Twenty-fourth day/ Battle at Sea pt.4

Finally, today was the last day Eric was going to be at sea, and he was quite thrilled as he was getting a bit sick of the constant movement of the waves.

"Thankfully, I don't get seasick, but I really do miss land.." Eric sighed as he walked through the ship.

[Pika..] Pikachu nodded its head in agreement.

After yesterday's event, Eric knew that he needed to become stronger even faster as apparently his life was being threatened. However, was it his life or the life of the body he is controlling?

Or was he ever controlling it in the first place?

'...Anyways it has been a while since I battled someone, and I feel a bit itchy... Am I having withdrawal symptoms?' Eric thought, chuckling softly as he decides to visit the captain's quarters and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Sid asked as he opened the door.

"Hey, gramps!" Eric shouted with a grin as he waved hello.

[Pika!] Pikachu also greeted the older man.

Sid immediately scowled at the boy who ruined his bonding time with his granddaughter, "I told you... To call me Sid! What do you want?!"

"I want you to battle me, gramps," Eric teased, ignoring the comment.

Sid was baffled at the request, "...What? Why do you want to battle me?"

"Just battle me, alright! I know you are just a captain of a cruise ship now, but I can tell that you're a pretty strong trainer." Eric said with a knowing smile. 'You pretty much have to be strong to have a Gyrados.'

"Hmm...I don't know why you want to battle, but... I'll happily crush you if that's what you want!" Sid as his lips turned slightly upward. 'Maybe my granddaughter will finally pay attention to me after I defeat this punk!'

"Heh... Let's see you try!"


Eric and Sid quickly made their way to the front deck to battle. The two were ready to battle right away until they were greeted by Melanie.

"...So, you wanted to battle my grandfather now? Are you sure you want to?..." Melanie asked with a slight frown. She knew how powerful her grandfather's Pokemon was, a single Gyrados that has been with him for several years. Melanie knew that Eric wanted to be a Pokemon Master, and losing a few battles is normal. However, for some reason, she didn't want to see him lose.

"Of course, I want to! I want to wipe the floor with his Pokemon! Go, Pidgeotto!" Eric released Pidgeotto from its Pokeball.

[Chaaa!] Pidgeotto screeched as it flew around in the sky, enjoying the bit of freedom until it landed on the railing of the ship.

Sid started to laugh at the sight of Eric's choice, "Hahaha! A Pidgeotto? Against my Gyrados?" He grinned as he released Gyrados onto the sea.

[Roaaar] Gyrados roared towards the sky to announce its arrival and looked towards Pidgeotto as if it knew what its trainer wanted.

"Look! They are about to have a Pokemon battle!"

"Is this some kind of event?"

"That Gyrados is going to trash that, Pidgeotto!"

A group of passengers noticed the two Pokemon and started to crowd around to watch the battle.

Sid smirked at the arrival of an audience, "Looks like we got an audience now too. Can't back down now, boy."

"Heh...I didn't plan on it!" Eric shouted as he glanced at Pidgeotto, and immediately it took off into the air.

"I suppose there is no stopping you two now.." Melanie sighed, shaking her head. "I'll be the referee to make sure that you two don't go too far."


Melanie raised her right hand in the air, "This is a battle between Eric and Captain Sid! A one versus one battle!... Begin!"

"I'm first! Pidgeotto start out with Quick Attack!"

[Chaaa!] Pidgeotto swooped down at an incredible speed with a trail of white light behind as it headed straight towards Gyrados!

"Hmph...Gyrados shoot it down with Hydro Pump!" Sid commanded.

[Roaar!] Gyrados simply stood in place and gathered water from within its body, and released it as a pressurized blast from its mouth towards Pidgeotto.

However, Pidgeotto was too fast and dodged to the side while continuing Quick Attack.


It was a direct hit!

Pidgeotto slammed against on Gyrados's face with considerable force, pushing it back slightly as it roared in pain.

"Tch...Gyrados use Scary Face!"

