in the corner of the building as a famous blonde-haired boy was waiting for someone.

"Where is he?! It shouldn't have taken him that long to find this place!" Finn said as he stomped his feet.

"Boss, I think I see him. He is coming this way." A rough-looking trainer said.

"Finally, you showed up! I thought you chickened out sissy!" Finn shouted with a malicious grin on his face.

"Really? You're gonna keep calling me that?" Eric stepped up to the other side of the battlefield, and immediately the girl trainers started to send waves of praises towards him, which caused the boy trainers to jeer at him.

"Grrrr! Everyone shut up!!" Finn shouted with a voice you wouldn't expect from someone like him. "When I win. I want you to kneel in front of me and apologize for calling me a kid!"

"What? You aren't one?"

"No! I'm 18!! Damn you!"


"D-did you just laugh? AT ME?!"

"No," Eric said with the straightest face he could muster.

Finn wasn't buying the act as he clearly heard it, "You did! I know you did! You're so DEAD! Go! Electabuzz!" He threw out a Pokeball and out came an Electabuzz.

[Electabuuzz!!] A strong-looking Electabuzz shouted as electricity leaked out from all over its body while it pumped its arms in the air. However, something was off about it.

'Has it already battled?' Eric thought.

"Send out your pokemon so I can trash it!"

"Pidgeotto!" Eric said as he threw his Pokeball into the air and out came his Shiny Pidgeotto.

[Pichaaa!!] Pidgeotto screeched before it immediately locked its eyes on Electabuzz. It wanted to prove to its trainer that he didn't make a mistake in forgiving it.

Almost immediately, the crowd started to either laugh or feel sorry for Eric as the matchup for the two was horrible.

"Hahaha! You sent out a bird against my Electabuzz?!" Finn laughed while holding onto his stomach. He couldn't believe the guy was so stupid.

"It's just like a kid to not understand," Eric said with a grin as he started to like teasing this guy.

"Grrr! You! Electabuzz! Use Swift!"

[Electabuzz!] Electabuzz waved its arms forward as groups of stars suddenly appeared and rushed towards Pidgeotto.

"Pidgeotto, you can't dodge it! Counter with Air Slash!"

[Pichaaa!] Pidgeotto immediately sent out an Air Slash to collide with Swift.


The impact caused an explosion, and Pidgeotto simply used its wings to disperse the smoke.

"Pidgeotto, use Quick Attack!"

[Pichaaaa!] Pidgeotto screeched as it sped off towards Electabuzz with a Quick Attack.

"Tch...Electabuzz stand firm and catch it!" Finn commanded.

[Electa...Buzz!!] Electabuzz dug in its heels as it stretched out its arms to catch the speeding Pidgeotto.

"Pidgeotto! Change directions!"

[Pichaaaa!] Pidgeotto sharpened its senses, dodging Electabuzz's grab at the last second and landing Quick Attack on its left side.

[Electabuzz!!?] Electabuzz couldn't believe Pidgeotto made such a tight turn as it was sent flying across the battlefield until it stopped on its back.

"What the!... Electabuzz, get up!"

[Electabuzz!!] Electabuzz was only slightly injured by the attack, but somehow it struggled to get back up.

"Don't be so cocky! I'll finish you one way or the other sissy! Electabuzz use Thunderbolt! I want Pidgeotto on the ground!" Finn said behind his gritted teeth.

[Electabuuzz!!] Electabuzz pressed its arms together in the air, and used Thunderbolt on Pidgeotto!

"Pidgeotto dodge it and use Aerial Ace!" Eric shouted as it was one of the moves he found out Pidgeotto could use. 'I'm sorry for your trainer Electabuzz..'

[Piiichaaaaa!] Pidgeotto flew high into the air and dived down towards Electabuzz with incredible speed as it used Aerial Ace. The attack was so fast that Pidgeotto vanished from the spot where Thunderbolt was supposed to hit it, and reappeared in front of Electabuzz, jabbing its beak against Electabuzz's abdomen.


The impact sent Electabuzz flying through the air until it crashed into a nearby wall with tremendous force.

[Elect..abuzz...] Electabuzz managed to stand up after the attack, but then it fell over fainting on the spot.

"Damn it! How could I lose!" Finn said as he fell to his knees. "This wasn't supposed to happen! I'm supposed to win!! " He shouted while punching the ground.

*Ding! 300 exp for defeating Troubled Pokemon Trainer Finn*

*Pidgeotto's exp raised moderately*

"Good work, Pidgeotto!" Eric recalled Pidgeotto to its Pokeball before walking away.

Finn suddenly stood up and chased after Eric, "Wait! Let me battle you again! Give me a rematch! Or-"

"I don't know why you don't like being called a kid when you still act like one. Why don't you go take your Electabuzz to the Pokemon Center? Weren't you there for a reason?" Eric said as he pushed through the crowd of people.

"Damn it..." Finn gripped his fist so tight to keep himself from crying. He then recalled Electabuzz and rushed towards the Pokemon Center.


"I feel a little hungry now. I wonder where it would be good to eat.." Eric muttered softly as he roamed through Vermillion City. The place was actually really nice if you forgot about Lt.Surge.

Eventually, Eric would come across a food stall where they were grilling skewers. What was on them? He wasn't going to ask as that topic never gets explained in Pokemon


(A/N: Haha)

Eric's mouth was practically watering and he couldn't wait to take a bite. However, he will never know the taste because as soon as he received one it was swiped by someone or something!

"What the?! Hey!" Eric only caught the glimpse of a tail before he started to chase after it.

Why was he chasing after it?

Because you just do Ok!?

"Just wait till I get my hands on you!"