[Rooooar!] Gyrados quickly shook off the pain and glared at Pidgeotto as its eyes glowed red.

[Cha...a] Pidgeotto immediately feared for its life, but couldn't look away no matter how much it wanted to.

"Pidgeotto! Snap out of it!"

"Too late! Gyrados use Aqua Tail!"

[Rooar!] Gyrados's tail glowed with a blue light as it immediately turned its body and used its tail like a whip.


The attack sent Pidgeotto flying through the air as it screeched in pain.


[Chaa...] Pidgeotto eventually got a hold of itself, but anyone could tell who was on the losing side from the look of it.

"Gyrados, don't let them rest! Use Hydro Pump again!" Sid shouted.

[Roaar!] Gyrados charged up another Hydro Pump and immediately directed it at the weakened Pidgeotto.

"Pidgeotto, use Whirlwind to dodge!"

[Chaa!] Pidgeotto focused on the timing of the Hydro Pump, and flapped its wings vigorously, sending a gust of wind that pushed Hydro Pump off course only slightly as it dodged to the left.

"What?!" Sid couldn't believe that it managed to dodge.

"That's great! Now use Agility, then follow it up with consecutive Air Slashes!"

[Chaa!] Pidgeotto screeched loudly as it drew upon the energy within itself to move even faster. It then used its wings to send wave after wave of Air Slashes towards Gyrados!

"Not so fast! Gyrados use Hurricane!!"

[Roaar!!] Gyrados roared loudly and produced winds strong enough to deflect the Air Slashes.

However, Eric wasn't finished just yet!

"Pidgeotto! use Aerial Ace!"

[Chaaa!] Pidgeotto flew up high in the air before diving back down at incredible speeds, disappearing right before Gyrados's eyes

So fast!


Pidgeotto reappeared in front of Gyrados's face, slamming against it with all the speed and force it could handle, sending Gyrados crashing into the ocean.

"Gyrados!! Get up!"

Eric grinned as he pointed upward, "Pidgeotto fly up high!"

"What? Why is he doing that?!" A random person from the audience shouted.

"Yeah, he could have ended it right there! Maybe.." Another random person said.

Gyrados quickly pulled itself together and stood upright as it glared at Pidgeotto.

[Roooar!!!] Gyrados was angry... No, it was Outraged! Its eyes glowed menacingly red as it started to charge up for a Hyper Beam. However, it seemed way stronger than the one it used the other day.


"Pidgeotto dodge it!"

Sid clenched his fist, "Damn it! You were aiming for this, weren't you?!" He knew that once Gyrados used Outrage, he wouldn't be able to control it until it calmed down. An experienced trainer would fix this problem, but he never addressed it as Gyrados usually finished battles quickly.

[Rooooar!!] Gyrados rapidly fired Hyper Beam in succession, hoping to obliterate Pidgeotto!

But unfortunately, its lack of control made it easy for Pidgeotto to dodge. However, even that was making Pidgeotto tired.

"Hang in there, Pidgeotto! You got this!"

[Chaaa!] Pidgeotto nodded its head and continued to dodge despite it being exhausted.

"Gyrados snap out of it! If you don't stop you'll-"

Gyrados suddenly stopped as Outrage finished its course, and now its energy was almost depleted. Outrage generally overdrafts the user's strength, but it also came with another defect.

[Ro..oar] Gyrados was now confused! It couldn't see anything correctly.

"Pidgeotto nows your chance! Swoop down at your fastest speed and then use Brave Bird!"

[Chaaa!!] Pidgeotto swooped down from the sky with its target locked on. It moved incredibly fast, and Sid could only watch as its body was engulfed with blue flames.

"No! Gyrados! Use Hydro Pump!" Sid commanded, but it was too late.


Pidgeotto collided with Gyrados while using Brave Bird, and created an explosion.

*???? exp gained from defeating Captain Sid!*

*Pidgeotto's exp raised by... Wow! So much! Ding! Pidgeotto leveled up to 27!*

'Question mark?... Maybe it has something do with the system update.' "Anyways, you were awesome, Pidgeotto!" Eric smiled, recalling Pidgeotto back to its Pokeball.

"That was a good match..." Sid said as he recalled his fainted Gyrados back into its Pokeball. 'Damm it! Damn it! Damn it!'

Soon after, people started to crowd around Eric and began to ask him various questions while congratulating him on his victory.

Although some were being a bit too forceful, and they were quickly blocked by Melanie, who dragged him away, leaving Sid all alone as he shed a single tear.


It's been two hours since the battle, and everything has now returned to normal. Eric was sitting down at a table with Melanie as he filled his belly with delicious food.

After testing it first, of course.

"So, you decided where to go on Maxima Island?" Melanie asked.

Eric swallowed his last bite of food before speaking, "No idea... I think I'll just ask the locals where the best place to train. Maybe they'll have a place. What do you think, Pikachu?"

[Pika~] Pikachu wasn't even paying attention as it was too busy patting its full belly while it laid on the floor.

Melanie sighed, rolling her eyes a little with a smile on her face. "I suppose that works too...speaking of the island." She noticed a sizeable island in the distance.

"Hm?" Eric stood up to get a better look at the island, and of course, it is his destination.

Maxima Island!

Eric thought the island was massive already. However, the closer they got, the bigger it appeared to be.

The island was about the size of three Vermilion Cities put together, but from the looks of it, only a fourth of it was used by humans.

(A/N: From the anime. It's pretty large if you take a look at it.)

The rest of it?

It was occupied by a vast jungle and a gigantic mountain about the size of Mt. Moon. However, something was a bit odd about it.

"Why is that mountain glaring at me?" Eric thought out loud.

"Its called Dragon Mountain. My grandfather told me about and apparently its why the people of the island hold festivals... He wasn't entirely sure about the history of it though... It was pretty vague." Melanie said.



Soon after, the cruise ship finally dropped anchor at the dock, and several people made their way off while the rest stayed onboard.

"Well, here we go!" Eric finally made his way off the ship after double-checking that he had everything.

[Pika!] Pikachu shared Eric's excitement and squeaked happily.

"Wait for me!" Melanie shouted from the cruise ship before turning to hug her grandfather. "Bye, grandfather! I hope to see you again soon." She smiled as she kissed his cheek.

Sid giggled like a girl as he held his granddaughter, "Make sure you take care of yourself and call me if anything happens. Maybe get in contact with your parents too, yeah?"

"Yeah...I'll try." Melanie nodded, giving Sid one last squeeze before catching up with Eric.

"You better look after my granddaughter, boy!" Sid shouted.

"Yeah, will do gramps!" Eric smiled, waving goodbye to him.

Sid could only glare and grumble to himself as he continued his duties on the ship.

"So? Where to first?"Melanie asked.

"Explore around a bit what else?"

The two walked towards the city, which was called Maxima City. Hundreds of people could be seen walking the streets as it looked like a festival was happening. Delicious smelling food, colorful stalls, and people having fun were abundant at this time. The central theme seemed to be that of a yellow Chinese dragon from what Eric could see.

"I already like this place," Eric said as the smell of food was making him hungry again. He found himself eating more food then he remembered, but he didn't worry much seeing how nothing terrible came of it.

"Yeah, it's really lively..."Melanie wasn't quite used to big crowds as of yet after being secluded in the forest for several years. She didn't show it, but she was slightly uncomfortable.

Eric and Melanie then strolled through the city, stopping at any stall that was interesting or had food. They were enjoying the time until a large group of people gathered around an unusually large booth. It was quite extravagant, and it even had an area around it to sit down as if it was a restaurant.

"What's going on there?"

A random guy happened to hear Eric and happily explained the situation. "The famous cook Mishal is about to start cooking for everyone! However, you have to get in line now, or you'll never get to taste it!"

"Well, he just said the magic words!"